SUMMER SALE 2013 - Ignatius Press

SUMMER SALE 2013 - Ignatius Press

SUMMER SALE 2013 - Ignatius Press

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IGNATIUS PRESS NOVELSTerrapin EA Mystery • T.M. DoranDennis Cole and his three bestbuddies from childhood gatherfor a weekend reunion. On thefirst night, one of the men ismurdered—or is he? The suspensefulstory moves back andforth between the unfoldingreunion gone bad and childhoodevents that involved thesefriends. A murder mystery and acoming of age story, both with many twists and turns,Terrapin is about man’s potential for doing either goodor evil, his tendency to do the latter, and his responseto the consequences of his actions.TERP-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 392 pp, $24.95 $19.95Looking for the King EAAn Inklings NovelDavid C. DowningIt is 1940, and American TomMcCord, a 23-year-old aspiringdoctoral candidate, is inEngland researching the historicalevidence for the legendaryKing Arthur. There he meetsperky and intuitive LauraHartman, a fellow Americanstaying with her aunt inOxford, and the two of them team up for an evenmore ambitious and dangerous quest. Aided by theInklings—that illustrious circle of scholars and writersmade famous by its two most prolific members,C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien—Tom and Laurabegin to suspect that the fabled Spear of Destiny, thelance that pierced the side of Christ on the cross, ishidden somewhere in England...LFK-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 250 pp, $14.95A Postcard from theVolcano EAA Novel by Lucy BeckettBeginning in 1914 and endingon the eve of World WarII, this epic story followsthe Prussian aristocrat, Maxvon Hofmannswaldau as heuncovers the truth about hisown identity and confrontsthe modern ideologies thatthreaten the annihilation ofmillions of people.PV-P . . . 520 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95The CypressesBelieve in GodSpain on the Eve of Civil WarA Novel by José Maria GironellaA classic, unbiased account ofthe complicated events, movementsand personalities thatled up to the war. Beginning in1931, Cypresses covers the nextfive years of political unrest,culminating in the explosion ofthe brutal war.CBG-P . . . 806 pp, Sewn Softcover, $27.95See more novels on pages 2, 3, and 5E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.comA indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com— MICHAEL D. O’BRIEN —The Father’s Tale EACanadian bookseller Alex Graham is a middle-agewidower whose quiet life is turned upside downwhen his college-age son disappears without anytrace. With minimal resources, the father begins along journey to bring his son home.FT-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 1076 pp, $29.95Theophilos A Novel EASt. Luke addressed his Gospel and Acts to a mannamed Theophilos: but who was he? In O’Brien’snew tale he is Luke’s skeptical adoptive father,concerned by this “Christos” in Luke’s writings andabout his newly zealous son’s fate.THEO-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 445 pages, $17.95Island of the World A Novel EAThe dramatic story of a child born in 1933 into theturbulent world of the Balkans and tracing his life intothe third millennium.IW-P . . . 839 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95Father Elijah An Apocalypse EAFather Elijah, a Carmelite priest, is called from thesolitude of his monastery by the Pope himself topenetrate into the inner circles of a powerful manthe Pontiff believes to be the Antichrist.FE-P . . . 597 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95Strangers and Sojourners EAA beautiful epic story set in the rugged interior ofBritish Columbia that traces the lives of four generationsof a family of exiles through the tumultuousevents of the 20th century.SAS-P . . . 573 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95Eclipse of the Sun EAA fast-paced, apocalyptic novel about the dramatictale of a Catholic family and friends in conflict witha new totalitarian government in North America.ESUN-P . . . 857 pp, Sewn Softcover, $21.95Sophia House EAIn 1940’s Warsaw, Pawel Tarnowski, a bookseller, givesrefuge to David Schäfer, a Jewish youth. Throughout awinter of hiding, they discuss their respective religiousviews. Years later, David converts to Catholicism andbecomes Fr. Elijah Schäfer, called to confront the Antichristin Father Elijah.SH-H . . . 490 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $24.95A Cry of Stone EAExploring the true meaning of poverty of spirit, it isthe story of a native artist, Rose Wâbos, chroniclingher growth to womanhood, her discovery of art,moving out into the urban world of sophisticatedcultural circles.CRYST-P . . . 854 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95Plague Journal EAA gripping apocalyptic drama about the editor of asmall-town newspaper in North America faced withthe greatest crisis of his life.PJ-P . . . 275 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.9521www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

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