SUMMER SALE 2013 - Ignatius Press

SUMMER SALE 2013 - Ignatius Press

SUMMER SALE 2013 - Ignatius Press

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RECENTLY RELEASEDA Sense of the Sacred ERoman Catholic Worshipin the Middle AgesJames MontiThis incomparable volume presentsa comprehensive explorationand explanation of medievalliturgical celebrations. Thereverent prayers, hymns andrubrics used in the Middle Agesare described in detail and interpretedthrough the commentaryof scholars from the same time period, the era whichis also known as the “Age of Faith”. Historian JamesMonti has done exhaustive research so that the treasuresof the Middle Ages can inspire a sense of thesacred in future generations of CatholicsSENSA-P . . . 715 pp, Sewn Softcover, $34.95Evangelical CatholicismGeorge WeigelThis book proposes a deepeningof faith-based and mission fromthe episcopate and the papacyto the priesthood and the consecratedlife. Lay Catholics andclergy alike should welcomethe challenge of this uniquemoment in the Church’s history,Weigel urges. Mediocrity is notan option, and all Catholics, nomatter what their station in life,are called to live the evangelical vocation into whichthey were baptized: without compromise, but withthe joy, courage, and confidence that comes from livingthis side of the Resurrection.EVCA-H . . . 304 pp, Hardcover, $27.95My Sisters, the SaintsA Spiritual MemoirColleen Carroll CampbellCampbell blends her personalnarrative of spiritual seeking, trials,stumbles, and breakthroughswith the stories of six womensaints who profoundly changedher life: Teresa of Avila, Thereseof Lisieux, Faustina, Edith Stein,Mother Teresa of Calcutta, andMary of Nazareth. Drawingupon the rich writings and examplesof these women, the author reveals Christianity’sliberating power for women and the relevance ofthe saints to the lives of contemporary Christians.MSTSA-H . . . 224 pp, Hardcover, $22.95How the Catholic ChurchBuilt Western CivilizationThomas E. Woods, Jr.Ask someone today whereWestern Civilization originated,and he or she might say Greeceor Rome. But what is the ultimatesource of Western Civilization?Thomas E. Woods, Jr. providesthe long neglected answer: theCatholic Church. Gifts such asmodern science, free-market economics,art, music, and the idea of human rightscome from the Catholic Church, explains Woods. Noinstitution has done more to shape Western civilizationthan the Church— and in ways that many of ushave forgotten or never known.HCCB-P . . . Softcover, 284 pp, $16.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.comA indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.comA School of PrayerPope Benedict XVIIn this superb book, based onPope Benedict’s weekly teaching,he examines the foundationalprinciples of the life ofprayer. Believers of variousbackgrounds and experiencein prayer—from beginners tospiritually advanced—will beenriched by this spiritual masterpiece.“It is in fact in Jesus,”writes Benedict, “that man becomes able to approachGod in the depth and intimacy of the relationship offatherhood and sonship. Together with the first disciples,let us now turn with humble trust to the Teacherand ask him: ‘Lord, teach us to pray’ (Lk 11:1).”OPRAY-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 282 pp, $17.95The SecondVatican CouncilThe Four ConstitutionsThis collection of the four constitutionsof the Second VaticanCouncil uses the Catholic TruthSociety translation and features:Sacrosanctum Concilium,introduced by Cardinal FrancisArinze • Lumen Gentium,introduced by Cardinal PaulPoupard • Dei Verbum, introducedby Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, OFM, Cap. •Gaudium et Spes, introduced by Cardinal Angelo Scola.Also includes a general introduction by ArchbishopSalvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, and an addressgiven by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in 2005.CTS:SVC-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 300 pp, $15.95The Regensburg LectureJames V. SchallPope Benedict’s RegensburgLecture shocked the world (evento the point of rioting), yet forthrightlydealt with the “unavoidabledilemma” of Islam needingto “re-Hellenize” in order tofulfill its promise as a “religionof peace.” Fr. Schall’s accessible,definitive explanation clarifiesthe meaning and importance ofthe Regensburg Lecture (the Lecture itself is includedas an appendix) to restate the central role of reason inman’s relationship with God.RLEC-H . . . 174 pp, Hardcover, $20.00How NOT toShare Your FaithThe Seven Deadly Sins ofCatholic Apologetics andEvangelizationMark BrumleyMark Brumley, president of<strong>Ignatius</strong> <strong>Press</strong>, describes sevenof the most common and tragicmistakes he and other apologistshave made over the years in theirattempts to defend and explainthe Catholic faith. More importantly, he reveals howyou can avoid these mistakes and become far moreeffective at sharing your faith in a charitable way-evenif that means losing an argument from time to time.HNSF-P . . . Softcover, 125 pp, $12.9516www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

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