SUMMER SALE 2013 - Ignatius Press

SUMMER SALE 2013 - Ignatius Press

SUMMER SALE 2013 - Ignatius Press

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<strong>SUMMER</strong> SUPER <strong>SALE</strong>The 13th Day T-Shirts • $5 all sizesA beautifully designed, color-inkedT-shirt featuring graphics from thefeature movie on Fatima, The 13th Day.Medium - 13DM-O, $12.00Large - 13DL-O, $12.00X-Large - 13DLX-O, $12.00ORDER NOW! Sale ends August 31, <strong>2013</strong>SPOTLIGHT6www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531FOR FULL DESCRIPTIONS OF BOOKS, GO TOIGNATIUS.COM AND SEARCH BY PRODUCT CODE!The Socrates Series By Peter KreeftThis popular series by Peter Kreeft is the perfect introduction to theworld of philosophy. In each volume the “Father of Philosophy”,Socrates, cross-examines various important philosophers and thinkers.These books are both profound and witty—reading that makes for anentertaining and insightful exploration of modern philosophy.Socrates Meets MachiavelliThe Father of Philosophy Cross-examines the author of The PrinceSOC01-P, Softcover, $11.95Socrates Meets MarxThe Father of Philosophy Cross-examines the Founder of CommunismSOC02-P, Softcover, $11.95Socrates Meets SartreThe Father of Philosophy Cross-Examines the Founder of ExistentialismSOC04-P, Softcover, $11.95Socrates Meets DescartesThe Father of Philosophy Analyzes the Father of Modern PhilosophySOC05-P, Softcover, $12.95Socrates Meets Hume$7 .00 ea The Father of Philosophy Meets the Father of Modern SkepticismSOC06-P, Softcover, $12.95Socrates Meets KantThe Father of Philosophy Meets his Most Influential Modern ChildSOC07-P, Softcover, $15.95$7$7 .00 $5 .00 $ 5 .00.00The Primacy of the One Lord, One Faith What Were the Crusades? Divine LightBishop of Rome Vernon JohnsonFourth Edition The Theology ofFr. Antonio Garuti, O.F.M. OLOF-P, Softcover, $13.95 Jonathan Riley-Smith Denys the AreopagitePBR-P, Softcover, $19.95WWC4-P, Softcover, $14.95 William RiordanDL-P, Softcover, $19.95$5 .00$7 .00What Went Wrong withVatican II interview withRalph McInernyj WV-M, 90 min., $19.95$5 .00$10 .00The Da Vinci Hoaxj DVH-M, $14.95America: The Battle ofBunker Hillj AHPS-M, $19.95

<strong>SUMMER</strong> SUPER <strong>SALE</strong>ORDER NOW! Sale ends August 31, <strong>2013</strong>FOR FULL DESCRIPTIONS OF BOOKS, GO TOIGNATIUS.COM AND SEARCH BY PRODUCT CODE!$7 .00$3 .00$7 .00$7 .00The Face of GodPaul BaddeFAGO-H, Hardcover, $19.95Letters to GabrielKaren Garver SantorumLETGA-P, Softcover, $12.95Happiness, God,and ManChristoph SchonbornHGM-P, Softcover, $16.95What Is Dogma?Cardinal Charles JournetWID-P, Softcover, $14.95The True IconPaul BaddeFSTVM-H, Hardcover, $22.95Hell and OtherDestinationsPiers Paul ReadHOD-P, Softcover, $15.95$7 .00 $5 .00$3 .00The Wine of CertitudeDavid RooneyWINCE-P, Softcover, $18.95$5 .00Modern Moral ProblemsMsgr. William SmithMOMP-P, Softcover, $18.95The LifeWork PrincipleRick SarkisianLWP-P, Softcover, $15.95Joseph RatzingerLife in the Church andLiving TheologyMaximilian Heinrich HeimJRLC-H, Hardcover, $39.95$5 .00 The LifeWork JournalRick SarkisianLWJ-P, Softcover, $12.95$7$3 .00.00Christians in ChinaFr. Jean CharbonnierCCHIN-P, Softcover, $29.95$10 .00$3 .00 $5 .00$3 .00 $15 .00Adoremus HymnalImages of HopeJoseph Ratzinger (PopeEmeritus Benedict XVI)IH-H, Hardcover, $14.95Witness of the SaintsMilton WalshWITS-H, Hardcover, $34.95IndivisibleJames Robison& Jay RichardsINDV-H, Hardcover, $21.99First Edition: OrganADH:O-H, Softcover,$29.957www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

NEW <strong>SUMMER</strong> BOOKSFrancis Pope of a New World EAndrea TornielliForeword by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.Who is Pope Francis, elected in one of theshortest conclaves in history? Who is theman chosen to be the first pope from the Americasand the first Jesuit pope?This complete biography offers the keys tounderstanding the man who was a surprise choice,even a kind of revolutionary choice, for pope. Itis the story of the humble pastor of one of theworld’s largest archdioceses; a cardinal who takesthe bus, talks with common folk, and lives simply.It is the story of why the cardinal electors of theCatholic Church set aside political and diplomaticcalculations to elect a pope to lead the renewal andpurification of the worldwide Church of our time.“May this knowledge of Pope Francis’ past andbackground enlighten every reader ... [and] providea context for the new surprises he seemscapable of offering to the Church and to the modernworld as a whole.”— Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J., from the Foreword“Andrea Tornielli is one of the best, if not the best,Vatican reporter out there. Period. If anyone neededevidence, take his reporting of the conclave thatelected Pope Francis the 265th Successor of Peter.”— Nicole Winfield, Associated <strong>Press</strong>”Catholics and others eager to know all they canabout Pope Francis will learn a great deal fromAndrea Tornielli’s first-person account.”— James Hitchcock, author,History of the Catholic Church“Readers will be touched by this account of the manwho is now lovingly known as Our Holy Father,Pope Francis, and inspired by the message of God’smercy he seeks to bring to our present-day world.”— Mother Assumpta Long, O.P.,Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the EucharistFPNW-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 200 pp, $19.95In Spanish: FranciscoFPNW:SP-P . . . Softcover, $12.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.comA indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.comOn Heaven and EarthPope Francis on Faith, Family, and theChurch in the Twenty-First CenturyJorge Mario Bergoglio & Abraham SkorkaFrom the man who became Pope Francis—JorgeMario Bergoglio shares his thoughts on religion,reason, and the challenges the world facesin the 21st century with Abraham Skorka, a rabbiand biophysicist. For years Cardinal Jorge MarioBergoglio, archbishop of Argentina, and RabbiAbraham Skorka were tenacious promoters ofinterreligious dialogues on faith and reason. Theyboth sought to build bridges among Catholicism,Judaism, and the world at large. On Heaven andEarth, originally published in Argentina in 2010,brings together a series of these conversationswhere both men talked about various theologicaland worldly issues, including God, fundamentalism,atheism, abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia,same-sex marriage, and globalization. From thesepersonal and accessible talks comes a first-handview of the man who would become pope to 1.2billion Catholics around the world in March <strong>2013</strong>.OHE-H . . . 256 pp, Hardcover, $22.00Also available:Pope FrancisPortraitCelebrate theelection of ournew Holy Fatherwith this beautifulframed officialportrait! This printis in a gold woodframe with nonglareglass.PFF1-O . . . 12 x 16”, $50.00PFF2-O . . . 16 x 20”, $100.008www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

