Viking – March 2010 - Lakeland Christian School

Viking – March 2010 - Lakeland Christian School

Viking – March 2010 - Lakeland Christian School

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<strong>Viking</strong><strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong>The<strong>March</strong> <strong>2010</strong>Early Childhood Center –Wonderful Home forLCS YoungestCampaign ReceivesFinal CommitmentSee Page 3

Two Major Campaigns CompletedDeliver the Dream CampaignMoves to Wrap-Up PhaseWith the recent completionof funding commitments towardthe Early Childhood Centercampaign, LCS now focuses onthe wrap-up of the multi-yearDeliver the Dream capitalfund-raising effort. Only $5Million now remains to be raisedto complete the funding of $23Million of campus expansionand renovation.The Deliver the Dreamcampaign, initiated in 2006,represents the most massiveexpansion in school history, andincludes the construction of thenew school maintenance facility,the placement of retention pondsand other major infrastructure,the substantial expansion ofschool parking, the creation ofa new main entrance, and – ofcourse – the construction of the71,000-square-foot Elementary/Middle <strong>School</strong> Building, thesignature building on campus.Through God’s graciousprovision and by the generosityof the LCS family and the<strong>Lakeland</strong> community, thecampus has also grownto include:• <strong>Viking</strong> Stadium –a $2.6 Million campaigncompleted in 2008, and• Center for EarlyChildhood Education –a $1.25 Million campaigncompleted in January, <strong>2010</strong>.All of the funding for thesecampaigns and for the $19Million Deliver the Dream efforthas been privately raised. Theschool has even been blessedwith five seven-figure gifts, thefirst in school history.With two major campaigns“in the books,” the school’sAdvancement team andcampaign leadership nowset their sights on obtainingthe final $5 Million ofcommitments for this effortwhich has produced suchdramatic and positive changefor the LCS campus.Dr. Mike Sligh, LCSHeadmaster, is quick to pointout that the campaign has beenabout far more than just raisingmoney for bricks and mortar. “Itis about seizing the opportunityto shape the hearts and mindsof many, many students whowill go on to shapethe future of our community,”said Dr. Sligh. “We stand onthe threshold of unparalleledopportunity to influence theleaders of tomorrow.”So, who will be thesefinal “investors in the nextgeneration?” Anyone andeveryone! Friends whostepped up to kickoff thecampaign will be asked tohelp finish what they began.And, of course, those whohaven’t given will be asked tonow partner with LCS in thiscritical completion phase.For more information onhow you or a member of yourfamily can make your mark onyoung lives, please contact LCSDirector of Advancement SteveWilson at 863/688-2771 or atswilson@lcsonline.org.2

LCS CompletesEarly Childhood CampaignGenerous Gift Marks Final CommitmentGod continues to bless <strong>Lakeland</strong><strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> in remarkableways. In less than two years fromcampaign kickoff, the drive to fundthe $1.25 Million Center for EarlyChildhood Education has received itsfinal gift commitment.This means the money neededto construct and furnish thisbeautiful facility for the school’syoungest students has all been givenor pledged. The final $40,000 checkwas recently provided by a schoolfamily, capping off a campaign thatattracted gifts from $25 to $100,000.Even though the needed $1.25Million has been fully committed,the school still looks to receive$253,000 in outstanding pledges tothe campaign.The Early Childhood Center islocated in the safe and convenientcore of the LCS campus and includes:• The Ladd Educational Suitefor K4 students• The Curls Family Playlandfor outdoor fun and excitement• The MacKinnon-HillOutdoor Learning Centeramphitheatre and Turtletown,a natural Florida habitat forunique educational experiences• The Kindergarten Suite for K5students, including a spectaculargathering commons room.The Center is part of a $23Million major campus expansionand renovation which has blessedthe school over the past several years.The Early Childhood campaign wasconducted through the leadershipof school parents Payton Albritton,Deanna Bayless, Denise Curls andAmanda Drost.The ultimate beneficiaries of thiscampaign generosity, of course, arethe four- and five-year-old childrenbeginning their formal educationat <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong>. Theseyoungsters now enjoy a spacious andbeautiful facility where skilled andnurturing Early Childhood facultymembers can do their best work in thehearts and minds of little ones.3

Drift Prevention continued from inside front coverJesus Christ. It is about growing in our understanding of Hislove and provision for us and demonstrating that same graceto one another. The tragic tale of broken human relationshipsis sometimes described by the words, “we just drifted apart.” Ittakes intentional effort to maintain human relationships. It takesan intentional focus on Christ and on Truth to maintain a vitalrelationship with the Savior as well.The currents at the beach can leave us far from home beforewe realize it. The neglect of our personal relationship with theLord and the neglect of the application of biblical Truthto every area of life and study will leave us driftingaway as well.The three-fold influence of the <strong>Christian</strong> school, the<strong>Christian</strong> home and the church can hold the truths ofthe faith before our students each day. Together, we canbe used of God to provide the reference points on theshore that enable our students to hold their position andadvance against the currents that would lead them astray.Scholarship Funding Sought For Upper ClassmenIn a day when investments are uncertain at best, there is still a place where contributed money guarantees a positive return… with lifelong impact. What could be better than investing in the <strong>Christian</strong> education of young people whose completion of anLCS diploma is in financial jeopardy!?The impact of the country’s economic woes, first felt on Wall Street, has now worked its way fromMain Street to Forest Park Street. Simply put, more LCS families are in need of more financialaid than at anytime in the school’s 56-year history.And one school grandparent has stepped up to make a difference. Following aSpring 2009 grandparents’ focus group meeting, this long-time <strong>Lakeland</strong>er – along withhis business partner, who is also an LCS grandparent – committed a lead gift to fundscholarships for current LCS juniors and seniors. His heart was breaking for students whowere in jeopardy of not being able to complete their LCS education. So, they wrote agenerous check and challenged the school to raise more funds for this specificuse. In typical generous fashion, the LCS constituency responded with giftstotaling more than $70,000 for the 2009-10 school year.Realizing the economy’s impact is still severe, these same twograndparents have committed to another lead gift for the <strong>2010</strong>-11 schoolyear and have challenged the school to again raise financial aid forjuniors and seniors.Will you join them in this critical effort? Due in large part tolast year’s giving, the school was able to provide a record amount offinancial aid assistance. Even more may be necessary for the comingschool year. Please consider investing in the lives ofthe next generation in this valuable way. The dividendsare life-changing.For more information on being a part of this exciting effort,please contact LCS Director of Advancement Steve Wilson at 863/688-2771 or at swilson@lcsonline.org.4

