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profilECollaborativeEntrepreneurshipan interview with David Dupony, creator ofThe Founder squadabout David DuponyDavid was born in Paris, France. he claims hehas been a “software geek” since he was 10and dabbled seriously with technology throughhis teen years. When he decided to drop outof graduate school at the age of 20, he hadalready developed the sensiva handwritingrecognition software. armed with little else, hedecided to take his invention to silicon valley tostart a company. Twelve years later, with manymore successful technology companies to hiscredit, he had had his fill of life as he knewit. he sold everything he owned to travel theworld, while helping other entrepreneurs he meton his travels. now, at 35, he has made Taiwanhis home.TExT: ROMA MEHTAIMAGE: COuRTESY OF THE FOunDER SQuADEvery entrepreneur begins with a vision to change the status quo. In today's rapidly shifting environment,change is inevitable and one needs multiple resources coupled with quick and intuitive responses to address newchallenges as they come along. Social entrepreneurs are instruments of change. They have the ability to bringa group of people together under a common vision and achieve together what may be difficult to achieve alone.In turn, each member of this group has the potential to become a change maker, occasionally creating a critical massthat can reach a tipping point where change is created on a much larger scale.Through The Founder Squad, David has re-instituted the idea of sharing resources and experiences in an open formatwhere new collaborations have a platform to flourish and have the potential to be born. David explains how the groupbegan and what it is about.I picked Taiwan as home, based onmy love for its people, without anyidea of what I was going to do here.Upon arriving I continued to meetand help entrepreneurs, so much sothat they would buy me coffee all thetime; I ended up a little too excited atthe end of the day! Another problemwas that I don’t have all the answers.Starting a support group forentrepreneurs was quite an obviousthing to do. Now, instead of onlydiscussing with me, the discussionsinclude many entrepreneurs withvaried knowledge and experience,who help others and get helped atthe same time. It’s all about sharing.When you teach, you learn.The Founder Squad was startedin September 2011 to allowentrepreneurs to formally meet andhelp each other with their mostchallenging situations.What are the criteria for joiningthis group, and what is the format ofthe meetings?Every application is reviewedcarefully. The Founder Squad ismostly concerned with an applicant’sintegrity, courage and passion forchange, not the size of their companyor their field of work.Every one of our members isrunning a company; from the 20year-old Internet geniuses that bringenergy and fresh ideas, to the 50-plusCEOs of publicly traded companieswho bring experience and wisdom.The ratio is about 60% Taiwaneseand 40% foreigners.There were about fifteen peoplewhen we started. Now, five monthslater, there are over a hundred.Each meeting is limited to twentypeople around the table to keep itpersonalized and intimate. Eachmember can attend one meeting amonth. The first meeting is free, andthereafter a monthly membership feeapplies. The meetings are closed and26 march 2012 www.communitycenter.org.tw

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