NEW <strong>SUMMER</strong> BOOKSPope Francis: His Lifein His Own WordsConversations with Jorge BergoglioFrancesca Ambrogietti and Sergio RubinElected in one of the shortest conclaves in history,the former Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio ofArgentina reveals, in a series of extensive interviewsconducted over the course of two years, the veryimage of a humble priest, inspired teacher, and wiseand adroit cardinal. What emerges is a portrait ofa man more interested in substance over style, acompassionate cleric and teacher who has shunnedthe spotlight. In spontaneous, intimate terms,Archbishop Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, coverstopics as wide-ranging as his childhood, family life,and the importance of his first job to discoveringhis calling and his early days in the seminary. Theformer archbishop was a teacher of psychology andliterature until John Paul II consecrated him as a cardinal.He befriended writers like Jorge Luis Borgesand cites Homer, Cervantes, and German and Italianpoets with ease and offers nuanced thoughts aboutteaching. Thoughtful, intelligent, and even witty, henames Babette’s Feast as his favorite movie and MarcChagall as his favorite painter.A learned and introspective man, he does notavoid the uncomfortable subjects: the decliningnumbers of priests and nuns; celibacy; the sexualabuse scandals that have rocked the Church; andhis opinions about and experience with the militarydictatorship of his own crisis-riddled country. It alsodiscusses the incredible role he played in the lastconclave, where he is said to have been tied withRatzinger in the second of three votes, and askedthat the votes for him be transferred to Ratzinger.Through his own words, we come to know aman whose actions and words reflect his deeplyrootedhumility. The book concludes with thePope’s own writings and reflections, full of wisdomand inspiration.PFHL-H . . . Hardcover, 290 pp, $24.95In Him Alone Is Our HopeThe Church Accordingto the Heart of Pope FrancisJorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis)And suddenly a great silence envelops thecrowd as the successor to Benedict XVI isannounced.... Astonishment: Who is it? Where is hefrom? The commentators are stunned, tongue-tied.Then,upon hearing his first words, the crowd stirs,followed by ripples and then waves of enthusiasmwhatfreshness, what inspiration, what beautifulGospel simplicity!“Called from the end of the world,” is he theshepherd who will lead the Church, confronted bythe challenges of the postmodern world, along thepathway to renewal? Already his humble witnesshas made a powerful impact, giving us a glimpseof what is essential about him.... But deep down,who is this man? What does he think? Toward whatshores will he steer the barque of Peter?In this book, then-Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglioanswers these questions himself as he preaches aretreat to the bishops of Spain. Following the spiritualexercises of Saint <strong>Ignatius</strong> of Loyola, he meditatesupon the crucial issues at stake in the vocationof a bishop. In so doing, he offers us his vision of theChurch, setting forth the outlines of what could wellbe the reform program of Pope Francis.It is a rich, captivating text with a strong, uncompromisingmessage. In short, it’s a spiritual pageturner you won’t want to put down!IHO-P . . . Softcover, 144 pp, $14.95Also available:Who Is Pope Francis?The Life and Messageof Pope FrancisA great new documentary filmon our new pope! See more onpage 24.j WPF-M . . . $19.959www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

NEW <strong>SUMMER</strong> BOOKSLast Bookof PopeBenedict XVI!The TransformingPower of FaithPope Benedict XVI“Having faith in the Lord is not something thatinvolves solely our intelligence, the area ofintellectual knowledge; rather, it is a change thatinvolves our life, our whole self: feelings, heart,intelligence, will, corporeity, emotions,and human relationships. With faitheverything truly changes.”So Pope Benedict XVI introduced his catechesesfor the Year of Faith, a series of sixteen talksgiven at his weekly audience from October 2012to the end of his papacy in February <strong>2013</strong>. Thesetalks explore how and why faith is relevant inthe contemporary world. How can we come tocertainty about things that cannot be calculated orscientifically confirmed? What does God’s revelationmean for our daily lives? How can the hungerof the human heart be fulfilled? Offering the guidanceof biblical exegesis, pastoral exhortation, andbrotherly encouragement, Pope Benedict seeks toanswer these questions and many others.TPT-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 112 pp, $14.95Other collected audience talks:A School of Prayer EOPRAY-H . . . 282 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $17.95Jesus, the Apostles, and the Early Church EJAEC-H . . . 163 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $14.95Saint Paul EASPAUL-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 130 pp, $14.95Church Fathers EACHUFA-H . . . 195 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $14.95Church Fathers and Teachers EACHUFA2-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 215 pages, $16.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.comA indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com7 Secrets of ConfessionVinny FlynnIntroduction by Fr. Michael C. Gaitley, MICwant to go to Communion, so I have to go to“I confession.”Sound familiar? To many Catholics, confession isjust a means to an end: cleaning us up from sin sowe can receive Communion. But, as Pope Francistells us, confession is much more than “going tothe dry cleaner.” It’s “an encounter with Jesus, whowaits for us as we are.”In 7 Secrets of Confession, best-selling authorVinny Flynn explores the “hidden” truths of thisencounter with Jesus, presenting what to many willbe a whole new way of going to confession, andinviting you to begin an exciting personal journeyto healing and holiness.If you do no yet look forward to confession inthe same way you look forward to Communion,read on. It will change your life.“This book will turn what many see as a tiresomeobligation into a precious, longed-for encounterwith the Lord.” — Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC,author, 33 Days to Morning GlorySSOC-P . . . 200 pp, Softcover, $12.95Also by Vinny Flynn21 Ways to WorshipA Guide to Eucharistic AdorationAn easy to read, practical guide, jam-packed withinspiring ideas, techniques, and prayers to help youmake the most of your time in Adoration.TWTW-P . . . Softcover, 176 pp, $14.957 Secrets of the EucharistIntro by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.This book will introduce you to some of the “hidden”truths of the Eucharist—truths that haverarely been passed on to the average person in ameaningful way.SSE-P . . . 140 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95In Spanish:7 Secretos de la Eucharista: SSESP-P . . . $9.957 Secrets of the Eucharist DVD:SSE-M . . . 65 min, $14.95Study guide: SSESG-P . . . Softcover, 88 pp, $6.9510www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

NEW <strong>SUMMER</strong> BOOKSUnder the MantleMarian Thoughts from a 21st Century PriestFr. Donald Calloway, MICBest-selling author and dynamic priest Fr. Don Calloway deftlyshares his personal insights on topics including the Eucharist,the papacy, the Church, confession, Divine Mercy, prayer, the cross,masculinity and femininity. The Blessed Virgin is the central threadweaving a tapestry throughout with inspiring quotes about OurLady from saints and popes in a “tour de force” Marian book forthe Year of Faith!“Fr. Calloway masterfully blends together aspects of his own conversionstory with profound theological insights into Catholicism,presenting incredibly vivid and thought-provoking analogies intowhy it is so important for a Christian to live under the mantle ofMary. Highly recommended!”— Very Rev. Douglas Mosey, C.S.B., Ph.D.President/Rector, Holy Apostles College & SeminaryUTMA-P . . . Softcover, 305 pp., $19.95Also available: No Turning Back by Fr. Donald Calloway, MICNTBA-P . . . Softcover, Illustrated, 280 pp, $19.95Worshipping the StateHow Liberalism Became Our State ReligionBenjamin Wikerany Christians feel that they are being opposed at every turnMby a well-orchestrated political and cultural campaign to de-Christianize every aspect of Western culture. They are right, and itgoes even further back than the Obama Administration. BenjaminWiker argues that it is liberals who seek to establish an official statereligion: one of unbelief. He reveals that it was never the intention ofthe Founders to drive religion out of the public square with the FirstAmendment, but secular liberals have deliberately misinterpretedthe establishment clause to serve their own ends: the de-Christianizationof Western civilization.The liberal strategy is two-pronged: drive religion out of the publicsquare, and then, in religion’s place, erect the Church of the State tofill the human need for a higher power to look up to. But what wasdone can be undone. Outlining a simple, step-by-step strategy fordisestablishing the state church of secularism, Wiker shows the fullhistorical sweep of the war to those on the Christian side of the culturalbattle--and as a consequence of this far more complete vantage,how to win it.“Wiker’s book is the most forthright and unblinking analysis yetof the ubiquitous assault on religion in American society. Everybeliever in religious liberty should read it.”— James Hitchcock, author, History of the Catholic ChurchWTS-H . . . Hardcover, 256 pp., $27.95The “One Thing” Is ThreeHow the Most Holy Trinity Explains EverythingFr. Michael Gaitley, MICWith humor and ease, Father Michael Gaitley, MIC, deftlyunlocks the “one thing,” the key to the Church’s wisdom, andthe greatest mystery of the Catholic faith: the Most Holy Trinity. Farfrom being a scholarly or academic read, The “One Thing” Is Threemakes deep theology accessible to every-day Catholics. What’smore, it makes even what’s familiar or forgotten appear in a waythat’s new, exciting, and relevant. Thus, The “One Thing” is Threebrings its readers a unique and powerful experience of the faith. It’sthe perfect book for the Year of Faith.OTIT-P . . . Softcover, 384 pp., $14.95Also by Fr. Michael Gaitley:Consoling the Heart of Jesus CHJ-P . . . Softcover, 428 pp, $14.9533 Days to Morning Glory TMDG-P . . . Softcover, 200 pp, $14.9511www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