Musical Harvest Entertains RecordCrowd, Reaps Unprecedented ReturnProceeds Boost Early Childhood CampaignThe Musical Harvest grew up in a hurry. Inonly its third year as the school’s classy fall fundraiser,this premier community-wide musical eventdrew its largest audience and almost doubled theprevious largest profit.Net proceeds for the November extravaganzatotaled nearly $73,000, all of which were immediatelyapplied to the campaign to fund the school’snew Center for Early Childhood Education. Theproceeds put the campaign within striking distanceof realizing an end-of-the-year completion.The brainchild of school parents Greg andChristina Sale, the Musical Harvest combinesnationally acclaimed musical talent who performlive and on-stage with LCS student musicians andvocalists. The Sales – who are two of <strong>Lakeland</strong>’smost renowned singers/musicians – annuallyattract performers from New York, Chicago andother top venues.This year’s program welcomed back SarahHagstrom, named Most Promising Young Artistin America; Mark Thomsen from MetropolitanOpera; Craig Irvin from Chicago Lyric Opera;Dr. Christy Lee, renowned pianist and programdirector; and Christina Sale, who has performedin leading productions around the world.The special evening again featured popularBroadway standards, including selections from“Oklahoma”, “Annie Get Your Gun”, “Oliver”,“Man of La Mancha”, “My Fair Lady”, “Cats” and“Phantom of the Opera.” The program concludedwith moving <strong>Christian</strong> classics, ending with “YouRaise Me Up.”The LCS student contingent ofperformers – wearing their formal best –was also the largest ever for a MusicalHarvest. More than156 vocalists fromL A K E L A N D C H R I S T I A N S C H O O Lgrades four through3 RD ANNUALtwelve joined the LCSSymphonic Windsin the “opera housefeel” of downtown<strong>Lakeland</strong>’s TrinityPresbyterian Church.The largest amount previouslyTitle Sponsorraised at a Musical Harvest was $46,000.Bill & Amanda DrostThis year’s record amount was providedSponsorsthrough the contributions of generousJack & Tina HarrellKevin & Lois Knowltonsponsors, host families, Gold PatronMIDFLORIDA Credit UnionPackages and General Admission Seating.OMSIn addition, sponsors, host families andThe NCT Group CPA’s, LLPGold Patrons were invited to attend anSale InsurancePeterson & Myers, P.A.“after-party” at the beautiful home ofPhilip Sebringtitle sponsors Bill and Amanda Drost.HostsThis reception featured a live auction,Keith & Payton Albrittonwhich raised a record $23,675. <strong>School</strong>Dave & Connie AplinTom & Bena Baylessgrandparent Kale Albritton served as theRalph & Pat Blalocklively and entertaining auctioneer.Richard & Rosemary CardosiAs with all school fund raisingBrian & Ramona Carrollactivities, the beneficiaries of the eventBob & Kim CleghornJoe & Susan DiCesareare the students of LCS, and in this case,Patrick & Kristine Faganthe youngest on campus. The Center forBen & Wendy FalkEarly Childhood Education serves as theRob & Regina HarperBarbara Hartdaily home for the K4 and K5 children.Bennett & Pam HillKevin & Sylvia JonesLarry & Anita MaxwellJeff & Shannon MilesCorey & Jaimi MillerPaul & Adele MorganSteve & Lisa MoseleyBennie Jo MurrayBrad & Melissa MurrayOz & Jean MutzAngie RegisterBuddy & Dama RegisterGreg & Christina SaleStreamline & Bonnie SaleConrad & Sherry VarnumSteve & Susie Wilson5

Christmas Party Visit Leads to Generous GiftLCS Grandparent Provides16 Student ComputersDr. Mike SlighElected to FCISBoard of Directors<strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong>Headmaster Dr. Mike Sligh waselected to the Board of Directors ofthe Florida Council of Independent<strong>School</strong>s (FCIS) at the annualconvention this past fall. The FCISconvention was held at ChampionsGate. This board provides strategicplanning and leadership for theorganization’s various activitiesincluding accreditation, professionaldevelopment, insurance andbenefits programs and therepresentation of independentschool interests before state leadersand legislators in Tallahassee.The FCIS was founded in 1954and is responsible for evaluatingand accrediting independentschools throughout Florida. Theorganization represents more than72,000 students in 153 memberschools. The Council assuresthat each school maintains highstandards and independenceof character without political,financial or bureaucratic pressures.The Council is an associationmember of the National Associationof Independent <strong>School</strong>s (NAIS), anaffiliate of the Council of AmericanPrivate Education (CAPE), and afounding member of the FloridaAssociation of Academic Nonpublic<strong>School</strong>s (FAANS).God’s provision to LCS is unmistakable. In this instance, He workedthrough the generous heart of a school grandmother who made a simpleobservation while attending a school function. Her perceptive observation ledto a gift that provided 16 new computers for use by elementary studentsat <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong>.This generous grandmother – who wishes to remain anonymous – wasattending the Christmas party in the classroom of her third grade grandson.While the children were celebrating with their classmates, some students werealso taking their AR reading test on the one classroom computer dedicated forstudent use. Although this grandmother was a frequent visitor and classroomvolunteer, she particularly noticed the students scrambling to complete their teston this day – the last school day prior to Christmas break.Over the holidays, as she thought about the line of students waiting touse the one computer, she inquired with the school’s Advancement office –not only about her grandson’s classroom, but about the number of studentcomputers throughout theelementary grades.After gatheringthe facts, she quicklyresponded with agenerous end-of-the-yeargift, which providedeach elementaryclassroom with aminimum of twostudent computers,with a total of 16 newcomputers in all. Thisgift also provided threecomputers (within theStudents like Dylan Gray, in Mrs. Debbie Stump’s class, enjoy theconvenience of having multiple computers in their classroom. 16 total) for the specialprograms classroom.“What a blessing that someone has stepped up to provide such anabundance of technology for our students,” said Elementary Principal FredWiechmann. “Our classrooms now have even more tools that will allow ourprofessional faculty to enhance the learning during these critical years.”In addition to providing for the LCS students, this open-heartedgrandmother has demonstrated the significant impact that can be made throughcharitable giving to <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong>. For more information on how youcan partner with the school and make a difference in the lives of children andyoung people, please contact LCS Director of Advancement Steve Wilson at863/688-2771 or at swilson@lcsonline.org.6

