The Girl-Child and Government Service Provision.pdf - Tanzania ...

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7. What reasons does the family give for this difference?(cost, distance, etc.; list)8. How could access/use of services by girls be increased?(list)9. Can the family members identify any welfare or otherservices for children that they think should be providedlocally that are not available at the moment? (list)10. Is the family aware of any local group or groups responsiblefor the protection and care of vulnerablechildren – children being injured or otherwiseabused? (yes/no)11. Is this group visible within the community and accessibleby children? (yes/no)12. How does the family perceive the differences betweenthe roles of boys and girls, their future prospects andsocial roles? (list)13. How are boys and girls perceived in the community andsociety? Does the family believe that daughters havethe opportunity to achieve as much as sons? (yes/no)14. What does the family think girls can contribute to thefuture of their country? (list)15. Are there any services that the government could providethat would be particularly helpful to girls (such aswater)? (list)16. Do both boys and girls do work in the home? (yes/no)17. If so, how much? (1 hour – 10 hours)18. Do the boys or girls also work outside the home? (yes/no)ChildrenSixty children (aged 12–16). The aim was for gender balancein one group and all-male, all-female in the other twogroups. For interviews (in groups of 10) with children, thesame issues should be raised as with adults but rewordedto relate to the children (see below). Girls should be askedwhy they do not do the same activities (such as school orplaying) as boys. Girls should also be asked if they are awareof any agency responsible for their care and well-beingoutside their family.1. How many children are in the family? (1 – 10)2. Have the children in your family had your births registered?(number and gender)3. Do all the children of school age attend school?(number and gender)4. Have all the children been immunised? (yes/no, numberand gender)5. Do families in your village receive any regular visitsfrom government workers connected with children orany other form of help? (yes/no List)6. Is there is a difference between girls and boys in familiesin the village related to attending school or healthcentres? (yes/no)7. What is the reason for this difference? (cost, distance,etc.; list)8. How could the access/use of services by girls be increased?(list)9. Are there any welfare or other services for childrenthat you think should be provided locally that are notavailable at the moment? (list)10. Are you aware of any local group or groups responsiblefor the protection and care of vulnerable children– children being injured or otherwise abused? (yes/no)11. Is this group visible within the community and accessibleto you? (yes/no)12. How does your family perceive the differences betweenthe roles of boys and girls, their future prospectsand social roles? (list)13. How are boys and girls perceived in the community andsociety? Does your family believe that daughters havethe opportunity to achieve as much as sons? (yes/no)14. What contributions do you think girls can make to thefuture of their country? (list)15. Are there any services that the government could providethat would be particularly helpful to girls (such asaccess to water)? (list)16. Do both boys and girls do work in the home? (yes/no)17. If so, how much?( 1 hour – 10 hours)18. Do the boys or girls also work outside the home? (yes/no)19. Question for girls only: What do you perceive to be themajor barriers to access to services, and what do youthink would be necessary to overcome these obstacles?(list)26 The Girl-Child and Government Service Provision

Local facilities/government services1. Do you record the gender of children attending/visited,and do these figures show any significant disparitybetween numbers of boys and girls accessing theservice?2. Have you observed a disparity that does not existwithin the statistics?3. If a disparity exists between access/use of services bygirls and boys, are you aware of any reasons why thismight be?4. How do you think that access/use by girls could be increased?5. What do you think could be done to help girls if moreresources were available? What problems exist in findingresources for special initiatives to help girls?The Girl-Child and Government Service Provision 27

Local facilities/government services1. Do you record the gender of children attending/visited,<strong>and</strong> do these figures show any significant disparitybetween numbers of boys <strong>and</strong> girls accessing theservice?2. Have you observed a disparity that does not existwithin the statistics?3. If a disparity exists between access/use of services bygirls <strong>and</strong> boys, are you aware of any reasons why thismight be?4. How do you think that access/use by girls could be increased?5. What do you think could be done to help girls if moreresources were available? What problems exist in findingresources for special initiatives to help girls?<strong>The</strong> <strong>Girl</strong>-<strong>Child</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Government</strong> <strong>Service</strong> <strong>Provision</strong> 27

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