NEW <strong>SUMMER</strong> BOOKS100 Activities Based on the Catechism ofthe Catholic Church Second EditionEllen Rossinihis second edition of the bestselling 100 Activities features moreTthan 20 new and revised activities, including updates to Englishtranslations of the Creed and prayers of the Mass. Ellen Rossinihas expanded the Primary section by adding lessons on the Massand popular devotions including Eucharistic adoration and DivineMercy prayers.As in the original edition, the worksheets, puzzles and gamesare based on the four pillars of the Catechism—Creed, Sacraments,Commandments and Prayer. The activities require little preparationor materials and can be used to supplement any catecheticalprogram for children in grades 1 through 8. Each activity is selfcontained,perforated to tear out and reproduce for group use.Whether it is memorizing the Creed, understanding the Bible, orlearning to pray, these exercises will enrich the faith of children andthose who teach them.”As a coordinator of a large parish program, I always go to 100Activities because it provides something extra for every age group.The worksheets provide not only solid information but also a fun wayto learn and reinforce our Catholic faith. Thank you to Ellen Rossini!”— Peggy Theis, Faith Formation Coordinator,St. Mark Parish, Plano, TexasHABC2-P . . . Softcover, 125 pp., $14.95My Golden Book of MaryRev. Thomas J. DonaghyThis Golden Book, filled with gorgeous illustrations, simplyand beautifully introduces young children to the inspiringstories of Mary’s appearances at Guadalupe, Fatima andLourdes. This book provides wonderful details about each ofthese powerful apparitions that will motivate the children, andtheir parents, to want to love Jesus and Mary more, to practicethe Catholic faith better, and to pray more fervently,especiallythe Rosary. Features a glossy gold padded cover, heavy boardpages, gilded edges, and a ribbon marker.MGBM-H . . . Board Book, 42 pp, $9.95InteriorImagesOther Golden Books12www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531My Golden Children’s BibleThis collection of some of the best-loved Biblestories will provide young children with agentle introduction to the stories of our faith.MGCB-H . . . Board Book, 42 pp, $9.95My Golden Book of SaintsA lovely introduction for little ones to someof the most popular and well-loved Saints.MGBS-H . . . Board Book, 42 pp, $9.95My Golden Book of PrayersIntroduce young children to some favoritewell-known prayers!MGBP-H . . . Board Book, 42 pp, $9.95

NEW <strong>SUMMER</strong> BOOKSYOUCAT study guideThe tremendously popular, global Catholic youth phenomenonYOUCAT—Youth Catechism of the CatholicChurch—now has an easy-to-use companion study guide.Aimed at helping readers to get the most out of YOUCAT,the YOUCAT Study Guide features 35 topics based on the catechism.Each topic has a brief introduction (Behind YOUCAT);short questions on YOUCAT’s coverage of the topic (Whatdoes YOUCAT say?); a section on Scripture (What Does the BibleSay?); discussion questions based on YOUCAT (YOU Chat);a brief reflection on the YOUCAT material covered (YOUReflect); and a set of ideas for action (YOUCAT Challenge).Each topic relates the material of YOUCAT in one of the fourpillars of the catechism—the Creed, the Sacraments, Morality,and Prayer. And each topic includes space for readers to“journal” their thoughts while reading through YOUCAT.The YOUCAT Study Guide is excellent for classroom use,youth group discussions, or personal study. The Study Guideis designed in such a way that the sections of the topics aremodule—they can all be used or leaders can select sectionsto use as time or interest permits. Written by people experienced with youth ministry and education,YOUCAT Study Guide helps young people go even deeper into their faith using YOUCAT!YOUCAT:SG-P . . . Softcover, 120 pp, $7.95YOUCAT EChristoph Cardinal SchönbornForeword by Pope Benedict XVIYOUCAT is short for Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church,which was launched on World Youth Day. Developed with thehelp of young Catholics and written for high-school age peopleand young adults, YOUCAT is an accessible, contemporaryexpression of the Catholic Faith. The appealing graphic formatincludes Questions-and-Answers, highly-readable commentary,summary definitions of key terms, Bible citations and inspiringand thought-provoking quotes from Saints and others in themargins. What’s more, YOUCAT is keyed to the Catechism of theCatholic Church, so people can go deeper. IllustratedYOUCAT-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 304 pp, $19.95In Spanish: YOUCAT:SP-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 304 pp, $19.95YOUCAT youth prayer bookThe internationally best-selling book, YOUCAT—YouthCatechism of the Catholic Church, explained to young peoplethe meaning of their faith in language, style and design that hasappealed greatly to them. Now YOUCAT—Youth Prayer Book,helps them to live their faith and deepen their spiritual lives.The book includes modern, new prayers, along with traditionalprayers, and the time-honored prayers of Holy Scripture.It also gives a lot of practical advice on how to pray: in themorning, in the evening, and in between; in sorrow or in joy.The prayer book is illustrated with many photos of youngpeople from all over the world.This is the perfect companion book to the YOUCATCatechism to help young people complement the truths theylearn in the catechism with a lived faith and deep spiritualitythrough the wonderful prayers and meditations it offers. It alsoincludes the same appealing design and graphics. Illustrated.YCAT:PB-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 175 pp, $14.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.comA indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com13www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

NEW RECENT <strong>SUMMER</strong> BEST SELLERS BOOKSThe Ear of the Heart EAn Actress’ Journey fromHollywood to Holy VowsMother Dolores Hart, O.S.B. and Richard DeNeutDolores Hart stunned Hollywood in 1963, whenafter ten highly successful feature films, shechose to enter a contemplative monastery. Now,fifty years later, Mother Dolores gives this fascinatingaccount of her life, with co-author and life-longfriend, Richard DeNeut.Dolores was a bright and beautiful college studentwhen she made her film debut with ElvisPresley in Paramount’s 1957 Loving You. She actedin nine more movies with other big stars such asMontgomery Clift, Anthony Quinn and Myrna Loy.Born Dolores Hicks to a complicated and colorfulChicago family, Mother Hart has travelled acharmed yet challenging road in her journey towardGod, serenity and, yes, love. She entered the Abbeyof Regina Laudis in Bethlehem, Connecticut at thepeak of her career, not in order to leave the glamorousworld of acting she had dreamed of since childhood,but in order to answer a mysterious summonsshe heard with the “ear of the heart”. Lavishlyillustrated with many photos.“A story of courage, sacrifice, dedication,and fulfillment. The book will lift your heartand mind in admiration.”James Drury, star of The Virginian“This is a courageous adventure. It is a thriller.”Richard Benjamin, actor and director“Read this fascinating story to learn how whatseems like ‘running away’, is in reality ‘runningto’ Love.”Maria Cooper Janis, daughter of Gary Cooper“The fascinating story of Dolores Hartalso teaches us to be seek God regardless ofwhere we are—in a summer storm, in prayer, oreven in front of a camera. ”Raymond Arroyo, host of EWTN’sThe World Over LiveLH-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, Illustrated, 539 pp, $24.95Also - God Is the Bigger Elvis (Film)j GIBE-M . . . 35 min, $21.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.comA indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.comThe Miracle of Father Kapaun EPriest, Soldier, and Korean War HeroRoy Wenzl and Travis HeyingEmil Kapaun—priest, soldier, and Korean Warhero—is a rare man. He was recently awardedthe Medal of Honor, and he is also being consideredby the Vatican for canonization as a saint.Just as remarkable as this double honor arethe non-Catholic witnesses who attest to FatherKapaun’s heroism: the Protestants, Jews, andMuslims who either served with the military chaplainin the thick of battle or endured with him theunbelievably brutal conditions of a prisoner of warcamp. As journalists Roy Wenzl and Travis Heyingdiscovered, all of these Korean War veterans, nomatter their religion, agree that Father Kapaun didmore to save lives and maintain morale than anyother man they know.Then there are the alleged miracles—the recenthealings attributed to Father Kapaun’s intercessionthat defy scientific explanation. Under investigationby the Vatican as a necessary step in the process ofcanonization, these cures witnessed by non-Catholicdoctors are also covered in this book.In tracking down the amazing story of FatherKapaun for the Wichita Eagle newspaper, Wenzl andHeying uncovered a paradox. Kapaun’s ordinarybackground as the son of Czech immigrant farmers inKansas sowed the seeds of his greatness. Illustrated.“What a great book—I could not put it downand read it in one sitting!”Fr. Larry Richards, Author, Be a Man“We need heroes to teach us how to live... I inviteyou to discover a priest, Army chaplain, and heroon the pages of this book.”Most Rev. Timothy P. Broglio,Archbishop for the Military Services, USA“The Father Kapaun story has long been in needof more widespread knowledge.”James V. Schall, S.J., Georgetown UniversityMFK-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, Illustrated, 200 pp, $19.95Also - The Miracle of Father Kapaun (Film)j MFK-M . . . 45 min, $19.95See more info on page 29.14www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