Boys’ Basketball Team DropsHeartbreaker in District FinalsWith a new head coach in charge, the LCS <strong>Viking</strong>varsity basketball team had a successful season, despite aheartbreaking last-second loss in the District final game.With the retirement of coach Ray Deardorff, LCS alum andcurrent assistant athletic director Todd Radford moved to thehead coaching position for the <strong>Viking</strong>s. The team went into theChristmas break with a record of 6-4 after winning theLCS Holiday Hoops Tournament.January proved to be a good month for the <strong>Viking</strong>s asthey won six of their nine games, including two big wins overdistrict rival Santa Fe Catholic. The team squared off againstSanta Fe in the semifinal round of the District tournament,easily defeating the Crimson Hawks by a score of 64-40.In the District final game, the New Dimensions High <strong>School</strong>Tigers hit a three-pointer in the last three seconds of the gameto give them a 60-57 win over the <strong>Viking</strong>s. In the RegionalQuarterfinal round, the <strong>Viking</strong>s lost to Tampa Prep, endingtheir season with a record of 12-10.The JV boys’ team, coached by Craig Wilsman, finishedwith a record of 7-4. The junior high JV team was coached byDwayne McDow and went 6-3. The junior high varsityteam finished with a recordof 10-3 and was coached byJim Boatwright.Lady <strong>Viking</strong>sClinchDistrict TitleAfter a rough start to the 09-10 girls’varsity basketball season, the youngLady <strong>Viking</strong> team fought its way to aDistrict championship title over rivalSanta Fe Catholic.Starting the season with a recordof 0-6, the Lady Vikes earned their firstwin with a 45-34 decision over <strong>Lakeland</strong>High <strong>School</strong> in early December. Their nextwin came almost a month later when theteam defeated Santa Fe for the first of threevictories over the district rival.In the Class 2A, District 9championship game, the <strong>Viking</strong>s claimeda 59-34 victory over Santa Fe. ChristinStrawbridge tallied 16 points for the Lady<strong>Viking</strong>s, with Whitney Houk adding 15and Amanda Carl racking up 14 points.In the Regional Quarterfinals, theteam posted a 54-41 win over TampaPrep before falling to Indian Rocks, 66-39,in the Regional Semifinal round.The Lady <strong>Viking</strong>s were coachedby Keith Overholt and finished witha record of 7-16.The girls’ middle school basketball A teamfinished at 8-6, while the B team went 2-5FACA Honors Basketball Players, CoachThe Florida Athletic Coaches Association has named its 2009-<strong>2010</strong>basketball players and coaches of the year, and three from LCS haveearned top honors.For boys’ basketball, senior Chris Cleghorn was selected as theClass 2A Player of the Year, and first-year head coach Todd Radford washonored as the Class 2A Coach of the Year.Sophomore Whitney Houk was chosen as the Class 2A Player ofthe Year for girls’ basketball.8

<strong>Viking</strong>s Re-Claim District TitleAfter losing in last year’s district tournament forthe first time in 16 years, the boys’ varsity soccer teamwas anxious to regain the title of District Championthis year. Under the leadership of LCS alum GrandyStreets, the <strong>Viking</strong> team did just that when theyearned a 5-0 victory over Seffner <strong>Christian</strong>.The <strong>Viking</strong>s had a strongfirst half to their season,going into the Christmasbreak with a record of8-3. The team defeated bothVanguard and First Academy by a score of 9-0before defeating area rival Santa Fe, 4-1.After Christmas, the <strong>Viking</strong>s went 4-3 before thetournament. In the first round of Districts, the team easilyhandled All Saints’ Academy by a score of 6-0. Afterthe <strong>Viking</strong>s won the District championship over Seffner<strong>Christian</strong>, the team hosted and defeated Trinity Prep by anarrow 1-0 margin.The team dropped a disappointing 2-0 loss to FloridaAir Academy in the Regional semifinal game, ending theseason with a record of 15 wins and seven losses.The JV boys’ team was coached by Bernardo Blancoand finished their season with a record of 9-2-1. Thejunior high boys’ team, coached by Rich McDonald, wonsix games, lost five and tied one game.Girls’ Soccer Team Gets Revenge onSanta Fe in Regional SemifinalsWhen cross-town district rival Santa Fe broke a12-year district championship winning streak, theLady <strong>Viking</strong>s varsity soccer team was anxious to getrevenge when they faced off in the semifinal round ofthe Regional tournament. The girls’ team took down theCrimson Hawks, 4-1, on their way to the Regional Finals.The Lady <strong>Viking</strong>s, coached by LCS alum JasonStreets, started off their season with some big wins anda 7-0 winning streak. They easily handled both Tenorocand <strong>Lakeland</strong>, claiming 8-0 victories. They finished 7-1against Kathleen and All Saints. A 0-0 tie against LakeRegion marred their perfect record, followed by a 4-0 lossto Berkeley Prep and a 0-0 tie against Tampa Prep.In their first match-up of the season, the <strong>Viking</strong>s tiedSanta Fe by a score of 3-3. When the teams met up againin early January, the Lady Vikes came up with a 1-0 win.The girls’ soccer team easily won the District semifinal game overAll Saints’ Academy by a score of 7-0. In the District finals, Santa Fesnapped the 12-year District championship streak by a score of 2-1.The Lady <strong>Viking</strong>s then went on the road for the Regionalquarterfinal game, where they defeated Trinity Prep by a score of 2-1.After getting revenge on the Crimson Hawks in the semifinals, the teamtraveled to St. John’s Country Day for the Regional final game. Down1-0 at halftime, Kourtney Rea scored early in thesecond half to tie the game and force overtime.St. John’s scored first in the overtime, fora 2-1 victory of the <strong>Viking</strong>s. The teamfinished with a record of 16-7-2.The JV team, coached by KellyJoyner-Veteto and Roger Evans,finished their season with anundefeated record of 12-0-1.Munson Swims at State MeetLCS junior Rachel Munson represented the Lady <strong>Viking</strong>s at the FHSAA Class 1ASwimming and Diving Championships in November. She earned 11 total points for herteam, giving the <strong>Viking</strong>s a 29th place finish out of the 41 teams represented at the meet.Munson finished 11th place in the 100-meter breaststroke with a time of 1:07.13.In the 100-meter butterfly, she finished in 12thplace with a time of 59:23.9

