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Intelligent products for energy producersPower plants and components for all fuels

Intelligent products for energy producers<strong>Power</strong> plants and components for all fuels

Eyes on the futureElectricity is absolutely vital. Electricity means light,heat, clean clothes, hot meals. <strong>Power</strong> plants produce notonly electricity but also secure the quality of life forgenerations to come. That is why environmentally com -patible energy generation must be constantly provided.<strong>Hitachi</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> <strong>GmbH</strong> plans and builds turnkey coaland combined-cycle power plants. Key components such asutility steam generators, turbines, environmental technologyor pulverizers complete the extensive range of suppliesand services. Our successes on the market are due to ourextremely strong technological position.The strong demand globally for efficient yet ecologicallysound power plants is behind our company’s rapidgrowth. Our customers’ satisfaction is assured from theEcologically sound, efficient coal and gas power plants. To preserve the quality of life for tomorrow.experience and knowledge gained from over a century ofworldwide power plant engineering and construction andfrom the expertise and dedication of our workforce.As a subsidiary of the <strong>Hitachi</strong> Group we benefit, as do ourcustomers, from the intensive efforts undertaken inresearch and development. The worldwide network ofskilled en gineers also contributes to our success.Ecologically sound, efficient coal and gas power plantsbased on modern technology are the basic constituentsof any energy mix that is set on preserving the quality oflife for tomorrow.IDEALLY EQUIPPED FORTOMORROW´S WORLD.

Committed to true valuesUsing best-possible technology to contribute to society’sdevelopment – this maxim has been an important part of<strong>Hitachi</strong> philosophy since the company was establishedin 1910. The world and society, of course, have totallychanged in the almost 100 years since then, but the willto pioneer, innovate and sustain which is at the heart of thisphilosophy is very much alive today and determines <strong>Hitachi</strong>Group actions.investment goods are in energy plant construction,modern passenger trains, construction equipment anddigital storage media. Products for electricity producersare concentrated in <strong>Hitachi</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> (HPE). <strong>Hitachi</strong><strong>Power</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> is one of the three pillars in the Group’sglobal concept for this segment and is the sole contactfor customers in <strong>Europe</strong>, the countries of the former SovietUnion, Africa and the Near and Middle East. At thesame time, HPE advises on the global capital expenditureof <strong>Europe</strong>an electricity producers.WORLDWIDE PRESENCE.Today <strong>Hitachi</strong> is one of the world’s leading-edge groups infields such as electronics and plant engin eering. Around380,000 people work throughout the world for <strong>Hitachi</strong> whichhas its head offices in Tokyo – a company with salesrevenues of just over 86 billion US dollars.The range of <strong>Hitachi</strong> products is very wide extending fromelectronic components, digital media, communication andinformation systems, high-tech materials and financialservices through to mechanical and plant engineering.<strong>Hitachi</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Systems America <strong>Hitachi</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> <strong>Hitachi</strong> Asia23In <strong>Europe</strong> <strong>Hitachi</strong> employs around 7,000 staff in 15 differ -ent countries covering consumer products, capital investmentgoods and electrical products. The emphasiswith consumer products is on, for instance, state-of-theartflat screens and digital cameras. Most of the capital

Ongoing highlightsModern utility steam generators very much define the next generationDatteln 4Largest coal-fired steam generator in <strong>Europe</strong>■ 1 x 1.100 MWe / 1 x 2.939 t/h■ Benson ® Steam generator■ Bituminous coal■ Steam parameters: SH: 600 °C / 305 bar; RH: 620 °C / 78 bar■ Commissioning: 2010 / 2011■ Scope of supply: Utility steam generator including allrelated components, engineering,construction and commissioningBoxberg RBest technology of this power class■ 1 x 670 MWe / 1 x 1.710 t/h■ Benson ® Steam generator■ Lignite■ Steam parameters: SH: 600 °C / 315 bar; RH: 610 °C / 72 bar■ Commissioning: 2009 / 2010■ Scope of supply: Utility steam generator including allrelated components, engineering,construction and commissioningMoorburg A / BDouble units set the standards■ Datteln 4■ 2 x 820 MWe / 2 x 2.088 t/h■ Benson ® Steam generator■ Bituminous coal■ Steam parameters: SH: 600 °C / 305 bar; RH: 610 °C / 65 bar■ Commissioning: 2010 / 2011■ Scope of supply: Utility steam generator including allrelated components, engineering,construction and commissioning

