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Racing against hunger atTaipei European Schooltext: Julien Laneyrieimages: TESOn Friday 4th May from8 am until 12 noon, theTaipei European School(TES) will take part in the15th “Race against Hunger” organizedby the humanitarian charity, Actionagainst Hunger. This is the secondyear TES has participated. Last year’sevent was a great success: thanks to theparticipation of the TES community, weraised more than NT$700,000.For fifteen years now, Action againstHunger has organized an annual“Race against Hunger”. This year,more than 850 schools in France andaround the world are taking part. The“Race against Hunger” provides anopportunity to raise awareness amongchildren about the problem of hunger inthe world, to involve them in a practicalway in an act of solidarity and to showthem it is possible to be committed inhelping, whatever their age or resources.After an awareness meeting, eachstudent will try to find sponsors. Thesponsors promise to make a donationof the sum per kilometer that they wishto pay, multiplied by the number ofkilometers (10 maximum) covered bythe child on Friday 4th May.On the day of the race each studentdoes as well as they can. The “Raceagainst Hunger” is not a competition,but an event to promote solidarity andmutual help.If you are a student’s relative, tomake the race a rousing success, youcan help:. By allowing your children to takepart in this important day and be inpictures and movies,. By encouraging and helping yourchildren to find sponsors,. By helping the school to organizethe race,. By taking care of a stall with food,drinks, or handicrafts, etc., and. By coming and joining the childrenon race day.If you are not a student’s relative butyou want to help, you can:. Give a donation to “Action contrela Faim” or. Tell your friends about the event.Thank you for your involvement inthis project. We are counting on yoursupport to make it really successful.ACTION AGAINST HUNGER –CHARTERAction against Hunger is a nongovernmentalorganization. It isprivate, non-political, without religiousaffiliation, and its aims are charitable.It was established in 1979 in Francewith a mission to combat hunger allaround the world. It aims to savelives by combating hunger, materialsuffering, and reducing the distress ofthose in need.Action against Hunger respects theprinciples of independence; neutrality;non-discrimination; free and directaccess to victims; professionalism andtransparency.For more informationIn English:http://wwwactionagainsthunger.org/http://www.actionagainsthunger.org/raceIn French:http://www.actioncontrelafaim.org/http://www.coursecontrelafaim.org/Af ter g radu ating inSports, Julien Laneyrieh a s b e e n a j u n i o rFrench teacher for 10y e a r s . H e e n jo y e dpracticing his teachingin France, Shanghai and now inthe Taipei European School forthe 2nd year.He likes to organize big sportsevents in order to federate manystudents from different sections.Since last year, he is in charge ofthe Race against Hunger at theTaipei European School.Courses at The <strong>Center</strong>Activity First Meeting Date # of Sessions Instructor Time meet @Tianmu to Yangmingshan and Back: Monday, March 5 1 Richard Saunders 9:00am-12noon Zhong Shan N. Rd., Sec 7A Scenic HikeBus Circle at the OK MartHuashan Cultural Park with Lunch Wednesday, March 14 1 Sally Duh Chu 10:45am-1:30pm Zhongxiao Xinshengat Chingye-Shinleyuan Restaurant mrt Sta. Exit 1Juming Museum thursday, March 22 1 Richard Saunders 8:30am-3:00pm In front of Mr. XmasChinese Calligraphy tuesday, March 6 3 Jennifer Tong 12:15pm- 2:15pm The <strong>Center</strong>Survival Chinese I Wednesday, March 7 14 Gloria Gwo 9:00am- 10:20am The <strong>Center</strong>Survival Chinese II Wednesday, March 7 14 Gloria Gwo 10:30am- 11:50am The <strong>Center</strong>Taiwanese Please Friday, March 9 1 Ivy Chen 10:00am- 12noon The <strong>Center</strong>Aromatic Indian Friday, March 16 1 Sharmila Advani 10:00am- 12noon The <strong>Center</strong>Fondue Party! Friday, March 23 1 Leah Zimmermann 10:00am- 12noon The <strong>Center</strong>www.communitycenter.org.tw march 201213

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