SUMMER SALE 2013 - Ignatius Press

SUMMER SALE 2013 - Ignatius Press

SUMMER SALE 2013 - Ignatius Press

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Who Is Pope Francis?The Life and Messageof Pope FrancisThis outstanding newdocumentary film gives anexcellent overview into thelife, thought and work ofJorge Mario Bergoglio, nowPope Francis. It containspreviously unreleasedrecordings and endearingimages of CardinalBergoglio. His words andactions convey the uniquecharisma of this surpriseArgentine Pope whose humility, kindness and courageare winning countless admirers to a renewedinterest in the Papacy. Includes a bonus extra film ofan interview done with Cardinal Bergoglio only afew months before his election as Pope.English or Spanish language options.j WPF-M . . . 45 min, $19.95NEW FILMSSeelosTireless IntercessorThe true story thatchronicles the heroicand miraculous life of ayoung immigrant priest,Blessed Francis XavierSeelos (1819-1867). ThisRedemptorist missionarywas beatified by PopeJohn Paul II in the SolemnJubilee Year 2000.FatherSeelos possessed greatmystical gifts due to hisintense prayer life. Hisdedication to ministry with cheerful holiness makeshim still an outstanding model for clergy, religious,and laity alike. As an itinerant preacher and lifelongfriend of the poor and destitute, Seelos was a spiritualFather to tens of thousands. Despite his earlydeath at age 48, so profound was his missionary zealthat sickness, persecution, and even the upheavalcaused by the Civil War, could not stop him.j SEE2-M . . . 68 min, $19.95ConclaveHow a Pope is ElectedHow is a Pope elected?This new film gives theanswers and introducesus to the extraordinary atmosphereof the Conclave.It begins with the surpriseannouncement of PopeBenedict ‘s resignation, andsome interpretations andcommentary on the pontificateof Benedict by Vaticanobservers. Then the intricateelectoral proceedingsfor the Conclave are presented, which are the resultof two thousand years of supernatural wisdom andhuman experience. It goes back to the origins of thepapacy with historical highlights of the successionfrom Peter to the <strong>2013</strong> Conclave and surprise electionof Pope Francis. It concludes with a discussion of thechallenges and opportunities facing the new Pope.j TCON-M . . . 46 min, $19.95Ocean of MercyAt the dawn of the 20th century,three voices rose upfrom Poland to proclaim anurgent message, a messagepowerful enough to alterthe course of an age plunginginto spiritual darkness.Filmed on location in morethan 20 cities across Polandand the United States, thistrue story examines andchronicles the phenomenallives and spiritual legacy ofSaint Faustina Kowalksa,Saint Maximilian Kolbe, and Blessed John Paul II,modern day “Apostles of Mercy”. Through never beforeseen film footage, rare photographs, and extensiveinterviews with friends, biographers, and familymembers, this story journeys across a dramatic visuallandscape to document their heroic struggle and heraldthe message of Divine Mercy to all mankind.j OM2-M . . . 75 min, $19.95Catholicism The New Evangelizationhe Catholic Faith is not about myths or legends, symbols or literaryTdevices. It’s about an encounter so overwhelming that you want to tellthe whole world. It is an encounter with Jesus Christ. Throughout historythe call of Christ has sent people to the corners of the earth with a messageof great joy, a message that has built civilizations, inspired cultures andeven sent some to prisons and to their deaths. We have the same call today—that’s the New Evangelization.This new documentary series from Fr. Robert Barron continues the storyof his major Catholicism series and explores the Church’s mission and thechallenges of contemporary culture. With the original Catholicism series,Fr. Barron took us on a journey around the world deep into the Faith. Now,experience this Faith in action in Catholicism: The New Evangelization.This film tells us what the “New Evangelization” is and then takes us ona fascinating tour to witness examples of new ardor, new expressions andnew methods of evangelization in action.This multi-disc DVD set also includes 4 hours of extra features includingtwo Fr. Barron speeches and full interviews and insights on the NewEvangelization with George Weigel, Ross Douthat, Brad Gregory, and Brandon Vogt.j C:NE-M . . . 4 Discs, 6 hours, $59.95Catholicism The New Evangelization • Study GuideCompanion, in-depth study guide to the new Catholicism film series by Fr. Barron gives practical lessonson how to implement the “New Evangelization”. C:NESG-P . . . Softcover, $24.9524www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

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