FHSAAAwards FallAcademic TeamChampionsThe Florida High<strong>School</strong> AthleticsAssociation has namedthe Academic TeamChampions for the fallsports season, and one<strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong>team topped thelist for having thehighest grade pointaverage in the state.The girls’ golfteam earned thistop honor inClass 1A witha cumulativeteam GPA of3.953. The <strong>Viking</strong> linksters topped otherschools including Holy Names (Tampa),Dreyfoos (West Palm Beach), Berkeley Prep(Tampa) and Trinity Prep (Winter Park).The boys’ football team finished inthe number four spot in Class 1A with acumulative team GPA of 3.236. The girls’swim and dive team also finished fourthwith a 3.648.Winning schools receive acommemorative state championshipplaque at the end of the school year.The Ledger has named its All-County athletes for the fallsports season, and several <strong>Viking</strong> athletes were honored for theiraccomplishments.For football, Marcus Stone was named to the Offense Second Team.Offense honorable mentions went to Rob Harper, Ryan Parrish andJake Marzola. For Defense, Blake Averitt earned an honorable mention.Hailee Bennett was named to the All-County Third Team forVolleyball, while teammates Alison Sizemore and Kali Boatwrightearned honorable mentions.In boys’ golf, honorable mentions went to Blake Crosby, HaydenHill and Ethan Brewington. For girls’ golf, Hannah Webster was namedto the All-County Second Team. Zoe Wilson, Lauren Wasilewski, KelseyCasto, Shelby Pierce and Ellen Sharpe earned honorable mention.Mallory White was named the All-County Runner of the Year forgirls’ cross-country, as well as being named to the First Team. SpookieEaves and Jessica Fuller also earned First Team honors. Carrie Kirby,Ashlyne Wells and Mary Lanzino earned honorable mentions. MarkMutz was named to the All-County First Team for boys’ cross-country.Chris Lopez, Taylor Scruggs and Welbie Houghton were givenhonorable mentions.LCS Athletes EarnFall All-County HonorsFor girls’ swimming, Rachel Munson was named All-CountySwimmer of the Year. Munson, Ly Velez and Sarah Morawere named to the All-County First Team.Honorable mentions went to LindseySmith, Stephanie Powers, MeredithMunson, Caitlin Robb and OliviaSchichtel. For boys’ swimming,honorable mentions were givento Luke Yrastorza, NathanLain, Mitch Devore,Landon Miles, DallasConnell and JoshMcGaffigan.LCS Runners Earn Best Finish in Polk County<strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> cross-country runners represented Polk County well at the2009 FHSAA Cross Country Championships in late November, despite a plague of injuriesand illnesses that affected the majority of LCS runners.Rebecca “Spookie” Eaves finished in 18th place with a time of 19:42 – the highestfinish of any other male or female runner in Polk County. Her time helped theLady <strong>Viking</strong>s to a ninth-place team finish.Mark Mutz ran the course in 17:02.91. The boys’team finished in sixth place with 261 points.10

Former Coach Dean Johnson Inducted into FACA Hall of FameFor the first time in <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> history, a <strong>Viking</strong> coach wasinducted into the Florida Athletic Coaches Association (FACA) Hall of Fame.Long-time varsity soccer coach Dean Johnson, who retired after the2006-2007 season, finished his varsity coaching career with a boys’ record of514-95-24, with 24 District titles (the last 15 consecutive), 10 Regional titles,four State Runner-Up finishes and six State Championships from 1979-2007.Under his leadership, the LCS boys’ team twice finished the season with aNSCAA Top 25 National ranking.Coach Johnson started the girls’ soccer program in 1994, which hecoached until 2004 with a record of 180-46-17. The girls’ team earned sixDistrict titles, two Regional championships and one State Runner-Up award.Johnson was inducted into the FACA Hall of Fame at a ceremony held inDaytona Beach on December 13.Retired head soccer coach Dean Johnson (right), joined byDr. Mike Sligh, was inducted into the FACA Hall of Fame in December.Alum Honoredby NCCAALCS alum Tim Green wasrecently named to the National<strong>Christian</strong> College AthleticAssociation All- American Men’sSoccer First Team.A junior at CedarvilleUniversity in Cedarville, Ohio,Green was one of four defenderson the 14-player first team. Thisis the second year that Green hasearned this honor, making him onlythe second player in the history ofthe Cedarville soccer program tobe a two-time honoree.Green was also recognized asa NCCAA Scholar-Athlete.<strong>Viking</strong> Cheerleaders Earn 2nd Placein State CompetitionThe <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> varsity cheerleading squad placed secondin the Fellowship of <strong>Christian</strong> Cheerleaders state competition held at MastersAcademy in Oviedo on November 21. Competing in the large varsity category, the<strong>Viking</strong> squad performed a two-minute routine consisting of squad jumps, stunts,tumbling, dancing and a cheer. The <strong>Viking</strong> squad, which has not competed inmany years, finished second behind Evangelical <strong>Christian</strong><strong>School</strong> of Fort Myers.11

Colorful and Whimsical‘Seussical’Delights CrowdsThis year’s fall musical exploded with song,imagination and color as a mischievous cat, tinyWhos, a huge elephant, brightly colored jungle citizens,sleepy circus creatures, colorful fish, blue waves, and acouple of very sour kangaroos performed Seussical onthe <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> stage.It took the combined gifted ability of seventy-five students, six faculty members, a formerstudent, a set construction team, a set design team, two costume ladies, several make-up artists,and many, many parents to present this spectacular show. The cast started working on thesecond day of school and logged over 85 hours of practice to present the four performancesfrom October 22-24.More than 100 children and parents attended Saturday’s Seussical Brunch, where they wereserved many items including green eggs and ham. The principal Seussical characters interactedwith the children at the brunch. As their parents snapped pictures, the children sat spellboundwhile listening to the Cat (senior Russell Aldridge) read to them.In addition to performing for opening night, 17 cast members performed several Seussicalnumbers to five area nursing homes and/or assisted-living facilities.Choirs Perform Various Christmas ConcertsDuring the month of December,the LCS choirs had many opportunitiesto present the truth of Christmas tomembers of the <strong>Lakeland</strong> community.On Thursday, December 3, the JuniorHigh Choir visited Oakbridge AssistedLiving Unit singing Christmas carolsand spending time talking with theresidents. On Thursday, December10, the 6th Grade Choir visited theMemory Care Unit at Oakbridge,singing familiar carols. It was excitingto see the residents singing along asstudents were able to connect themto Christmas music of their past.On Friday, December 11, the High<strong>School</strong> Concert Choir and ChamberEnsemble presented a program tothe South <strong>Lakeland</strong> Rotary Club,held at First United MethodistChurch on Lake Morton.On Wednesday, December 9,the High <strong>School</strong> Concert Choir andChamber Ensemble participatedin Disney’s Epcot CandlelightProcessional, performing in twoshows. The choir was selected byaudition and was part of a masschoir of approximately 300 students.Candlelight presents the BiblicalChristmas story in narration andsong, including arrangements ofmany familiar carols. The celebrityguest narrator for the evening wasAndy Garcia.12