RECENTLY RELEASEDBakhita EFrom Slave to SaintRoberto Italo ZaniniWhen she was about nine yearsold, Josephine Bakhita was kidnappedin Sudan, by Arab slavetraders. For several years shewas subjected to brutal treatmentuntil she was ransomedand taken to Venice, Italy, whereshe became a Catholic and anun. Based on Bakhita’s autobiography,which she dictated to a Canossian sisterin obedience to her superior, the canonization filesand other sources, Zanini records the life, virtues andmiracles of this daughter of Africa. Illustrated with16 pages of photos.BAKH-P . . . 210 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95Sisters in Crisis RevisitedFrom Unraveling to Reformand Renewal • Ann CareyFifty years ago, nearly 200,000religious sisters worked inCatholic institutions throughoutthe United States. Thencame the ideological shifts andmoral upheavals of the 1960s,and ever since, most women’sorders in the United States havebeen in a state of crisis. Afterexamining the many forces that have contributedto the crisis, Carey reports on a promising sign ofrenewal in American religious life: the growingnumber of young women attracted to older communitiesthat have retained their identity and newlyformed, yet traditional, congregations.SIC-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 500 pp, $24.95American Church EThe Remarkable Rise, MeteoricSociety and Sanity EFall, and Uncertain Future ofFrank SheedCatholicism in AmericaIn this classic work, Society andRussell ShawSanity, Catholic thinker FrankHas the cultural assimilation ofSheed brings his brilliant mindAmerican Catholics been a blessingor a curse for the Church inon the good human society.and lucid writing style to bearthe United States? Or has it beenBy explaining perennial truthsa bit of both? Russell Shaw takesabout human nature based ona searching look at that questionthe wisdom of Catholic socialand reaches a disturbing conclusion.ethics, Sheed’s book is as per-Cultural assimilation has undoubtedly conferredtinent today with our contro-many benefits on Catholics. Their absorption into the versies about love, the nature of marriage, the role ofsecular culture of America, however, now threatens government, the relationship of law and morality andthe Catholic identity of millions of faithful.of Church and State, and the duties of the citizen, asGLEG-P . . . 240 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95 when he penned the work over a half a century ago.SOCS-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 270 pp, $17.95Jacob’s Ladder EShakespeare on Love10 Steps to TruthESeeing the CatholicPeter KreeftPresence in Romeo & JulietThere are ten important questionseveryone should ask; andJoseph Pearce“Star-crossed” Romeo andthe answers to these questions,Juliet are perhaps the mostare a matter of reason, not ofwell-known lovers in literaryfaith. Peter Kreeft tackles eachof these questions in a logicalhistory. Though the young pairstep-by-step way, like climbing has been held up as a romanticideal, the play is a tragedy,the rungs of a ladder. Becausequestions are best answered ending in death. The Catholicby dialogue, Kreeft answers these questions in an understanding of sexual desire,imaginary conversation between two very different and its need to be ruled by reason, is on display inpeople. The passion for truth carries the reader from Romeo and Juliet, argues Pearce. The play is not aone page to the next in this adventure of the mind. paean to romance but a cautionary tale about theJACL-P . . . 160 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95 naïveté and folly of youthful infatuation and thedisastrous consequences of poor parenting.ContemplativeSHAKL-P . . . 160 pages, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Provocations EFr. Donald HaggertyFire of Mercy, Heart ofFor those who are spirituallythe Word Vol. III Ecourageous and full of desireErasmo Leiva-Merikakisfor God, this book will provokeSt. Matthew’s gospel can seemthem to persevere in this ultimatea terse narrative, almost a historicaladventure in life—the more completedocument and not thediscovery of the living God.tremendously spiritual (and doctrinal)The format of this book has astorehouse that it is. Incontemplative appeal. The reflectionshis third volume of meditationsbased upon the Church’son Matthew (chapters 19-25),rich tradition of contemplative prayer are short andErasmo Leiva continues to showconcise, stimulating the intuition. They can be readMatthew’s prose to be not terseindependently a few at a time, or as a series of connectedso much as economical—astoundingly so given itsthoughts. Most importantly, they provoke a depth. Each short meditation comments on a versedesire to enter more generously into one’s own relationshipor two, pointing to some facet of the text not immedi-with God.ately apparent, but rich with meaning.COPR-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 200 pp, $16.95 FMHW3-P . . . 870 pp, Sewn Softcover, $31.9515E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.comA indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.comwww.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

RECENTLY RELEASEDA Sense of the Sacred ERoman Catholic Worshipin the Middle AgesJames MontiThis incomparable volume presentsa comprehensive explorationand explanation of medievalliturgical celebrations. Thereverent prayers, hymns andrubrics used in the Middle Agesare described in detail and interpretedthrough the commentaryof scholars from the same time period, the era whichis also known as the “Age of Faith”. Historian JamesMonti has done exhaustive research so that the treasuresof the Middle Ages can inspire a sense of thesacred in future generations of CatholicsSENSA-P . . . 715 pp, Sewn Softcover, $34.95Evangelical CatholicismGeorge WeigelThis book proposes a deepeningof faith-based and mission fromthe episcopate and the papacyto the priesthood and the consecratedlife. Lay Catholics andclergy alike should welcomethe challenge of this uniquemoment in the Church’s history,Weigel urges. Mediocrity is notan option, and all Catholics, nomatter what their station in life,are called to live the evangelical vocation into whichthey were baptized: without compromise, but withthe joy, courage, and confidence that comes from livingthis side of the Resurrection.EVCA-H . . . 304 pp, Hardcover, $27.95My Sisters, the SaintsA Spiritual MemoirColleen Carroll CampbellCampbell blends her personalnarrative of spiritual seeking, trials,stumbles, and breakthroughswith the stories of six womensaints who profoundly changedher life: Teresa of Avila, Thereseof Lisieux, Faustina, Edith Stein,Mother Teresa of Calcutta, andMary of Nazareth. Drawingupon the rich writings and examplesof these women, the author reveals Christianity’sliberating power for women and the relevance ofthe saints to the lives of contemporary Christians.MSTSA-H . . . 224 pp, Hardcover, $22.95How the Catholic ChurchBuilt Western CivilizationThomas E. Woods, Jr.Ask someone today whereWestern Civilization originated,and he or she might say Greeceor Rome. But what is the ultimatesource of Western Civilization?Thomas E. Woods, Jr. providesthe long neglected answer: theCatholic Church. Gifts such asmodern science, free-market economics,art, music, and the idea of human rightscome from the Catholic Church, explains Woods. Noinstitution has done more to shape Western civilizationthan the Church— and in ways that many of ushave forgotten or never known.HCCB-P . . . Softcover, 284 pp, $16.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.comA indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.comA School of PrayerPope Benedict XVIIn this superb book, based onPope Benedict’s weekly teaching,he examines the foundationalprinciples of the life ofprayer. Believers of variousbackgrounds and experiencein prayer—from beginners tospiritually advanced—will beenriched by this spiritual masterpiece.“It is in fact in Jesus,”writes Benedict, “that man becomes able to approachGod in the depth and intimacy of the relationship offatherhood and sonship. Together with the first disciples,let us now turn with humble trust to the Teacherand ask him: ‘Lord, teach us to pray’ (Lk 11:1).”OPRAY-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 282 pp, $17.95The SecondVatican CouncilThe Four ConstitutionsThis collection of the four constitutionsof the Second VaticanCouncil uses the Catholic TruthSociety translation and features:Sacrosanctum Concilium,introduced by Cardinal FrancisArinze • Lumen Gentium,introduced by Cardinal PaulPoupard • Dei Verbum, introducedby Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, OFM, Cap. •Gaudium et Spes, introduced by Cardinal Angelo Scola.Also includes a general introduction by ArchbishopSalvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, and an addressgiven by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in 2005.CTS:SVC-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 300 pp, $15.95The Regensburg LectureJames V. SchallPope Benedict’s RegensburgLecture shocked the world (evento the point of rioting), yet forthrightlydealt with the “unavoidabledilemma” of Islam needingto “re-Hellenize” in order tofulfill its promise as a “religionof peace.” Fr. Schall’s accessible,definitive explanation clarifiesthe meaning and importance ofthe Regensburg Lecture (the Lecture itself is includedas an appendix) to restate the central role of reason inman’s relationship with God.RLEC-H . . . 174 pp, Hardcover, $20.00How NOT toShare Your FaithThe Seven Deadly Sins ofCatholic Apologetics andEvangelizationMark BrumleyMark Brumley, president of<strong>Ignatius</strong> <strong>Press</strong>, describes sevenof the most common and tragicmistakes he and other apologistshave made over the years in theirattempts to defend and explainthe Catholic faith. More importantly, he reveals howyou can avoid these mistakes and become far moreeffective at sharing your faith in a charitable way-evenif that means losing an argument from time to time.HNSF-P . . . Softcover, 125 pp, $12.9516www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

