Biology Upper Secondary Teacher Guide - Department of Education

Biology Upper Secondary Teacher Guide - Department of Education

Biology Upper Secondary Teacher Guide - Department of Education


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<strong>Biology</strong>Suggested assessment taskUndertake an excursion to a logged, mined or destroyed area to identifydamage caused and its impacts on the environment.Assessment criteriaStudents will be assessed on the extent to which they can:• make observations• complete questionnaires• record observations• write a report that shows: title; introduction; body (description <strong>of</strong> location,discussion <strong>of</strong> damage and its impact on plants and animals in the area);conclusion (conclusion <strong>of</strong> findings, recommendations for improvement).Marking guide12.1: Undertake excursion to a logged, mined or destroyed area to identifydamage caused and its impacts on the environment20 marksPerformanceCriteriaVery HighAchievement(18–20 marks)High Achievement(14–17 marks)SatisfactoryAchievement(10–13marks)LowAchievement(0–9 marks)Appropriate topic(2 marks)Topic clearly stated (2) Topic stated (1–2) Inappropriatetopic (0–1)Suitable introductionand aim (2 marks)Appropriate introductionand clear aim (2)Clear introductionand aim stated (1–2)Stated (1) Irrelevant (0)Description <strong>of</strong> locationand purpose (2 marks)Very clear descriptions<strong>of</strong> location and purpose(2)Clear descriptionsand purpose(1–2)Description andpurpose stated(1)Incorrectdescription andpurpose (0–1)Detailed discussion onenvironmentaldestruction and impacton organisms (5 marks)Detailed discussionsabout destruction andits impact(5)Discussions statetype <strong>of</strong> destructionand its impact(3–5)Some mention<strong>of</strong> destructionand its impact(1–3)Very little mention<strong>of</strong> destruction andits impact(0–2)Appropriate conclusionand recommendations(3 marks)Very clear conclusionand recommendations(3)Clear conclusion andrecommendations(2–3)Conclusion andrecommendations made(1–2)Inappropriateconclusion andrecommendations(0–1)Presentation (3 marks)ExcellentVery neatWell written(3)GoodNeatAppropriately written(2–3)Neat and fair(1–2)Untidy(0–1)38

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