Student Musicians Perform at Annual FMEA ConventionThe Florida Music EducatorsAssociation annual convention was heldin January, and several LCS students hadthe opportunity to perform with some ofthe best student-musicians in the state ofFlorida. These individuals were required toaudition earlier in the fall.Congratulations to the followingstudents:Middle <strong>School</strong> Treble Chorus: EmilyCarl, Rebekah Firmin and Amanda Fulton.Middle <strong>School</strong> Mixed Chorus:Christopher Greene and Robert Verner.High <strong>School</strong> Women’s Chorus:Mickelyn Graves.High <strong>School</strong> Concert Chorus:Whitney Andersen, Johnny Boatwright,Steven Firmin and Casey Jones.Middle <strong>School</strong> Honors Band:Jonathan Murray (trumpet).Small <strong>School</strong>s Honors Band:Claire Jarvis (clarinet) and JustinMiddleton (baritone).Six members of the LCSmusic department facultyattended the convention whichwas held in Tampa. Attendeese njoyed workshops, rehearsalsand concerts related to theirindividual disciplines.Fifth Graders WinTag Art CompetitionSelect Band StudentsChosen for All-CountyPerformancesSeveral <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> bandstudents were chosen to participate asmembers of the Polk All-County Bands.These musicians will perform with someof the best secondary band students fromthe county on April 16, <strong>2010</strong>, at FloridaSouthern College’s Branscomb Auditorium.students:Congratulations to the following7th and 8th Grade Band: JonathanMurray (trumpet), Ashley Middleton(trombone), Amanda Fulton (tuba).9th and 10th Grade Band: ClaireJarvis (clarinet), Danae Drake (bass clarinet),Jenna Smithson (French horn), WelbieHoughton (French horn), Zach Martinez(baritone), Cameron Underwood (tuba).11th and 12th Grade Band: EmilyTan (flute), Justin Middleton (baritone),Andrew Tew (tuba).LCS fifth graders Brandon Kaye and Anna Lanzino were two of130 Polk County students who received a 2009 Award of Distinctionfor the Kids Tag Art competition sponsored by the Polk County TaxCollector’s office. Their winning tag art is on sale for $15 atwww.polktaxes.com, with all of the proceeds going toward c lassroomart supplies. The winning students were recognized at a specialreception held on February 20, <strong>2010</strong>, at the Polk Museum of Art.Fifth grader Carter Roth was awarded the “Fred Wiechmann<strong>Christian</strong> Tag Award” by Mrs. Bonnie Mosley, elementary art teacher,for creating his tag with a biblical theme.Carter Roth (left), Brandon Kaye (center) and Anna Lanzino (right) were honored for theircar tag designs. They are pictured here with Mr. Fred Wiechmann and Mrs. Bonnie Mosley.13

Middle schoolers proudly display their solar carsduring the annual Solar Day competition.Solar Car Sprint Race1st place – Bailee Mathers and Olivia Wiles(7.95 seconds)2nd place – Cody Averitt and Caleb McDonald(9.19 seconds)3rd place – Sydnea Coleman and Alyssa Dumke(9.37 seconds)4th place – Jena Carr and Morgan Harper5th place – Josh Boyd and Jake Molony6th place – Jamie Aspinwall and Luke ImigMiddle <strong>School</strong> StudentsCompete in Annual Solar DayEvery year <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> middle school students have theopportunity to learn about one of our most important renewable resources: the sun.Solar energy can be used to heat water and swimming pools, dry clothes, powersmall appliances and, as LCS students learn, power cars. Since 1999, the solar carsprint race has been one of the favorite activities of middle schoolers, and this yearwas no different.<strong>Lakeland</strong> Electric agreed to partner with LCS to provide financial support to thestudents to reduce the cost of the solar car kits, and they also provide the awards.Mr. Hugh Patterson, middle school science teacher, oversees the solar car activities.Students have the opportunity to compete in various solar day competitions,including a solar car sprint race, a solar car design contest, a poster art contestand an essay contest. Congratulations to the following students for earningSolar Day awards:Solar Car Design Contest1st place – Will Franklin and Katherine Lopez2nd place – Beth Mora and Meredith Munson3rd place – Sarah Kettelkamp and Katie Owen4th place – Emily Carl and Ashlyn WellsSolar Energy Poster Art1st place – Kaylee Miles2nd place – Sam Moseley3rd place – Amy Robb4th place – Conner SuttonSolar Energy Essay Contest1st place – Jonathan Murray2nd place – Rebekah Firmin3rd place – Bryce Schiebel, Nick StrazzullaHonorable Mention – Carter OverholtWiechmann Takes Kids on Christmas Nature HikesWhile most students were getting readyfor Christmas, several LCS studentsjoined elementary Principal FredWiechmann for two nature walks overthe Christmas break. These two hikes –to the Circle B Bar Reserve and the<strong>Lakeland</strong> Highlands Scrub Preserve –educated students on some of PolkCounty’s natural wonders. The studentshad the opportunity to see the homesof butterflies and birds, as well as rareplant species and wildlife such as gophertortoises, foxes, ospreys, bald eagles,alligators and Florida Scrub Jays.14

Elementary Hosts FourthAnnual Grandparent’s DayClose to 600 grandparents and special grand-friendscame from across town and around the country to visit theirgrandchildren for the fourth annual Grandparent’s Daycelebration. <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> welcomed these guests on abeautiful November morning.The event began with a special program in the cafeteria,where a choir of kindergarten students entertained thegrandparents. <strong>School</strong> parents Joe and Becky Aldridge then performeda comedy puppet routine. Headmaster Dr. Mike Sligh and Director ofAdvancement Steve Wilson welcomed the guests and shared about<strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong>.After the program, the grandparents and friends had theopportunity to visit their grandchildren’s classrooms. The kids wereable to introduce their teachers and friends, show off their classroom,work on special projects and perform special songs and activities fortheir grandparents.This annual event is a favorite among LCS students in gradesK4-5. This year’s Grandparent and Grand-friend’s Day is tentativelyscheduled for November 12, <strong>2010</strong>.LCS Third Grader Crowned Strawberry Festival Royalty<strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> third grader Faith Nagy was crowned the Florida Strawberry Festival Duchess(ages 7-9) for <strong>2010</strong>. Chosen based on personality, overall appearance, natural beauty and smile, Faithrepresented the festival at the Youth Parade and the Grand Feature Parade. In addition to her time at theStrawberry Festival, Faith will continue to make public appearances throughout the year.Fifth Graders Get Hands-Onwith the Stock MarketWho better to learn about the stock market from than the President and CEO ofAllen & Company, Florida’s oldest investment firm? <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> fifthgraders had the opportunity to do just that when Mr. Keith Albritton, school parentand financial planner, visited them to talk about the stock market and lead somehands-on activities to help them better understand financial investments.15