RECENTLY RELEASEDAGES6and upSample pagesTell Me about the Catholic FaithFrom The Bible to The SacramentsHow do you answer your children’s many questions aboutGod, the Christian faith, and the Catholic Church? What ifthese topics could come to life in inspiring, easy-to-tell stories?To tell the story of the Bible to children, to help them discoverJesus, to introduce them to the great history of Christianity, toexplain the Catholic faith—all through beautiful illustrations andsimple words—that is the goal of Tell Me about the Catholic Faith.The whole Catholic world is presented in various parts: theBible, the history of the Church, and the beliefs and sacramentsof Catholics. This is a book of exceptional educational and inspirationalquality. It includes the best Bible stories from both theOld and New Testaments; the great moments in Christianity,including the lives of important saints; and a joyous discovery offaith, exploring the richness of the Christian heritage for children.M:TMCF-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 9 x 10.5,Illustrated, 176 pp, $19.99AGES5and upAGES7and upThe Way of the Cross Juliette Levivierelp your youngsters meditate on the Stations ofHthe Cross. Beautifully illustrated and simply written,this little guide is a wonderful introduction to animportant prayer and ancient devotion of the Church.The book begins with a description of the events ofthat first Holy Week, when Jesus suffered, died androse from the dead. There is also a brief history of theWay of the Cross devotion, which began in Jerusalem.Each station includes a Scripture verse, a brief text tohelp children imagine the scene, a four-color illustration,and a prayer. This lovely book can be used by thewhole family at church or at home.M:WOC-H . . . Illustrated, Hardcover, 48 pp, $9.99The Three Roses Fr. Olivier Bonnewijnleven-year old Bella tries to pray every day in aEspecial place all her own. Her heart is full of love,but her prayers are interrupted by daydreams, worries,and a younger sister. What is she to do?This story beckons the young reader to join Bellaat her prayer corner and learn how to persevere inprayer. Talking to God and, especially, listening to himrequires patience. In this sweet story, Bella’s faithfulnessin overcoming distractions is richly rewarded.This is the second book in The Adventures of Jamieand Bella, a popular series of stories that can be readindependently of the others, that contain the excitingand enriching experiences of the twins Jamie and Bella.At the end of each book, is a set of faith-deepeningquestions and answers that children and parents candiscuss together. Illustrated throughout with lovelyfour-color pictures.M:TR-P . . . Illustrated, Softcover, 44 pp, $7.99— also in this series —An Extraordinary FriendM:EF-P . . . Illustrated, Sewn Softcover, 44 pp, $7.9918www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

INSPIRATIONAL <strong>SUMMER</strong> READINGTake some time this summer to nourish the soul—with books that willinspire as well as challenge you in your Christian life.TRUE LIFE STORIESMARIAN TITLESThe Shadow of his wings tells the remarkablestory of Fr. Gereon Goldmann, drafted as a seminarianinto the dreaded Nazi SS.SHW-P. . . Sewn Softcover, 350 pp, $17.95WHEN HITLER TOOK AUSTRIa is the story of Austriain World War II, seen through the eyes of the son of theChancellor who opposed Hitler despite all consequences.WHTA-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 339 pp, $24.95AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A HUNTED PRIEST is the incredibletrue story of a Jesuit priest in Elizabethan England, whowas imprisoned and escaped the Tower of London.AHUP-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 395 pp, $17.95PRAYER AND MEDITATIONMARIA OF GUADALUPE In this heartfelt report, PaulBadde tells the fantastic story of the apparition that changedthe history of the world. Illustrated.MAG-P. . . Sewn Softcover, Illustrated, 260 pp, $16.95Fatima for today Father Andrew Apostoli carefullyanalyzes the events that took place in Fatima and clears uplingering questions and doubts about their meaning.FATO-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 310 pp, $16.95THE WORLD’s FIRST LOVE With his characteristic eloquenceand brilliance, Fulton J. Sheen presents a movingportrayal of the Blessed Virgin Mary.WFL2-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 276 pp, $16.95HE LEADETH ME is Fr. Walter Ciszek’s spiritual testamentshowing how he survived in the prisons of Siberia.HLM-P. . . Sewn Softcover, 202 pp, $15.95PRAYER FOR BEGINNERS by Peter Kreeft offers simple,but profound advice and practical steps for developing aprayer life based on the time-tested wisdom of the saints.PFB-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 130 pp, $11.95DEEP CONVERSION, DEEP PRAYER by Fr. ThomasDubay gives solid practical advice for a deepening moraland spiritual conversion, and a radical growth in holiness.DCDP-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 125 pp, $12.95LIVES OF SAINTSFIVE PILLARS OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE by Fr. RobertSpitzer presents five ways in which the contemplative andactive aspects of our lives can be fused together for a strongerspiritual life. FPSL-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 171 pp, $14.95Love: a fruit always in season Daily meditationsfrom Mother Teresa arranged to coincide with the seasons ofthe liturgical year. LFAS-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 260 pp, $14.95ADORATION Meditations to aid in Eucharistic Adoration.AETP-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 250 pp, $15.95DRINK OF THE STREAM Collected prayers fromCarmelite saints. DOTS-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 364 pp, $16.95CLASSIC CHESTERTONEDMUND CAMPION is acclaimed novelist EvelynWaugh’s stirring account of the Elizabethan martyr.ECAMP-P. . . Sewn Softcover, 220 pp, $16.95MOTHER TERESA OF CULCUTTA is a personal portraitby Msgr. Leo Maasburg—many of the stories have neverbeen told before! MOTHT-H. . . Hardcover, 240 pp, $22.95Saint Gianna Molla is the story of the Italian motherand doctor who sacrificed everything to save her child.STGM-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 155 pp, $11.95ORTHODOXY is perhaps the most outstanding exampleof the originality of Chesterton’s style and the brillianceof his thought. O-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 168 pp, $11.95the everlasting man is Chesterton’s whole view ofworld history as informed by the Incarnation.ELM-P. . . Sewn Softcover, 276 pp, $14.95The Catholic Church and Conversiondescribes Chesterton’s conversion to the Catholic Churchin his unique and colorful way.CCAC-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 140 pp, $9.9519www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

