SUMMER SALE 2013 - Ignatius Press

SUMMER SALE 2013 - Ignatius Press

SUMMER SALE 2013 - Ignatius Press

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INSPIRATIONAL FILMSPius XIIUnder the Roman SkyBased on Vatican documentsand personal testimonies,this epic film stars JamesCromwell in a powerfulmovie about the great, oftenhidden struggle waged by thePope and many others withhim to save the Jews fromthe Nazis during WWII. Afterthe Nazis take over Rome,Hitler’s plan to kidnap thePope is revealed as the Nazis make an all-out attemptto silence the one authority figure in Italy standingstrong against them. Also starring AlessandraMastronardi, Marco Froschi, Ettore Bassi, and directedby Christian Duguay. Includes a 16-page booklet.j P12-M . . . DVD, 200 min., $24.95The Miracle ofFather KapaunThe story of the Servant ofGod, Fr. Emil Kapaun, a heroof the Korean War whosecause for sainthood is movingthrough Rome, and recipient ofthe Medal of Honor. This documentarytells of his heroic workas a chaplain during battle, andhis leadership and comfortof fellow American prisonersafter capture and torture bythe Communists, which led to his death. Featuresinterviews with soldiers who knew Kapaun, as wellas with the Kansas family who is convinced Kapaun’smiraculous intercession saved their son’s life.j MFK-M . . . 45 min, $19.95Powers andDominionsAngels, Demons, and SpiritualWarfareThis film explores the spiritualworld, that very realbut unseen realm: God, thehuman soul, angels, demons(fallen angels), spiritual warfare,the reality of demonicpossession and exorcism,the dangers of the new agemovement and the occult,and much more. Featuring well-known speakersand authors Steve Ray, Fr. Andrew Pinsent, Fr.Marcus Holden, Joanna Bogle, Fr. Jeremy Daviesand Fr. Behruz Rafat.j PADOM-M . . . 55 min, $19.95The CreedThis film contains 15 insightfulfilms of 5 minutes each,examining the Apostle’sCreed, probing the deepermeaning of Faith, the Trinity,Christ, Mary, the Church,Saints, Sin, Eternal Life andmuch more. Suitable for individuals,families, catechesis,parishes, schools, it also containsa companion bookletwith ideas on how to usethe film, with direct correlation to sections of theCatechism of the Catholic Church, and to YOUCAT. InEnglish or Spanish languages.j TCREED-M . . . 75 min., $19.9529www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531PopiełuszkoFreedom is Within UsThe stirring, powerfultrue story of Blessed JerzyPopiełuszko, the courageousyoung priest martyr whobecame the chaplain and spiritualleader of the large tradeunion in Poland, Solidarity, inthe 1980s. He was harassed,threatened, and imprisoned,but he would not be silenced.His friends suggested that heleave Poland for his own safety but he replied “myplace is with the people” and “I am ready for anything.”On October 19, 1984, three Communist agentskidnapped Father Jerzy and he was viciously beaten,bound, and thrown into the Vistula River. Includesmany special features.j POPI-M . . . DVD, 149 min., $24.95In Her Footsteps:The Story of St. KateriTekakwithaIn 2012, Kateri Tekakwithabecame the first NativeNorth American woman tobe recognized as a Saint. Thispowerful documentary featurespeople who have beentouched by her—includingPhiladelphia’s ArchbishopCharles Chaput, OFM;Bishop James Wall of Gallup,NM; Sr. Kateri Mitchell, SSA, the Executive Directorof the Tekakwitha Conference, and Jake Finkbonner,the little boy who received the miraculous healingthat saved his life and that led to Kateri’s canonization.Includes many special features.j IHFOOT-M . . . DVD, 50 min., $19.95Beloved The DominicanSisters of St. CeciliaIn the heart of the “BibleBelt” in Tennessee, theDominican Sisters of St.Cecilia have fully embracedlove in the living of theirvows and apostolic life for150 years. Like their patron,the virgin martyr Cecilia, theNashville Dominicans promisetheir heart to Christ. Thisjoyful, holy community radiatestheir love for Christ and neighbor, revealing inthis compelling film what it means to live the consecratedlife as both a contemplative and a teacher.j BND-M . . . 57 min, $19.95Cosmic OriginsScience and Faith are not inconflict! In this exciting film,you’ll join Fr. Robert Spitzer,S.J., and physicist StephenBarr, along with leaders inthe world of science includingLisa Randall (named oneof Time Magazine’s 100 MostInfluential People in 2007),Nobel laureate Arno Penzias,Harvard astronomer OwenGingerich, NASA scientistJennifer Wiseman, and Templeton Prize winnersJohn Polkinghorne and Michael Heller. DVD includesbonus special features.j CO-M . . . DVD, 49 min., $19.95

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