SUMMER SALE 2013 - Ignatius Press

SUMMER SALE 2013 - Ignatius Press

SUMMER SALE 2013 - Ignatius Press

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RECENTLY RELEASEDBakhita EFrom Slave to SaintRoberto Italo ZaniniWhen she was about nine yearsold, Josephine Bakhita was kidnappedin Sudan, by Arab slavetraders. For several years shewas subjected to brutal treatmentuntil she was ransomedand taken to Venice, Italy, whereshe became a Catholic and anun. Based on Bakhita’s autobiography,which she dictated to a Canossian sisterin obedience to her superior, the canonization filesand other sources, Zanini records the life, virtues andmiracles of this daughter of Africa. Illustrated with16 pages of photos.BAKH-P . . . 210 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95Sisters in Crisis RevisitedFrom Unraveling to Reformand Renewal • Ann CareyFifty years ago, nearly 200,000religious sisters worked inCatholic institutions throughoutthe United States. Thencame the ideological shifts andmoral upheavals of the 1960s,and ever since, most women’sorders in the United States havebeen in a state of crisis. Afterexamining the many forces that have contributedto the crisis, Carey reports on a promising sign ofrenewal in American religious life: the growingnumber of young women attracted to older communitiesthat have retained their identity and newlyformed, yet traditional, congregations.SIC-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 500 pp, $24.95American Church EThe Remarkable Rise, MeteoricSociety and Sanity EFall, and Uncertain Future ofFrank SheedCatholicism in AmericaIn this classic work, Society andRussell ShawSanity, Catholic thinker FrankHas the cultural assimilation ofSheed brings his brilliant mindAmerican Catholics been a blessingor a curse for the Church inon the good human society.and lucid writing style to bearthe United States? Or has it beenBy explaining perennial truthsa bit of both? Russell Shaw takesabout human nature based ona searching look at that questionthe wisdom of Catholic socialand reaches a disturbing conclusion.ethics, Sheed’s book is as per-Cultural assimilation has undoubtedly conferredtinent today with our contro-many benefits on Catholics. Their absorption into the versies about love, the nature of marriage, the role ofsecular culture of America, however, now threatens government, the relationship of law and morality andthe Catholic identity of millions of faithful.of Church and State, and the duties of the citizen, asGLEG-P . . . 240 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95 when he penned the work over a half a century ago.SOCS-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 270 pp, $17.95Jacob’s Ladder EShakespeare on Love10 Steps to TruthESeeing the CatholicPeter KreeftPresence in Romeo & JulietThere are ten important questionseveryone should ask; andJoseph Pearce“Star-crossed” Romeo andthe answers to these questions,Juliet are perhaps the mostare a matter of reason, not ofwell-known lovers in literaryfaith. Peter Kreeft tackles eachof these questions in a logicalhistory. Though the young pairstep-by-step way, like climbing has been held up as a romanticideal, the play is a tragedy,the rungs of a ladder. Becausequestions are best answered ending in death. The Catholicby dialogue, Kreeft answers these questions in an understanding of sexual desire,imaginary conversation between two very different and its need to be ruled by reason, is on display inpeople. The passion for truth carries the reader from Romeo and Juliet, argues Pearce. The play is not aone page to the next in this adventure of the mind. paean to romance but a cautionary tale about theJACL-P . . . 160 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95 naïveté and folly of youthful infatuation and thedisastrous consequences of poor parenting.ContemplativeSHAKL-P . . . 160 pages, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Provocations EFr. Donald HaggertyFire of Mercy, Heart ofFor those who are spirituallythe Word Vol. III Ecourageous and full of desireErasmo Leiva-Merikakisfor God, this book will provokeSt. Matthew’s gospel can seemthem to persevere in this ultimatea terse narrative, almost a historicaladventure in life—the more completedocument and not thediscovery of the living God.tremendously spiritual (and doctrinal)The format of this book has astorehouse that it is. Incontemplative appeal. The reflectionshis third volume of meditationsbased upon the Church’son Matthew (chapters 19-25),rich tradition of contemplative prayer are short andErasmo Leiva continues to showconcise, stimulating the intuition. They can be readMatthew’s prose to be not terseindependently a few at a time, or as a series of connectedso much as economical—astoundingly so given itsthoughts. Most importantly, they provoke a depth. Each short meditation comments on a versedesire to enter more generously into one’s own relationshipor two, pointing to some facet of the text not immedi-with God.ately apparent, but rich with meaning.COPR-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 200 pp, $16.95 FMHW3-P . . . 870 pp, Sewn Softcover, $31.9515E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.comA indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.comwww.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

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