IGNATIUS PRESS NOVELSGreat Literature. Catholic Worldview.Looking for fiction with a Catholic worldview?<strong>Ignatius</strong> <strong>Press</strong> Novels range frommystery to thriller to the fantastic, fromstories of modern life to tales of great menand women of history, by some of the greatestwriters of today and yesterday. No homelibrary should be without these books!Visit the <strong>Ignatius</strong> <strong>Press</strong> Novels website atwww.IPNovels.com to learn more about ourbooks and authors, plus connect with otherreaders, learn about starting a reading group,read excerpts, print discussion guides, andmuch more!Also by Fiorella de Maria:Poor Banished ChildrenSee page 5Do No Harm A NovelFiorella de MariaWhen a British emergency room doctor saves the life a woman whoapparently attempted suicide, he is accused of committing a crimeand stands trial. Not only is Dr. Matthew Kemble’s medical practice at risk,but also his liberty. If he is found guilty of trespassing on a woman’s rightto die, he could go to jail.The novel Do No Harm exposes the dangers faced by conscientious doctorsin Britain. Dr. Kemble’s decision to treat a patient in defiance of her LivingWill pits him against English Law, public opinion and his own profession.The legal and personal battles he faces raise many questions about the roleof the physician in the modern world, contemporary beliefs about autonomyand human rights, and the increasingly bitter clash of values in twenty-firstcentury Britain.Set in and around London, the story explores the interrelated stories of aphysician facing ruin and imprisonment at the height of his career, his oldfriend and doggedly determined lawyer, Jonathan Kirkpatrick, and Maria,a passionate, dedicated but intensely lonely young campaigner who whileworking for the defense proves incapable of staying out of trouble herself.DNH-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 235 pp, $19.95NOVELS ON SAINTSDear and glorious physician is Taylor Caldwell’s famousnovel on St. Luke the Apostle.DGP-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 560 pp, $21.95joan of arc by Mark Twain is a gripping and historically accuratenovel about the life of this remarkable saint.JA-P. . . Sewn Softcover, 452 pp, $17.95The song of bernadette by Franz Werfel is the famous novelmade into a film of the same name. A must-read Catholic classic!SONG-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 605 pp, $19.95THE NOVELS OF LOUIS DE WOHLLOUIS DE WOHL’S historical novels tell the stories of someof the greatest saints in Church history. A must read!CITADEL OF GOD tells the story of St. Benedict.COG-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 345 pp, $17.95LAY Siege to heaven is the life of St. Catherine of Siena.LSH-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 361 pp, $17.95Set all afire is the life of St. Francis Xavier.SAA-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 280 pp, $17.95the golden thread is the life of St. <strong>Ignatius</strong> Loyola.GOLT-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 315 pp, $16.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.comA indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.comThe joyful beggar is the life of St. Francis of Assisi.JOYB-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 374 pp, $17.95The Living Wood is the story of St. Helena and EmperorConstantine. LIVW-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 370 pp, $17.95The Quiet light is the life of St. Thomas Aquinas.QL-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 377 pp, $17.95The Restless Flame is the life of St. Augustine.RF-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 303 pp, $17.95The Spear is the story of St. Longinus.SPE-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 401 pp, $17.9520www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

IGNATIUS PRESS NOVELSTerrapin EA Mystery • T.M. DoranDennis Cole and his three bestbuddies from childhood gatherfor a weekend reunion. On thefirst night, one of the men ismurdered—or is he? The suspensefulstory moves back andforth between the unfoldingreunion gone bad and childhoodevents that involved thesefriends. A murder mystery and acoming of age story, both with many twists and turns,Terrapin is about man’s potential for doing either goodor evil, his tendency to do the latter, and his responseto the consequences of his actions.TERP-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 392 pp, $24.95 $19.95Looking for the King EAAn Inklings NovelDavid C. DowningIt is 1940, and American TomMcCord, a 23-year-old aspiringdoctoral candidate, is inEngland researching the historicalevidence for the legendaryKing Arthur. There he meetsperky and intuitive LauraHartman, a fellow Americanstaying with her aunt inOxford, and the two of them team up for an evenmore ambitious and dangerous quest. Aided by theInklings—that illustrious circle of scholars and writersmade famous by its two most prolific members,C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien—Tom and Laurabegin to suspect that the fabled Spear of Destiny, thelance that pierced the side of Christ on the cross, ishidden somewhere in England...LFK-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 250 pp, $14.95A Postcard from theVolcano EAA Novel by Lucy BeckettBeginning in 1914 and endingon the eve of World WarII, this epic story followsthe Prussian aristocrat, Maxvon Hofmannswaldau as heuncovers the truth about hisown identity and confrontsthe modern ideologies thatthreaten the annihilation ofmillions of people.PV-P . . . 520 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95The CypressesBelieve in GodSpain on the Eve of Civil WarA Novel by José Maria GironellaA classic, unbiased account ofthe complicated events, movementsand personalities thatled up to the war. Beginning in1931, Cypresses covers the nextfive years of political unrest,culminating in the explosion ofthe brutal war.CBG-P . . . 806 pp, Sewn Softcover, $27.95See more novels on pages 2, 3, and 5E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.comA indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com— MICHAEL D. O’BRIEN —The Father’s Tale EACanadian bookseller Alex Graham is a middle-agewidower whose quiet life is turned upside downwhen his college-age son disappears without anytrace. With minimal resources, the father begins along journey to bring his son home.FT-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 1076 pp, $29.95Theophilos A Novel EASt. Luke addressed his Gospel and Acts to a mannamed Theophilos: but who was he? In O’Brien’snew tale he is Luke’s skeptical adoptive father,concerned by this “Christos” in Luke’s writings andabout his newly zealous son’s fate.THEO-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 445 pages, $17.95Island of the World A Novel EAThe dramatic story of a child born in 1933 into theturbulent world of the Balkans and tracing his life intothe third millennium.IW-P . . . 839 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95Father Elijah An Apocalypse EAFather Elijah, a Carmelite priest, is called from thesolitude of his monastery by the Pope himself topenetrate into the inner circles of a powerful manthe Pontiff believes to be the Antichrist.FE-P . . . 597 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95Strangers and Sojourners EAA beautiful epic story set in the rugged interior ofBritish Columbia that traces the lives of four generationsof a family of exiles through the tumultuousevents of the 20th century.SAS-P . . . 573 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95Eclipse of the Sun EAA fast-paced, apocalyptic novel about the dramatictale of a Catholic family and friends in conflict witha new totalitarian government in North America.ESUN-P . . . 857 pp, Sewn Softcover, $21.95Sophia House EAIn 1940’s Warsaw, Pawel Tarnowski, a bookseller, givesrefuge to David Schäfer, a Jewish youth. Throughout awinter of hiding, they discuss their respective religiousviews. Years later, David converts to Catholicism andbecomes Fr. Elijah Schäfer, called to confront the Antichristin Father Elijah.SH-H . . . 490 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $24.95A Cry of Stone EAExploring the true meaning of poverty of spirit, it isthe story of a native artist, Rose Wâbos, chroniclingher growth to womanhood, her discovery of art,moving out into the urban world of sophisticatedcultural circles.CRYST-P . . . 854 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95Plague Journal EAA gripping apocalyptic drama about the editor of asmall-town newspaper in North America faced withthe greatest crisis of his life.PJ-P . . . 275 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.9521www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

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INSPIRATIONAL MUSICOur Lady, Mother of GodThis glorious anthology featuresMarian chants fromthe two great traditions ofChristianity, the East and theWest, from the finest chantmonasteries in the world. The18 Marian chants include SalveRegina, Regina Caeli, StabatMater, Salve Mater Misericordiae, Paradisi Portae, 3versions of Ave Maria, and many more.OLMG-D . . . CD, $15.95Les MisérablesThe beloved songs from theacclaimed musical film versionof Les Misérables starring HughJackman, Anne Hathaway,and Russell Crowe that tells apowerful story of redemption.The 20 song album includesI Dreamed a Dream, One DayMore, Red and Black, On My Own, A Heart Full of Love,Bring Him Home and 14 more.LMI-D . . . CD, $16.95Rosary & Chaplet ofDivine MercyRecorded at the NationalShrine of The Divine Mercy,the prayers are led by ShrineRector, Fr. Dan Papineau, MIC,with Vinny Flynn and his StillWaters family ministry.RCDM-D . . . CD $15.95Also Available:BenedictusBEHA-D . . . CD $15.95Placido DomingoSacred SongsThe beloved tenor presentsthis album of hymns, includingtwo duets with Norway’ssinging sensation, Sissel.Domingo performs 16 hymnsby famed composers Bach,Schubert, Gounod, Franck,Handel and more, with three Ave Marias, PanisAngelicus, Sanctus, Domine Deus, Kyrie and 6 more.PDSS-D . . . CD, $18.95Also Amore Infinito AI-D . . . CD $18.95Voices: Chant from AvignonThe Nuns of the Abbaye deNotre-Dame de l’Annonciation,in a remote region of France,won a global search byUniversal Music of over 70convents for the world’s finestfemale Gregorian Chant singers.Features the most ancientform of Gregorian Chant. The 22 Chants includeAdoro Te, Surrexit Dominus, Veni Sancte Spiritus,Magnificat, and many more. VCA-D . . . CD $17.95Women in ChantA best-seller nationwide,this wonderful album ofGregorian Chant is by theBenedictine Sisters of ReginaLaudis Abbey. These 24 Latinhymns celebrate the lives ofthe Virgin Mary and fourVirgin Martyrs. Incudes StabatMater, Kyrie, Regina Caeli and more.WIC-D . . . CD $18.95Also available Women in Chant II: RecordareWICR-D . . . CD $18.9528www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531The Canadian TenorsLead With Your HeartProduced by famed composer/pianistDavid Foster, thisbeautiful album features awide range of musical styles.Includes Nessum Dorma, ForeverYoung, Anchor Me, Lead withYour Heart, Lullaby, AmazingGrace and 7 more. LWYH-D . . . CD, $16.95Also available: The Canadian TenorsCTEN-D . . . CD $17.95Josh Groban All That EchoesGroban’s album features songswritten by Groban, StevieWonder, Glen Hansard, andJimmy Webb. Songs includeBrave, She Moved Through theFair, Sincera, Falling Slowly, IBelieve and 7 more.ATE-D . . . CD, $18.95Also available: Josh Groban JG-D . . . CD $18.95Sacred Songs of MaryMarian hymns include OMaria, Stella Maris sung byTrio Mediaeval, Ave Mariaby Elisabeth Andreassan andJan Danielsen, Viridissima byJocelyn Montgomery, ReginaCaeli by the Huelgas Ensemble,Ave Maris Stella by The King’sConsort and 8 more. SSMA-D . . . CD $16.95Also available: Sacred Songs of AngelsSSOA-D . . . CD $16.95Through the Eyesof His MotherRosary, Divine Mercy, HymnsA Divine Mercy meditation set,with Irish tenor Mark Forrest,wife Muriel, and Fr. FrancisPeffley providing meditationsand vocal prayer for all20 Rosary mysteries, DivineMercy Chaplet, and the Litany of the Saints. A wonderful2 CD set. TEHM-D . . . 2 CDs, $16.95Jackie EvanchoDream With MeHighlights include two duets—with Barbra Streisand onSomewhere, and with SusanBoyle on A Mother’s Prayer. Othersongs include O Mio Babbino Caro,The Lord’s Prayer, Dream With Meand more. 14 songs total. TheDVD includes two bonus songs. (Susan Boyle is not inthe DVD concert). DWM-D . . . CD $14.95j DWME-M . . . 73 min., $19.95Also available: Songs from the Silver ScreenSFSS-D . . . CD $14.95L’Angélus Sacred HymnsThis greatly gifted young trioof singers/musicians offermoving renditions of 12 ofthe most beloved hymns.Selections include TantumErgo, Salve Regina, Jesus MyLord, My God, My All, Sing ofMary, Panis Angelicus, Be ThouMy Vision, and 5 more. SHY-D . . . CD $15.95Also Available: Ça C’est Bon! CBON-D . . . CD $15.95