LCS Students Give Generously During Holiday SeasonFourth Grade Candy Cane Sales Benefit Parker StreetThe fourth grade classes held their annual Christmas candycane sales this past holiday season. The students presented acheck to Parker Street Ministries for $2,184.08.Students Donate 230 Shoeboxes for OCC<strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> studentsdonated 230 shoeboxes of gifts and toys for thisyear’s Operation Christmas Child program. Mr.David Trivette, who served as an internationalrepresentative for Franklin Graham, spoke inelementary chapels about the program and shared hisexperiences passing out shoeboxes in Kosovo.Special thanks to Kay Henry for heading up the LCSprogram, to Karla Mosher for checking and preparing all of theshoeboxes, to NancySnyder for buyingtoothpaste andtoothbrushes for someof the boxes, and toBirk and TeresaMullinax for helping totransport boxes to thedrop-off location.Students Hold Food Drive for LighthouseElementary students held their annual Thanksgiving fooddrive for <strong>Lakeland</strong>’s Lighthouse Ministries. Students brought incanned food and other nonperishable food items so that needyfamilies would be able to celebrate with a Thanksgiving dinner.Middle <strong>School</strong> Bible Students Give to At-Risk TeensStudents in Mrs. Teri Evans’ Bible classes collected Christmasgifts for at-risk teens involved in the Youth for Christ program.Mr. Scott Hirdes, a school parent and Youth for Christ leader,was able to distribute these gifts to kids before Christmas.Former Olympian Speaks to LCS StudentsFormer Olympic runner, world record holder and Congressman Jim Ryun traveled to <strong>Lakeland</strong> this past fall to speak to <strong>Lakeland</strong><strong>Christian</strong> students and to be on hand at the Without Walls Cross Country Invitational.In 1964, Ryun became the first high school runner to run a mile is less than four minutes when he ran a 3:59.0 mile. He later wenton to set the world record with a 3:51.3 mile and then later a 3:51.1. Ryun competed in the Olympics in 1964 and 1968, winning a silvermedal in the 1,500-meter race in Mexico City in 1968.In 1966, Ryun was named the SportsIllustrated Sportsman of the Year, which isconsidered one of the highest recognitions forany amateur or professional athlete.Ryun served as a businessman andmotivational speaker before being elected torepresent Kansas in the United States House ofRepresentatives.On a Friday afternoon, he spoke to thestudents about his experiences in running andin competition. On Saturday morning, Ryunattended a 5K race held in his honor and thecross-country meet.Jim Ryun (center) spent some time encouraging theLCS cross-country teams during his visit in October.

Alumni News2000sBrittany Marzola (’08) and Nick Bridges will bemarried on June 11, <strong>2010</strong>. Nick is a graduate of AuburnUniversity and is working as a civil engineer in PlantCity. The couple will reside in <strong>Lakeland</strong>.Ryan Crosby (’06) is currently employed withE & A Cleaning and is engaged to Heather Pfrommerfrom Strasburg, PA. A May <strong>2010</strong> wedding is planned.Erik Thomas (’06) recently graduated from theUniversity of South Florida. He received a B.A. in History.Josh (’03) and Cory Powell (’04) Cress, along withbig sisters Kylee (5) and Harlee (3), welcomed the arrivalof Joshua “Maverick” born on December 22, 2009. Heweighed 7 lbs. and 10 oz. Josh is employed with CressConstruction, and Cory is a stay-at-home mom.Keith Knowlton (’04) and his wife, Rachel – bothgraduates of Furman University – are teaching Englishto freshman and sophomore university students innortheastern China. They will complete their first year ofteaching in July <strong>2010</strong>.Joshua Vander Maten (’04) moved from Nashville,Tennessee, to Dallas, Texas, and is working part-timeat a church called Fellowship Dallas and traveling withWomen of Faith. In August, Josh plans to attend Christfor the Nations, a school that will help him pursue thecalling God has placed on his life as a worship pastor.Daniel Wilson (‘02) and Jessica Gandy will bemarried on May 8, <strong>2010</strong> in Birmingham, Alabama.Daniel is the assistant golf course superintendent atSt. Ives Country Club in Atlanta, Georgia.Andrew Knowlton (’02) graduated from SamfordUniversity’s Cumberland <strong>School</strong> of Law in Birmingham,Alabama, in May 2009. He has since passed theAlabama bar exam and is employed by the law firm ofGaines, Wolter & Kinney, P.C. in Birmingham. Andrewand his wife, May, welcomed their first child, a baby girlnamed Clair McClain, on January 25, <strong>2010</strong>. She weighed8 lbs., 1 oz. and was 21 inches long.Emily Lipham Greene (’01) and her husband,Josh, are the proud parents of Carson McKinley “Mack”Greene, born September 22, 2009 and weighing 6 lbs.and 14 oz.Nathan Patterson (’00) and Lauren Knowlton(’06) were married at Trinity Presbyterian Church in<strong>Lakeland</strong> on June 5, 2009. They live in <strong>Lakeland</strong>,where Nathan is employed by Northwestern MutualFinancial Network.1990sLauren Chastain Presson (’98) and her husband,Scott, welcomed their new son into the world on October 5,2009. Hunter Gaines was born at Holy Cross Hospital in Ft.Lauderdale and weighed 8 lbs. and 9 oz. Lauren, Scott andHunter live in Pompano Beach, FL, where Scott is a CivilEngineer for the Florida Department of Transportation, andLauren is a fundraiser and event planner at United Way ofBroward County.Jason Streets (’98) and his wife, DaNae, are the proudparents of Kemper Isaac born on January 31, 2009. Theycurrently reside in <strong>Lakeland</strong> where Jason is working towardshis residential appraiser license, coaching LCS girls’ varsitysoccer and is an assistant girls’ soccer coach at FloridaSouthern. DaNae is employed at Wasilewski Court Reporting.Erica Suares (’98) left The Heritage Foundation (whereshe has been working in Senate Relations) and has taken anew position working for Senator Jim DeMint, a Republicanfrom South Carolina. Erica will be advising him oneducation policy issues as well as other social policy issues.Anthony Tucker (’95) is the Director of Career Servicesat Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, GA. Anthonyand his wife, Rachel, along with their five boys, Bode,Myers, Davis, Lyndon and Urban, are members of LookoutMountain Presbyterian Church.Jennifer Oncu Overholt (’90) and Keith Overholt(LCS middle school principal) celebrate the birth of AinsleyVictoria born on November 21, 2009. Ainsley weighed8 lbs., 8 oz. and was 20 inches long. She joins Carter (8thgrade), Olivia (6th grade), Reese (4th grade), Jackson (K5)and Ellie (4 years). Her middle name honors the memoryof Vicky Dawson.1970sDenise Kelso Loock (’75) has recently retired fromteaching English in the high school and college level and iscurrently working part-time at her church and full-time as afreelance writer. Another <strong>Christian</strong> writer and Denise havelaunched a devotional Web site: www.digdeeperdevotions.com. Please check it out and send her some feedback atinfo@digdeeperdevotions.com.We love to hear from you. News about you is important tous and to your former classmates. Please e-mail Claudia Powell atcpowell@lcsonline.org. Planning your class reunion? Contact Directorof Community Relations Julie Rice, at 863-688-2771, ext. 236, andshe will arrange for use of facilities and will offer other helpful tips.Brittany MarzolaJosh and Cory PowellClair McClain KnowltonCarson McKinley “Mack” GreeneLauren Chastain PressonKemper Isaac Streets17Ainsley Victoria Overholt

