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In February 1999 the freeze on new international aid assistancewas lifted, <strong>and</strong> the IMF recommenced loans later thatyear. At the 2000 Consultative Group held in Paris, donorspledged US$548 million over three years. During the preceding18 months the government made progress on reformof the forestry sector <strong>and</strong> illegal logging; public-sectorreform; budget reform, including introduction of a 10per cent VAT; <strong>and</strong> has implemented a programme fordemobilisation. Cambodia was also formally admitted toASEAN in April 1999 <strong>and</strong> the Royal <strong>Government</strong> of Cambodia(RGC) ratified the Mine Ban Treaty in July 1999 afterpassing national l<strong>and</strong>-mine legislation in May. At the recentConsultative Group meeting the government set an ambitiousagenda in the draft Governance Action Plan, whichincludes revision of the role <strong>and</strong> structure of the military,natural resource management, fiscal <strong>and</strong> budget reform,public-sector reform, legal <strong>and</strong> judiciary reform <strong>and</strong> anticorruptioninitiatives. Whilst the government has demonstratedthe ‘political will’ required for some changes, thereis concern that it lacks the political will <strong>and</strong> institutionalcapacity to carry out such an ambitious reform agenda. <strong>The</strong>government has committed itself to promoting democracy,to building civil society <strong>and</strong> to social <strong>and</strong> economic reform.However, the restoration of Cambodia’s damaged physical,social <strong>and</strong> economic infrastructure will be a long process.Economy<strong>The</strong> recent peace <strong>and</strong> stability enjoyed by Cambodia havehad a positive affect on the struggling Cambodianeconomy, 3 following falls in growth in 1997 <strong>and</strong> 1998 (theperiod of the coup <strong>and</strong> the regional financial crisis <strong>and</strong> nationalelections). <strong>The</strong> years 1999 <strong>and</strong> 2000 saw growth ofbetween 4 <strong>and</strong> 4.5 per cent, according to the IMF. Duringthis period the currency remained stable at 3850 riels tothe US dollar, <strong>and</strong> the government increased its revenue to11 per cent of the GDP. <strong>The</strong> GDP in 1999 was US$3.1 billion<strong>and</strong> the GDP US$300 per capita, according to AsianDevelopment Bank (ADB) estimates.Cambodia’s economy historically has been dominated bythe agricultural sector. <strong>The</strong> largest sub-sector is rice, <strong>and</strong>other significant sub-sectors include fisheries, livestock,timber <strong>and</strong> rubber. Agriculture, forestry <strong>and</strong> fisheries accountfor 48 per cent of the GDP <strong>and</strong> approximately 80–85 per cent of employment.<strong>The</strong>re has been significant growth in the industrial <strong>and</strong> servicesectors in recent years. <strong>The</strong> service sector represents40 per cent of the GDP, which has until recently mostlyconsisted of trade, transport <strong>and</strong> real estate, but of whichtourism represents a rapidly growing sub-sector. <strong>The</strong> garmentindustry, food <strong>and</strong> wood processing <strong>and</strong> shoe manufacturingare the major contributors to industrial output,with the garment industry representing 90 per cent ofCambodia’s manufacturing exports <strong>and</strong> 38.8 per cent of allexports. <strong>The</strong> export garment <strong>and</strong> tourism industries aregrowing rapidly <strong>and</strong> are increasingly important sources ofrevenue for Cambodia. <strong>The</strong> value of these industries combinedincreased from US$64 million in 1998 to US$90 millionin 1999.Whilst significant gains have been made in improving ruralinfrastructure in some areas, limited government spendingin rural areas, particularly in irrigation systems, hinders thedevelopment of the agricultural economy. Whilst privateforeign investment is increasing, lack of adequate infrastructure,official corruption, poor application of fiscal policy <strong>and</strong>lack of a skilled labour force will hinder further developmentof the industrial sector.Cambodia will remain dependent on foreign aid for itsshort- <strong>and</strong> medium-term economic growth, as aid contributesmore than 40 per cent to government revenue. However,to achieve long-term economic growth the governmentmust face the challenge of laying the foundations forsound industrial <strong>and</strong> broad-based economy by increasingtaxation revenue; implementing widespread public-sectorreform, including trimming the size of civil services; <strong>and</strong>restoring the human capital of the country.Method<strong>The</strong> study used focus groups when working with childrento gain their collective view on questions, which cover issuesof gender, participation, abuse <strong>and</strong> access. In three differentlocations 30 boys <strong>and</strong> 30 girls, aged 12 to 16, wereselected from two villages (180 children in total). <strong>The</strong> childrenwere surveyed in groups of 10 in each location. Somefocus groups were all male, some all female, <strong>and</strong> there wasone mixed group of five boys <strong>and</strong> five girls in each location.<strong>The</strong> study used semi-structured interviews for householdsurveys with 20 parents from two villages in each of thethree locations (60 parents in total). Interviews were alsoconducted with members of up to five government facilitiesin each location. Within each government facility interviewswere to be conducted not only with the head of the<strong>The</strong> <strong>Girl</strong>-<strong>Child</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Government</strong> <strong>Service</strong> <strong>Provision</strong> 11

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