INSPIRATIONAL FILMSPius XIIUnder the Roman SkyBased on Vatican documentsand personal testimonies,this epic film stars JamesCromwell in a powerfulmovie about the great, oftenhidden struggle waged by thePope and many others withhim to save the Jews fromthe Nazis during WWII. Afterthe Nazis take over Rome,Hitler’s plan to kidnap thePope is revealed as the Nazis make an all-out attemptto silence the one authority figure in Italy standingstrong against them. Also starring AlessandraMastronardi, Marco Froschi, Ettore Bassi, and directedby Christian Duguay. Includes a 16-page booklet.j P12-M . . . DVD, 200 min., $24.95The Miracle ofFather KapaunThe story of the Servant ofGod, Fr. Emil Kapaun, a heroof the Korean War whosecause for sainthood is movingthrough Rome, and recipient ofthe Medal of Honor. This documentarytells of his heroic workas a chaplain during battle, andhis leadership and comfortof fellow American prisonersafter capture and torture bythe Communists, which led to his death. Featuresinterviews with soldiers who knew Kapaun, as wellas with the Kansas family who is convinced Kapaun’smiraculous intercession saved their son’s life.j MFK-M . . . 45 min, $19.95Powers andDominionsAngels, Demons, and SpiritualWarfareThis film explores the spiritualworld, that very realbut unseen realm: God, thehuman soul, angels, demons(fallen angels), spiritual warfare,the reality of demonicpossession and exorcism,the dangers of the new agemovement and the occult,and much more. Featuring well-known speakersand authors Steve Ray, Fr. Andrew Pinsent, Fr.Marcus Holden, Joanna Bogle, Fr. Jeremy Daviesand Fr. Behruz Rafat.j PADOM-M . . . 55 min, $19.95The CreedThis film contains 15 insightfulfilms of 5 minutes each,examining the Apostle’sCreed, probing the deepermeaning of Faith, the Trinity,Christ, Mary, the Church,Saints, Sin, Eternal Life andmuch more. Suitable for individuals,families, catechesis,parishes, schools, it also containsa companion bookletwith ideas on how to usethe film, with direct correlation to sections of theCatechism of the Catholic Church, and to YOUCAT. InEnglish or Spanish languages.j TCREED-M . . . 75 min., $19.9529www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531PopiełuszkoFreedom is Within UsThe stirring, powerfultrue story of Blessed JerzyPopiełuszko, the courageousyoung priest martyr whobecame the chaplain and spiritualleader of the large tradeunion in Poland, Solidarity, inthe 1980s. He was harassed,threatened, and imprisoned,but he would not be silenced.His friends suggested that heleave Poland for his own safety but he replied “myplace is with the people” and “I am ready for anything.”On October 19, 1984, three Communist agentskidnapped Father Jerzy and he was viciously beaten,bound, and thrown into the Vistula River. Includesmany special features.j POPI-M . . . DVD, 149 min., $24.95In Her Footsteps:The Story of St. KateriTekakwithaIn 2012, Kateri Tekakwithabecame the first NativeNorth American woman tobe recognized as a Saint. Thispowerful documentary featurespeople who have beentouched by her—includingPhiladelphia’s ArchbishopCharles Chaput, OFM;Bishop James Wall of Gallup,NM; Sr. Kateri Mitchell, SSA, the Executive Directorof the Tekakwitha Conference, and Jake Finkbonner,the little boy who received the miraculous healingthat saved his life and that led to Kateri’s canonization.Includes many special features.j IHFOOT-M . . . DVD, 50 min., $19.95Beloved The DominicanSisters of St. CeciliaIn the heart of the “BibleBelt” in Tennessee, theDominican Sisters of St.Cecilia have fully embracedlove in the living of theirvows and apostolic life for150 years. Like their patron,the virgin martyr Cecilia, theNashville Dominicans promisetheir heart to Christ. Thisjoyful, holy community radiatestheir love for Christ and neighbor, revealing inthis compelling film what it means to live the consecratedlife as both a contemplative and a teacher.j BND-M . . . 57 min, $19.95Cosmic OriginsScience and Faith are not inconflict! In this exciting film,you’ll join Fr. Robert Spitzer,S.J., and physicist StephenBarr, along with leaders inthe world of science includingLisa Randall (named oneof Time Magazine’s 100 MostInfluential People in 2007),Nobel laureate Arno Penzias,Harvard astronomer OwenGingerich, NASA scientistJennifer Wiseman, and Templeton Prize winnersJohn Polkinghorne and Michael Heller. DVD includesbonus special features.j CO-M . . . DVD, 49 min., $19.95

