The International thermodynamic equation of ... - unesdoc - Unesco

The International thermodynamic equation of ... - unesdoc - Unesco The International thermodynamic equation of ... - unesdoc - Unesco


ΣΑ = Δρ/0The InternationalThermodynamicEquation of Seawater– 2010ΣASummary for Policy Makers0In order to improve the determination of AbsoluteSalinity oceanographers need to begin collectingand storing values of the salinity anomalyδS A =S A −S R based on measured values of density(such as can be measured with a vibratingtube densimeter). The 4-letter GF3 code DENSis currently defined for in situ measurements orcomputed values from EOS-80. It is recommendedthat the density measurements made witha vibrating beam densimeter be reported withUsing the TEOS-10:Algorithms and Programmesthe GF3 code DENS along with the laboratorytemperature (TLAB in °C) and laboratory pressure(PLAB, the sea pressure in the laboratory,usually 0 dbar). From this information and thePractical Salinity of the seawater sample, the absolutesalinity anomaly δS A =S A −S R can be calculatedusing an inversion of the TEOS-10 equationfor density to determine S A . For completeness,it is advisable to also report δS A under the newGF3 code DELS.The computer software to calculate the variousthermodynamic quantities is available from twoseparate libraries, the Seawater-Ice-Air (SIA) libraryand the Gibbs-SeaWater (GSW) library. Thefunctions in the SIA library are generally availablein basic-SI units, both for their input parametersand for the outputs of the algorithms. Some additionalroutines are included in the SIA libraryin terms of other commonly used units for theconvenience of users. The SIA library takes significantlymore computer time to evaluate mostquantities (approximately a factor of 65 morecomputer time for many quantities, comparingoptimized code in both cases) and provides significantlymore properties than does the GSW library.The SIA library uses the world-wide standardfor the thermodynamic description of pure watersubstance (IAPWS-95). Since this is defined overextended ranges of temperature and pressure,the algorithms are long and their evaluation time-consuming.The GSW library uses the Gibbsfunction of Feistel (2003) (IAPWS-09) to evaluatethe properties of pure water, and since this is validonly over the restricted ranges of temperatureand pressure appropriate for the ocean, the algorithmsare shorter and their execution is faster.The GSW library is not as comprehensive as theSIA library; for example, the properties of moistair are only available in the SIA library. In addition,computationally efficient expressions for densityρ in terms of Conservative Temperature (ratherthan in terms of in situ temperature) involvingjust 25 coefficients are also available.The input and output parameters of the GSWlibrary are in units which oceanographers willfind more familiar than basic SI units. We expectthat oceanographers will mostly use thisGSW library because of its greater simplicityand computational efficiency, and because ofthe more familiar units compared with the SIAlibrary. The library name GSW (Gibbs-SeaWater)has been chosen to be similar to, but differentfrom the existing “sw” (Sea Water) library whichis already in wide circulation. Both the SIA andGSW libraries, together with the TEOS-10 Manualand this summary are available from thewebsite Initially the SIA libraryis being made available in Visual Basic andFORTRAN while the GSW library is available inMATLAB.10