Alumni:Updating Your Info is Easier than EverAttention LCS alumni: updating your information is now easierthan ever! All you have to do is visit www.lcsonline.org/alumni/form.aspand you can update your address, phone number, e-mail addressand family information. You can also send a write-up to appear in futureissues of The <strong>Viking</strong>. When you click “Submit,” the information that youprovide is automatically sent to Mrs. Claudia Powell, the administrativeassistant in the Headmaster and Advancement Offices. If you wouldlike to include a photo for The <strong>Viking</strong>, please e-mail it to Mrs. Powell atcpowell@lcsonline.org. Keeping your information current helps yourformer classmates contact you when reunion time rolls around, as wellas ensuring that your <strong>Viking</strong> arrives at the correct address!ThanksA SpecialThe <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong><strong>School</strong> faculty and staffwould like to express aheartfelt thanks to ourfamilies for the generousChristmas love offering.Note to Alumni Parents:If your former student no longer lives in your home but still receivesmail from <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> at your address, please e-mail ClaudiaPowell at cpowell@lcsonline.org to update their alumni information.This annual tradition isdeeply appreciated.WhitneyTurbevilleSeniorDreamSpring BreakdestinationAnna Maria Islandwith my friendsWhat winterOlympics sportwould you like toparticipate in?White milk orchocolate milk?Favorite EastercandyGuess: How manystrawberries areconsumed each yearat the StrawberryFestival?What charitablecause would yougive to if you hadunlimited funds?Snowboarding White Peeps A million Autism awarenessDrew CleghornJuniorJamaicaCross-countryskiingChocolate Peeps 18,123.5Breast cancerresearchAlice MiddletonSecondary FacultyAustria Alpine skiing ChocolateStarburstjelly beans3 million Samaritan’s PurseSteve WilsonDirector of AdvancementBritish IslesHalfpipeChocolateChocolate eggsMillionsLCS, of course!Luke Averitt4th GraderAnna Maria Island Speed skating White Chocolate bunny A millionYOURTURN!18LighthouseMinistries

<strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong>Awarded TwoScience GrantsThe <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong>Science Department has recentlybeen awarded two grants to gotoward the purchase of new scienceequipment. From the AmericanInstitute of Chemical Engineers,LCS was awarded $828 toward thepurchase of a Moticam microscopycamera that will allow scienceteachers to project microscopyimages on the SMART Boards.LCS also received a $2400 grantfrom the Southwest Florida WaterManagement District (SWFWMD).This money will be used for waterresource education units for gradesK4, 3, 5, 7 and 9 and will purchase27 Brock field microscopes,eyepieces and slides.Grandparent, Former CoachPublishes Book<strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong>grandparent Ron Copeland alwayswanted to write a book, and drawingon his experience as a Detroit policeofficer, his crime thriller The Caves ofKazoo, was published in 2009. Thisfictional novel weaves suspense andfamily values throughout the book,geared for an older adolescent reader.The book, published by TatePublishing, is available on variousWeb sites including Amazon, Borders,Books A Million and Barnes & Noble.Ron has been a part of <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> for two decades– as the father of alum and current assistant high school principalDarren Copeland, as the husband of cafeteria director Mary Copeland,as the grandparent of Brock and Brady Copeland and as a baseball andbasketball coach.If you would like to contact Ron, you can e-mail him atrmcope@tampabay.rr.com.Box Tops, Soup Labels Benefit LCSThe faculty and staff of the LCS elementary school would like to thankfamilies who send in Box Tops for Education and Campbell’s soup labels. LCS gets10 cents for each box top, and in December, LCS received a check for $627.90 forthe box tops that were collected. This money will go toward the elementaryreading curriculum.More than 41,000 soup labels were collected, and the money earned from thisprogram was enough to purchase playground equipment for all three elementaryplaygrounds. This equipment included kickballs, footballs, basketballs, soccer balls,cups and catch balls, plastic bats and jump ropes.Give to LCSThroughPayrollDeductionDid you knowthat you can donateto <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong><strong>School</strong> through yourcompany’s payrolldeduction program?If you would like toknow how, pleasecontact the LCSAdvancement Officeat 863-688-2771.19