<strong>Bro</strong>ad range of economical turnkey plantsWalsum 10First turnkey coal power plant in Germany45Maasvlakte, Stade, Wilhelmshaven3 <strong>Power</strong>trains for the <strong>Europe</strong>an grid■ 1 x Maasvlakte, NetherlandsBituminous coal and biomass■ 1 x Stade, GermanyBituminous coal■ 1 x Wilhelmshaven, GermanyBituminous coal■ Capacity:3 x 800 MWe■ <strong>Hitachi</strong> steam turbine: 3,000 RPM; 962 MVA■ Commissioning: 3 x 2012■ Scope of supply: Delivery and engineering of allkey components such as utilitysteam generator, turbine/generatorand flue gas cleaning systemincl. DeNOx, dust removal anddesulphurization, constructionand commissioning■ Capacity790 MWe■ Steam parameters: SH: 603 ºC / 290 bar;RH: 621 °C / 75 bar■ <strong>Hitachi</strong> steam turbine: 3,000 RPM; 962 MVA■ Commissioning: 2009 / 2010■ Scope of supply: Turnkey including constructionand commissioningMalmöTailored combined-cycle power plant■ Capacity: 440 MWe,<strong>25</strong>0 MWth district heating■ Configuration: 1 x Gas turbine, 1 x HRSG,1 x Steam turbine, Multishaft■ Commissioning: 2009■ Scope of supply: Consortium leader, BOP,civil, electrical, constructionand commissioning■ Walsum 10

Setting high standardsWe are glad to meet the demands our customers put onour products in terms of ecological soundness, resourcesconservation and high efficiencies. This is coupled witha broad range of system solutions for practically allapplications in which fossil fuels are transformed intoelectricity and process heat at a central location.trends. Our products are at the forefront throughout theworld in terms of technology, permanence and operatingeffectiveness.We design and deliver sophisticated, complete gas powerplants in the 400 MWe and 800 MWe class which areindividually adapted to customer site conditions andneeds. In combined heat and power operations, up to89% of the gas energy is utilized – an absolute peakworld figure. Another maximum performance comes fromthe world’s largest gas power plant with cogeneration– which is part of our references.We provide our customers with perfected solutions fromsmall key components to 1,100 MWe utility steam generatorsfor both lignite and bituminous coal. Our 750 MWe and1,100 MWe utility steam generators for bituminous coalset new standards of performance and efficiency. We alsoset the bar high for lignite: our highly efficient 670 MWeand 1100 MWe plants point the way forwards and set the

Pursuing aims67The final aim of generating energy from fossil fuels isalready known namely to build power plants that whilstgenerating electricity from coal or gas do not dischargecarbon dioxide or other climate changing gases intothe atmosphere, so called “zero emission” plants. This willbe achieved in several ways but which one will be the mosttechnically or commercially effective has not clearly emergedto date.But one thing is sure: fossil fuels will continue to be anindispensable part of any global energy mix. The prop -ortion of electricity generated from fossil fuels willcontinue to increase globally. Under these conditionsonly the continuous increase in power plant efficiencywill bring about a reduction of emissions and con -servation of resources.Our research activities in energy generation cover a widefield. As well as fundamental research they also allowcustomer requests and requirements to be investigated.Trend-setting innovations and new technologies fortomorrow are joint objectives of our research.Developments are in hand which concentrate on tech no -logies to build maximum effective operating power plantswith 50% plus efficiencies using 700 °C plus steam tem -peratures. We are also developing ways to optimize theintegration of biomass and other substitute fuels intoenergy transformation and on improving brown coal-deri -ved electricity efficiencies. The aim here is to raise conventional power plant effici -encies by some 10 percentage points over the next 10years. Viewed against today’s average efficiency thisrepresents a cut in carbon dioxide emissions of over30%. In addition, concurrent development of new typesof flue gas desulfurization equipment will make it possiblein the future to drastically cut discharges of other environmentaly-criticalsubstances.These developments to provide energy in a resource- con -serving and ecologically sound manner are supported byprojects for leading to emission-free power plants. Thefuture is already taking place today in our laboratoriesand testing units.

<strong>Hitachi</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> <strong>GmbH</strong>Schifferstraße 8047059 Duisburg, GermanyPhone +49 203.8038-0Fax +49

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