.75179 γImagesCover: A CTD onboard the R/V Knorr during theRAPID/MOCHA Mooring cruise in 2005. Theworld’s first trans-basin mooring array acrossthe North Atlantic Ocean at 26 N, the array hasbeen continuously measuring Atlantic meridionaloverturning circulation since 2004. The project isa joint effort of the National Oceanography Centre,Southampton UK and the Rosenstiel Schoolof Marine and Atmospheric Science at the Universityof Miami, USA. Credit: Rosenstiel School ofMarine and Atmospheric Science.Page 1: A CTD and lowered acoustic Dopplercurrent profiler hovering just below the sea surfacewas taken south of Timor from the SouthernSurveyor in August 2003. Credit: Ann GronellThresher.Page 2: Josiah Willard Gibbs (1839-1903) CourtesyWiki ImagesReferencesLinks to papers describing the new thermodynamicformulation for the properties of seawaterand to codes implementing this new approachcan also be found online:, R., 2003: A new extended Gibbs thermodynamicpotential of seawater, Progr. Oceanogr.,58, 43-114.Feistel, R., 2008: A Gibbs function for seawaterthermodynamics for −6 to 80 °C and salinity upto 120 g kg–1, Deep-Sea Res. I, 55, 1639-1671.Feistel, R., et al., 2010a: Thermodynamic propertiesof sea air. Ocean Science, 6, 91–141., 91-2010.pdfFeistel, R., et al., 2010b: Numerical implementationand oceanographic application of the thermodynamicpotentials of liquid water, watervapour, ice, seawater and humid air - Part 1:Background and equations. Ocean Science, 6,633/677. and, R., et al., 2010c: Density and Absolute Salinityof the Baltic Sea 2006–2009. Ocean Science,6, 3–24., R., G. M. Marion, R. Pawlowicz and D. G.Wright, 2010: Thermophysical property anomaliesof Baltic seawater. Ocean Science, 6, 949-981., 2009a: Revised Release on the Equationof State 2006 for H2O Ice Ih. The InternationalAssociation for the Properties of Water andSteam. Doorwerth, The Netherlands, September2009, available from This Release is referred to in the text asIAPWS 06.IAPWS, 2009b: Revised Release on the IAPWSFormulation 1995 for the Thermodynamic Propertiesof Ordinary Water Substance for Generaland Scientific Use. The International Associationfor the Properties of Water and Steam.Doorwerth, The Netherlands, September 2009,available from This Releaseis referred to in the text as IAPWS 95.IAPWS, 2009c: Supplementary Release on aComputationally Efficient Thermodynamic Formulationfor Liquid Water for OceanographicUse. The International Association for the Propertiesof Water and Steam. Doorwerth, TheNetherlands, September 2009, available from This Release is referredto in the text as IAPWS 09.IAPWS, 2010: Guideline on an Equation of Statefor Humid Air in Contact with Seawater and Ice,Consistent with the IAPWS Formulation 2008for the Thermodynamic Properties of Seawater.The International Association for the Propertiesof Water and Steam. Niagara Falls, Canada,July 2010, available from This Guideline is referred to in the text asIAPWS 10.IOC, 1987: GF3- A General Formatting System forGeo-Referenced Data. Vol. 2, Technical Descriptionof the GF3 Format and Code Tables. IntergovernmentalOceanographic Commission, Manualsand Guides 17, UNESCO.IOC, SCOR and IAPSO, 2010: The internationalthermodynamic equation of seawater – 2010:Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties.Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission,Manuals and Guides 56, UNESCO(English), 196 pp., T. J., D. R. Jackett and F. J. Millero,2010a: An algorithm for estimating Absolute Salinityin the global ocean. submitted to OceanScience, a preliminary version is available atOcean Sci. Discuss., 6, 215-242. and the computer software isavailable from http://www.TEOS-10.org11