Gifts TO L a k e l a n d C h r i s t i a n S c h o o lOn behalf of the students we serve, a heartfelt thanks to the following generous persons and companies who have partneredwith LCS by providing a gift to the ministry. We were blessed by:Dr. and Mrs. Phillip AbbottMr. and Mrs. Tom AbramsonDr. and Mrs. Ruben AdrianoMr. and Mrs. Kale AlbrittonMr. and Mrs. Keith AlbrittonMr. and Mrs. John AllenMr. and Mrs. Ira AndersonMr. and Mrs. Dave AplinDr. and Mrs. Glen BardenMr. and Mrs. Harold BarkerMr. and Mrs. Todd BarrowMr. and Mrs. Howard BaylessMr. and Mrs. Thomas BaylessMr. and Mrs. Donald BellarMr. and Mrs. Dennis BerryMr. and Mrs. Ralph BlalockMr. and Mrs. Jim BoatwrightMrs. Carole BolterMr. and Mrs. Vasco BoninoMr. and Mrs. Don BradleyMr. Kenneth BreathittMr. and Mrs. Anthony BrooksMs. Cindy BrooksMr. and Mrs. Glenn BrownMr. and Mrs. Eric BurtonMr. and Mrs. Don BusingMr. and Mrs. Frank CampanoMr. and Mrs. Sal Campisi, Jr.Dr. and Dr. Richard CardosiMr. and Mrs. Brian CarrollMr. Gerald CasellaMr. and Mrs. Bob CattariusMr. and Mrs. Bill ChamberlinMr. and Mrs. Todd <strong>Christian</strong>Clark/Nikdel/Powell, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Bob CleghornMr. and Mrs. Daniel Cline, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Greg ColemanMr. and Mrs. Thomas CrawfordMr. and Mrs. Johnnie Curls, Jr.Mrs. Jackie DavisDr. and Mrs. James DavisDr. and Mrs. Jeffery DavisMrs. Lil DavisMr. and Mrs. Daniel DeLangeMr. and Mrs. Ron DenneyMr. and Mrs. Joseph DiCesareDr. and Mrs. ThomasDiGeronimoMr. and Mrs. Charles DolphMr. and Mrs. John DouglassMr. and Mrs. Chad DumkeMr. and Mrs. Kurt DunbarMr. and Mrs. Glen DuncanMiss Susan EllisMr. and Mrs. Perry EvansRev. and Mrs. Roger EvansMr. and Mrs. Pat FaganMr. and Mrs. Ben FalkMr. and Mrs. David FalkMr. and Mrs. Lee Finley, IIMrs. Nancy FisherMr. and Mrs. Bob ForlawMr. and Mrs. Frank FosterMs. Brenda FriedmanMr. and Mrs. Avon FrierMr. and Mrs. Tim FrostMr. and Mrs. Warren FullerMr. and Mrs. Charles FultonMrs. Clara FultonMr. and Mrs. Louis Garrard, VMr. and Mrs. Eric GermanyMr. and Mrs. Bud GibsonMr. Thomas GivanMr. and Mrs. Benjamin GomezMr. and Mrs. Clint GordonMr. and Mrs. Michael GravesDr. and Mrs. Graham GreeneMr. and Mrs. Ron Grigsby, Sr.Dr. and Mrs. Jerry HaagMs. Patsy HamMr. and Mrs. Shannon HannumMr. and Mrs. Rob Harper, IVMr. and Mrs. Jack Harrell, Jr.Mrs. Norma HarrellMs. Shelley HarrisMs. Barbara HartMr. and Mrs. Donald HeacoxMr. and Mrs. Rex HenryMr. and Mrs. G. B. HillMr. and Mrs. Keith HodgeMr. and Mrs. Louis HolmesMrs. Linda HoneycuttMr. and Mrs. Boyce HorneMrs. Linda HoughtonMr. and Mrs. Edmund HuckeryRev. and Mrs. Gary HullMr. and Mrs. David HurdMr. Craig IrvinMrs. Phyllis JacobsMr. and Mrs. Wayne JenkinsMrs. Mimi JenkoMr. and Mrs. Daryl JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Dean JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Kenneth JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Stephen JonesDr. and Mrs. Derek KeenanMs. Tracy KelleyMr. and Mrs. Robert KettelkampMr. and Mrs. Mark KirbyMr. and Mrs. Stanley KirbyMr. and Mrs. Curt KitchensMr. and Mrs. Andrew KnowltonMr. Erwin KnowltonMr. and Mrs. Kevin KnowltonMr. and Mrs. Ray KriegbaumMr. and Mrs. Allen LaddMr. and Mrs. Edward Laderer, Jr.<strong>Lakeland</strong> Creamery, Inc. –Coldstone CreameryMr. and Mrs. Randy Larson20Rev. and Mrs. Michael LathamMr. and Mrs. Robert LatimerMr. and Mrs. Thomas LehnerMr. and Mrs. Carl LewisMrs. Daisy LibbertMr. and Mrs. Fred LopezMr. and Mrs. Robert MaddenMr. and Mrs. Stephen MaddenMr. and Mrs. George MaguireMr. and Mrs. B. J. MasonMr. and Mrs. Richard MasonMr. and Mrs. Larry MaxwellMr. and Mrs. Todd MaxwellMr. and Mrs. Mike McCormickMr. and Mrs. Michael McKenneyMr. and Mrs. Tom McLaughlinMr. and Mrs. Timothy MerchantMIDFLORIDA Credit UnionMr. and Mrs. Jeff MilesMs. Stacy MilesMr. and Mrs. Corey MillerMr. and Mrs. David MillerMr. and Mrs. Doug MillerMrs. Norma MooreMr. and Mrs. Edward Mora, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Paul MorganMr. and Mrs. Terry MorrowMr. and Mrs. Michael MosleyMr. and Mrs. Eric MowrerMr. and Mrs. Birk MullinaxDr. and Mrs. Mark MunsonMrs. Bennie Jo MurrayMr. and Mrs. Bradley MurrayMr. and Mrs. Mike Musick, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Oz MutzMr. and Mrs. Bob MyhrerMr. and Mrs. Alan NaughtonMr. and Mrs. Dean NederveldMr. and Mrs. Steve NicholsMr. and Mrs. Chris O’ByrneMr. and Mrs. William O’HarrowMiss Ellen OncuMrs. Judy OncuOutsource Management SolutionsMr. and Mrs. Kevin OxendineMr. and Mrs. Lee PattesonMr. and Mrs. Tom PetcoffMr. and Mrs. Scott PetroMr. and Mrs. Ray PhillipsMr. and Mrs. Brian PhilpotMr. and Mrs. Douglas PikeMrs. Marlene PittsMr. and Mrs. Robert Powell, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James PowersMr. and Mrs. John PrahlRegister Construction & EngineeringDr. and Mrs. Alan RichMr. and Mrs. Ron RiggsMr. and Mrs. James RobersonMr. and Mrs. Tom RogersMr. and Mrs. Marshall RoweMr. and Mrs. Michael RubioMr. and Mrs. Dale RussellMr. and Mrs. Jon RussellMr. and Mrs. Jim RyalMr. and Mrs. John SabatMr. and Mrs. John SantosuossoMr. and Mrs. Dean SaundersMr. and Mrs. Bill SchichtelMr. Philip SebringMr. John ShannonMr. and Mrs. Glenn ShelbyMr. and Mrs. Wayne ShimkoMr. and Mrs. David SimpsonMr. and Mrs. Ronald SinglerDr. and Mrs. Mike SlighDr. and Mrs. Stephen SlighMr. and Mrs. Stephen SloanMr. and Mrs. Dwight SmithMr. and Mrs. Harold SnyderMiss Nancy SnyderMr. and Dr. Jason SpinksMr. and Mrs. Geoff StablerMr. and Mrs. Michael StacyMr. and Mrs. Tom StandiferMr. and Mrs. Robert StanzRev. and Mrs. Robert StubblefieldMr. and Mrs. Michael SuttonMr. and Mrs. John SzydlowskiDr. and Mrs. Bradley TanDr. and Mrs. James TewThe NCT Group CPA’s, L.L.P.Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Stephen ThorntonMr. and Mrs. Cliff ThrelkeldMr. and Mrs. Marcus TideyMr. and Mrs. Eric TorresMrs. Evelyn TowlerDr. and Mrs. John TuckerMr. and Mrs. Jim TurlingtonMr. Dean TurnerUnited Way of Tri-County, Inc.United Women’s Club of <strong>Lakeland</strong>, Inc.Dr. and Mrs. Peter UrbanMr. and Mrs. Conrad VarnumMr. and Mrs. Kenny VelezMr. and Mrs. James VerplanckVisionworks of Central FloridaMs. Marne VorndranMr. and Mrs. Ward Wall, Jr.Mr. Steven WardWatson Clinic, LLP/Dr. Richard CardosiMr. Kenneth WelshMr. and Mrs. David WickenkampMr. and Mrs. Fred WiechmannMr. and Mrs. Barry WilderMr. and Mrs. Tom WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Alvin Wilson, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Steve WilsonRev. and Mrs. William WynnMr. and Mrs. Lindsey Yates

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