BEEFMASTER - Advanced Video Auctions

BEEFMASTER - Advanced Video Auctions BEEFMASTER - Advanced Video Auctions
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WELCOME TO CAIN CATTLE COMPANYAT PICKENS RANCHDear Beefmaster Breeder,Make your arrangements now to join us May 4 for theCain Cattle Company. Dispersal Sale to be held at itsindoor sale facility in Pickens, Mississippi. Cain CattleCompany has built its herd on specific traits that makemoney in the business of Beef. This herd is documentedwith Beefmaster Breeders United as one of the highestperformance herds in the breed.The Cain Cattle Company breeding philosophy ofcombining individual performance with superior carcasstraits and proven genetics will be on display and soldat this sale. You will see the response of this selectionpressure in the consistency of udder development,conformation, fertility, individual performance and easeof keeping ability. Cain Cattle Company has beendedicated to this commitment of making its Beefmasterherd perform in all the critical beef production traits.This translates as a bonus to you when you take thisproduct home, and that same performance permeatesthroughout your herd to make you more competitive inthe business of Beef.The large offering of 3n1’s and pairs has the proof of theirproduction traits at side and the quality that any seriousBeefmaster breeder will appreciate. Dreamcatcherproduct dominates this portion of the sale offering, andthe male and female calves are superior examples ofwhat can be attained by using this tremendous herdsire.There are proven donors as well as donor prospectsthroughout this category. The bred females and bredHeifers have their own special attraction of superiorindividuals with the same tremendous consistencyof quality and opportunity. Pippa leads this paradeof great opportunity! The Open Heifers are the futuredominant individuals that Cain Cattle Company wasbuilding its Beefmaster product to be. They offer you thecombination of the selection pressure discussed andexhibit what is possible in the Beefmaster Breed and thebusiness of Beef.The proven herdsires selling have the product to confirmtheir breeding value and can be your entry to truebreeding success. The herdsire prospects were selectedfor their individual quality and superiority in carcass andperformance. They will be a great asset to any breederlooking to capture the elusive consistency demanded intoday’s business of Beef.Frozen embryos by many of the females selling andconfirmed superior producers of the past will offer youan opportunity to create your own dominant individualswithout the added expense of owning the sire or dam.Semen from the bulls Cain Cattle Company built itsprogram around and are still using will be sold.Cain Cattle Company has been in the business of Beefand has established a reputation of producing a superiorBeefmaster product. Simply by adding their product toyour program you will become the final benefactor. Wehope you can join us in Pickens for a firsthand evaluationof this offering, but if you cannot, the auction will belive on the Internet at,where you can bid and buy live during the auction. If youhave any questions or need any assistance in makingselections or purchases, do not hesitate to contactmyself, Mike Green or Cain Cattle Company.See you in Pickens!Bruce Robbins

ONLINE AUCTIONBid and buy live using the industry’s bestrealtime interactive online auction service.Technology ■ Experience ■ CommunicationsAdvanced Video Auctions (AVA) provides live videoauctions, webinars and many other marketing andmeeting presentations in real time over the Internet.The AVA system was created and developed especially forthe marketing and promotion of livestock and is well proven toprovide a unique presentation for various livestock events viathe Internet.Videos, still images and detailed information on eachof the lots offered are available prior to the sale and may beviewed anytime at Youdo not need a username or password in order to view the saleoffering prior to the sale, but we do encourage you to registerearly for the sale to obtain your username and password thatyou will be able to use on the AVA system for each sale whereyou desire to become a buyer.On sale day, you will log on with your usernameand password and will then be able to view the auctionbroadcated with either live streaming video or pre-recordedvideo of the lots, and on some events, you will see both. Inaddition, the AVA system provides live streaming audio fromthe sale site so you don’t miss any part of the auction action,hearing the auctioneer and other comments announced.Plus, you can privately chat in real time with the on-side bidadministrator.Please go to www. toregister for the sale or event. You only have to registeronce for all events held! Please try to register prior to saleor event day. Also, please note that payment terms are uniqueand specific for each sale. Please review any of the sale termsahead of time, and if you have any questions, you can contactthe sale personnel designated for that auction.Optimal Connection Speed: DSL, Cable Internet or anyBroadband Internet connections. Minimum download speed of512 is recommended.Computer Requirements: Most any computer 6 years oldor younger with the latest versions of the Internet browsersInternet Explorer or Firefox with Adobe Flash Player installedare recommended. You can download the current version ofthe Flash Player at Viewing: Set your computer screen to at least 1024 x768 pixels.Sale Day Help Desk: 888.354.0181 Contact us today for more information about | 888.354.0181

ONLINE AUCTIONBid and buy live using the industry’s bestrealtime interactive online auction service.Technology ■ Experience ■ Communications<strong>Advanced</strong> <strong>Video</strong> <strong>Auctions</strong> (AVA) provides live videoauctions, webinars and many other marketing andmeeting presentations in real time over the Internet.The AVA system was created and developed especially forthe marketing and promotion of livestock and is well proven toprovide a unique presentation for various livestock events viathe Internet.<strong>Video</strong>s, still images and detailed information on eachof the lots offered are available prior to the sale and may beviewed anytime at www.<strong>Advanced</strong><strong>Video</strong><strong>Auctions</strong>.com. Youdo not need a username or password in order to view the saleoffering prior to the sale, but we do encourage you to registerearly for the sale to obtain your username and password thatyou will be able to use on the AVA system for each sale whereyou desire to become a buyer.On sale day, you will log on with your usernameand password and will then be able to view the auctionbroadcated with either live streaming video or pre-recordedvideo of the lots, and on some events, you will see both. Inaddition, the AVA system provides live streaming audio fromthe sale site so you don’t miss any part of the auction action,hearing the auctioneer and other comments announced.Plus, you can privately chat in real time with the on-side bidadministrator.Please go to www. <strong>Advanced</strong><strong>Video</strong><strong>Auctions</strong>.com toregister for the sale or event. You only have to registeronce for all events held! Please try to register prior to saleor event day. Also, please note that payment terms are uniqueand specific for each sale. Please review any of the sale termsahead of time, and if you have any questions, you can contactthe sale personnel designated for that auction.Optimal Connection Speed: DSL, Cable Internet or anyBroadband Internet connections. Minimum download speed of512 is recommended.Computer Requirements: Most any computer 6 years oldor younger with the latest versions of the Internet browsersInternet Explorer or Firefox with Adobe Flash Player installedare recommended. You can download the current version ofthe Flash Player at Viewing: Set your computer screen to at least 1024 x768 pixels.Sale Day Help Desk: 888.354.0181 Contact us today for more information about www.<strong>Advanced</strong><strong>Video</strong><strong>Auctions</strong>.com | 888.354.0181

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