.75179 γImagesCover: A CTD onboard the R/V Knorr during theRAPID/MOCHA Mooring cruise in 2005. <strong>The</strong>world’s first trans-basin mooring array acrossthe North Atlantic Ocean at 26 N, the array hasbeen continuously measuring Atlantic meridionaloverturning circulation since 2004. <strong>The</strong> project isa joint effort <strong>of</strong> the National Oceanography Centre,Southampton UK and the Rosenstiel School<strong>of</strong> Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University<strong>of</strong> Miami, USA. Credit: Rosenstiel School <strong>of</strong>Marine and Atmospheric Science.Page 1: A CTD and lowered acoustic Dopplercurrent pr<strong>of</strong>iler hovering just below the sea surfacewas taken south <strong>of</strong> Timor from the SouthernSurveyor in August 2003. Credit: Ann GronellThresher.Page 2: Josiah Willard Gibbs (1839-1903) CourtesyWiki ImagesReferencesLinks to papers describing the new <strong>thermodynamic</strong>formulation for the properties <strong>of</strong> seawaterand to codes implementing this new approachcan also be found online:, R., 2003: A new extended Gibbs <strong>thermodynamic</strong>potential <strong>of</strong> seawater, Progr. Oceanogr.,58, 43-114.Feistel, R., 2008: A Gibbs function for seawater<strong>thermodynamic</strong>s for −6 to 80 °C and salinity upto 120 g kg–1, Deep-Sea Res. I, 55, 1639-1671.Feistel, R., et al., 2010a: <strong>The</strong>rmodynamic properties<strong>of</strong> sea air. Ocean Science, 6, 91–141., 91-2010.pdfFeistel, R., et al., 2010b: Numerical implementationand oceanographic application <strong>of</strong> the <strong>thermodynamic</strong>potentials <strong>of</strong> liquid water, watervapour, ice, seawater and humid air - Part 1:Background and <strong>equation</strong>s. Ocean Science, 6,633/677. and, R., et al., 2010c: Density and Absolute Salinity<strong>of</strong> the Baltic Sea 2006–2009. Ocean Science,6, 3–24., R., G. M. Marion, R. Pawlowicz and D. G.Wright, 2010: <strong>The</strong>rmophysical property anomalies<strong>of</strong> Baltic seawater. Ocean Science, 6, 949-981., 2009a: Revised Release on the Equation<strong>of</strong> State 2006 for H2O Ice Ih. <strong>The</strong> <strong>International</strong>Association for the Properties <strong>of</strong> Water andSteam. Doorwerth, <strong>The</strong> Netherlands, September2009, available from This Release is referred to in the text asIAPWS 06.IAPWS, 2009b: Revised Release on the IAPWSFormulation 1995 for the <strong>The</strong>rmodynamic Properties<strong>of</strong> Ordinary Water Substance for Generaland Scientific Use. <strong>The</strong> <strong>International</strong> Associationfor the Properties <strong>of</strong> Water and Steam.Doorwerth, <strong>The</strong> Netherlands, September 2009,available from This Releaseis referred to in the text as IAPWS 95.IAPWS, 2009c: Supplementary Release on aComputationally Efficient <strong>The</strong>rmodynamic Formulationfor Liquid Water for OceanographicUse. <strong>The</strong> <strong>International</strong> Association for the Properties<strong>of</strong> Water and Steam. Doorwerth, <strong>The</strong>Netherlands, September 2009, available from This Release is referredto in the text as IAPWS 09.IAPWS, 2010: Guideline on an Equation <strong>of</strong> Statefor Humid Air in Contact with Seawater and Ice,Consistent with the IAPWS Formulation 2008for the <strong>The</strong>rmodynamic Properties <strong>of</strong> Seawater.<strong>The</strong> <strong>International</strong> Association for the Properties<strong>of</strong> Water and Steam. Niagara Falls, Canada,July 2010, available from This Guideline is referred to in the text asIAPWS 10.IOC, 1987: GF3- A General Formatting System forGeo-Referenced Data. Vol. 2, Technical Description<strong>of</strong> the GF3 Format and Code Tables. IntergovernmentalOceanographic Commission, Manualsand Guides 17, UNESCO.IOC, SCOR and IAPSO, 2010: <strong>The</strong> international<strong>thermodynamic</strong> <strong>equation</strong> <strong>of</strong> seawater – 2010:Calculation and use <strong>of</strong> <strong>thermodynamic</strong> properties.Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission,Manuals and Guides 56, UNESCO(English), 196 pp., T. J., D. R. Jackett and F. J. Millero,2010a: An algorithm for estimating Absolute Salinityin the global ocean. submitted to OceanScience, a preliminary version is available atOcean Sci. Discuss., 6, 215-242. and the computer s<strong>of</strong>tware isavailable from http://www.TEOS-10.org11

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