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Approximately 53 per cent of the population is under theage of 17, which results in a high dependency ratio of 86:1.In the adult population, the majority is women (52per cent), due to the loss of men during the DemocraticKampuchea (DK) period. Women-headed householdsrepresent a quarter of the total (25.7 per cent). Womenare solely responsible for generating income <strong>and</strong> parenting.<strong>The</strong> major social units are the family <strong>and</strong> the village.Ninety per cent of the Cambodian population resides incentral lowl<strong>and</strong> regions, with 84.3 per cent of the populationliving in rural areas. Of the country’s remaining urbanpopulation, 1.2 million reside in the capital of Phnom Penh.<strong>The</strong> population is 95 per cent ethnic Khmer, with the remaining5 per cent mostly Chinese <strong>and</strong> Vietnamese, althoughthere is a significant Cham community <strong>and</strong> othergroups such as Lao, Thai <strong>and</strong> small ethnic minorities inhabitingthe mountainous zones in the north <strong>and</strong> northeast ofthe country. Approximately 95 per cent of the populationfollows <strong>The</strong>ravada Buddhism; the remaining 5 per cent areChristians <strong>and</strong> Muslims.Recent historyFollowing US intervention in the war in South Vietnam, theHo Chi Minh Trail supplying the Vietcong from North Vietnampassed through Cambodia. This led to large scale USbombing of eastern Cambodia, leaving thous<strong>and</strong>s dead,with a corresponding rise of Khmer Rouge insurgentsthroughout rural Cambodia. King Sihanouk was toppledfrom power in 1970 by his defense minister Lon Nol, whoestablished the Khmer Republic, which received large-scaleUS government support until it fell to the Khmer Rouge inApril 1975.During the following four years the infamous Pol Pot ledthe government of Democratic Kampuchea <strong>and</strong> the KhmerRouge in a reign of terror that resulted in social disruption,economic v<strong>and</strong>alism <strong>and</strong> decay <strong>and</strong> substantial loss of humanlives. Most educated people were executed, PhnomPenh was emptied, <strong>and</strong> all Cambodians were forced towork hard in the rice fields <strong>and</strong> large-scale irrigationschemes. One to two million people died from genocide,starvation or disease in a failed attempt to create a selfsufficientagrarian Maoist state. <strong>The</strong> destruction from 1975to 1979 was substantial, <strong>and</strong> the impact of this period onlife in Cambodia is still strong. This period of terror endedwhen, in response to Khmer Rouge insurgency into Vietnameseterritory, the Vietnamese invaded <strong>and</strong> capturedPhnom Penh in January 1979.<strong>The</strong> Vietnamese supported the establishment of thePeoples Republic of Kampuchea under the leadership ofHeng Samrin, <strong>and</strong> the war continued in much of the northeastof Cambodia with the Khmer Rouge–led coalitionbased near the Thai border. All international developmentaid was withheld for more than a decade. When Vietnamesetroops left Cambodia in 1989, the constitution wasrevised with the State of Cambodia (which continued to beled by the Cambodian People’s Party, the CPP, under HunSen) entering negotiations that eventually resulted in theOctober 1991 Paris Peace Accords. <strong>The</strong>se were termed a“comprehensive peace plan” <strong>and</strong> resulted in the UnitedNations’ then-largest-ever mission, with the UN TransitionalAuthority in Cambodia (UNTAC) overseeing disarmament<strong>and</strong> demobilisation (which was not achieved), repatriationof 350,000 refugees from the Thai border <strong>and</strong>democratic elections.<strong>The</strong> 1993 May elections resulted in a coalition government.Simultaneously, a constitutional monarchy was established,<strong>and</strong> King Norodom Sihanouk was made the head of stateof the Kingdom of Cambodia.A major conflict between the two main political parties(the CPP <strong>and</strong> FUNCINPEC) in July 1997 resulted in theousting of the first prime minister, Prince NorodomRanaridd. As a result, the international community froze allnew aid assistance; business investment <strong>and</strong> tourism werealso seriously affected. At the same time both the InternationalMonetary Fund (IMF) <strong>and</strong> the World Bank suspendedtheir programmes in Cambodia for reasons of economicmismanagement. <strong>The</strong> local currency faced serious depreciation,<strong>and</strong> the government was forced to make major budgetcuts, including 20 per cent to the health-<strong>and</strong>-educationbudget.<strong>The</strong> national elections in July 1998 <strong>and</strong> 2003 resulted in thecontinued governance of the coalition government, whichwas now solely headed by Samdech Hun Sen as the primeminister. In 2003 <strong>and</strong> 2004 civil security gradually has beenstabilised with decreasing incidences of robbery <strong>and</strong> kidnappingcases, the results of a ‘disarmament’ campaignlaunched by the government <strong>and</strong> the strengthening of militarypolice forces. Furthermore, the surrender of almost allthe remaining Khmer Rouge guerrillas in December 1998resulted in peace <strong>and</strong> stability for the people of Cambodiafor the first time in more than three decades.10 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Girl</strong>-<strong>Child</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Government</strong> <strong>Service</strong> <strong>Provision</strong>

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