NEW INSPIRATIONAL <strong>SUMMER</strong> BOOKS FILMSEdith Stein: TheSeventh ChamberA moving, artistic portrayalof the life of Jewish philosopher,Catholic convert andCarmelite martyr, EdithStein, capturing the interiorstruggles of this extraordinarywoman, as well as the greatconflicts from her decision toconvert to Catholicism. Shot ina kind of a rich expressionistrealism, starring actress MaiaMorgenstern (The Passion of the Christ) in a powerfulperformance as Stein. In Italian with English & Spanishsubtitles. Includes a 16 page Collector’s Booklet.j EDITH-M . . . 110 min., $24.95St. Philip NeriI Prefer HeavenThis captivating film highlightsSt. Philip Neri’s great lovefor youth, his warm sense ofhumor, joy, deep mystical spirituality,and amazing gift formiracles. Actor Gigi Proiettigives a moving performanceas St. Philip in this beautifullyproduced film that is directedby Giacomo Campiotti. InItalian with English or Spanishsubtitles. Includes a 16 page booklet. Also includes bonusfeatures of the “Making Of” and “Behind the Scenes”.j SPNE-M . . . 205 min., $24.95Saint AnthonyThe first major feature filmon the life of St. Anthonyof Padua, starring DanieleLiotti in an acclaimed performance.Made in Italy, thisoutstanding film presentsSt. Anthony as a strong andappealing person who sacrificedwealth, popularity andfamily for the Kingdom ofGod. It beautifully portraysthe power of his preaching,the holiness of his life, his love for the poor, and thewonders of his miracles. Italian with English subtitles.j STA-M . . . 95 min., $19.95The Way of St. JamesOver the lovely “Caminode Santiago”, the Way of St.James, which is the ancientroute leading from thePyrenees to the famous andancient shrine of Santiago deCompostela, this documentaryfollows the journey ofseveral pilgrims who differin culture and religious faith,united only by a mysteriousattraction towards the samespiritual destination. This ancient route that concludesat the shrine where St. James the Apostle isburied is the most famous Christian pilgrimage inthe world. Now you can take this ancient journeythrough this beautifully produced film.j WSJ-M . . . 105 min., $19.95Also available: The Way starring Martin Sheenj WAY-M . . . 121 min., $14.95The Reluctant SaintMaximilian Schell stars asthe “flying friar”, St. Josephof Cupertino. Joseph’s motherconvinces the reluctant abbotto accept her son into themonastery. Yet some, includingthe sceptical Don Raspi(Ricardo Montalban), areconvinced that it is the devil,not God, who is responsiblefor Joseph’s amazing powers—andit will take a miracleto change their minds. Includes a 16-page Collector’sBooklet. In English with Spanish / English subtitles.j RS-M . . . 104 min., B&W, $19.95St. Teresa of AvilaA powerful epic mini-seriesshot on location in Spainthat tells the story of one ofthe most amazing women inhistory, St. Teresa of Avila.With meticulous attentionto detail and historical accuracy,outstanding productionvalues, and an incredibleperformance by actressConcha Velasco as Teresa,this acclaimed major filmproduction is the definitive film on the life of thisgreat saint. In Spanish with English subtitles. Includesmany special features, and Collector’s Bookletj STOA-M . . . 450 min., 3 discs, $39.95Saint RitaFamous as the patron ofhopeless situations, St. Ritaof Cascia is immortalized inthis powerful feature film.Starring Vittoria Belvedereand Martin Crewes, this isthe story of a brave womanwho married her knight,helped him overcome hisdark past and convert to thefaith, bore him two children,only to lose everything inher life. She finds peace in a convent of sisters, anddevelops a deep union with Christ. In Italian withEnglish or Spanish subtitles, or an English dubbed track.Includes special features, and a collector’s booklet.j SRITA-M . . . 200 min, $24.95JesusThe Word Became FleshJoin Stephen Ray as he catchesfish in the Sea of Galilee,camps along the Jordan, andexplores the places Jesus livedand performed his miracles.Follow the incredible journeyAll this in a fast-paced,entertaining biography,travel documentary, Biblestudy, apologetics course andChurch history study rolledinto one remarkable adventure! Includes a comprehensivestudy guide and special features. Englishwith optional English/Spanish subtitles.j FOGJ-M . . . 94 min., $24.95Also available: Mary The Mother of Godj FOGMA-M . . . 78 min., $24.9530www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

INSPIRATIONAL FILMSFor Greater GloryWhat price would you pay forfreedom? This is the true storyof the 1920s Cristero War.Academy Award® nomineeAndy Garcia stars as GeneralGorostieta, the retired militaryman who at hesitates injoining the Catholic cause, butsoon becomes the resistance’smost inspiring leader, ashe begins to see the cost ofreligious persecution on hiscountrymen. Also starring Peter O’Toole, EduardoVerastegui, Eva Longoria, and Oscar Isaac. Englishand dubbed Spanish with Spanish subtitles.FGGLO-B . . . Blu-Ray/DVD Combo, 150 min., $32.95j FGGLO-M . . . DVD, 150 min., $26.95Padre Pio:Miracle ManStarring Italian actor SergioCastellitto, this movie capturesthe Capuchin friar’sintense faith and devotion,and deep spiritual concernfor others, as well as his greatcompassion for the sick andsuffering. It reveals the amazingdetails and events inPadre Pio’s life as a boy andthroughout his 50 years as afriar, dramatizing the frequent attacks of the Devil onhim, as well as the persecution he suffered. In Italianwith English or Spanish subtitles, or an English dubbedtrack. Includes a 16 page collector’s booklet.j PPMM-M . . . 210 min, $24.95Also available: Padre Pio: Between Heaven and Earthj PPBHE-M . . . 180 min., $24.95BakhitaBorn in a village in Sudan, kidnappedby slavers, often beatenand abused, and later soldto Federico Marin, a Venetianmerchant, Bakhita comes toItaly and becomes the nannyservant of Federico’s daughter,Aurora. Treated as an outcastby the peasants, Bakhita graduallycomes closer to God withthe help of the kind villagepriest. But when she requeststo join the Canossian sisters, Marin doesn’t want togive her up. In Italian with English or Spanish subtitles.Includes a 16 page booklet.j BAK-M . . . 190 min., $24.95The 13th DayIn a world torn apart by persecutionand war, three childrenfrom Fatima, Portugal werechosen to offer a message ofhope to the world. Based onthe memoirs of Sr. Lucia Santosand eye-witness accounts, The13th Day dramatizes the truestory of the shepherd childrenwho were visited by the VirginMary in 1917, culminating inthe famous Miracle of the Sun.Widescreen format. English with optional English &Spanish subtitles. Many special features.j 13D-M . . . 85 min., $24.95Saint BarbaraConvert & Martyr of theEarly ChurchIn 303 A.D., Barbara is thebeautiful young daughter ofthe Roman governor duringa time of fierce Christianpersecution. Barbara is apagan, but when Giuliana,a slave raised alongsideher almost like a sister, iscondemned to death for herChristian faith, Barbara rebels.Her decision to convert to their Christianity willeventually cost Barbara her life. Starring VanessaHessler, Thomas Trabacchi, Massimo Wertmulleand Simone Montedoro. In Italian with Englishand Spanish subtitles.j SBAB-M . . . 100 min, $19.95God’s Mighty ServantThis is the amazing story ofSister Pascalina Lehnert (1894-1983) who was the personalconfidant and secretary to PopePius XII for 40 years. As the wartears Europe apart, the Popeputs his life, and the papacyitself, on the line by opposingthe Nazis and fascists. Thanksto the fearlessness of Rome’sclergy and the tirelessness ofPascalina, he manages to savethe lives of many Roman Jews.Starring Christine Neubauer, Remo Girone, WilfriedHochholdinger, Renato Scarpa. In German withEnglish and Spanish subtitles.j GMS-M . . . 200 min, $24.95Clare and FrancisFrom the producers of PadrePio and St. John Bosco comesthis beautiful epic feature filmon the lives of St. Clare andSt. Francis of Assisi. Shot onlocation in Italy, stars MaryPetruolo and Ettore Bassi giveinspiring, authentic performancesas Clare, the daughterof a patrician family, andFrancis, the son of a rich merchant,who leave all to followChrist. The definitive film onthese great saints. English and Italian language, Spanish& English subtitles. Includes special features, and a collector’sbooklet.j CF-M . . . 200 mins., $24.95Also available: Saint Francisj STFRA-M . . . 205 min., $19.95St. Giuseppe MoscatiDoctor to the PoorGiuseppe Moscati, “the holyphysician of Naples,” was amedical doctor and laymanin the early 20th century whocame from an aristocratic familyand devoted his medicalcareer to serving the poor. Inthis beautifully filmed movie,learn the story of one of thegreat modern saints—almostunknown in America. InItalian with English and Spanish subtitles. Includes a16-page Collector’s Booklet by Tim Drake. Bonus feature:special “Making of” film documentary.j SGMO-M . . . 177 min., $24.9531www.ignatius.com • 1-800-651-1531

P.O. Box 1339, Ft. Collins, CO 805221-800-651-1531 • www.ignatius.comNonprofitOrganizationU.S. POSTAGEPAID<strong>Ignatius</strong> <strong>Press</strong>RESTLESS HEARTNow Available forSpecial Parish Screening Program!For the last 6 months, Restless Heart has swept the nationwith a sponsored theater program. The first-ever fulllengthfilm on the life of St. Augustine, it has been seenover 1000 times in more than 200 cities.Now, due to popular demand for the film, <strong>Ignatius</strong> <strong>Press</strong>launches a special parish screening program.This special program will not only give parishes, schoolsor dioceses the ability to show the film unlimited times forup to a year, but it will also provide exclusive copies ofthe DVD that can be sold or given away for evangelizationpurposes. This will be the only way that one can obtaina copy of the DVD at this time.Parish Screening Pricing:Package 1 –25 Restless HeartDVDs for sale or give-away$699Package 2 – 50 Restless HeartDVDs for sale or give-away$1199Package 3 – 100 Restless HeartDVDs for sale or give-away$1699See more atwww.RestlessHeartFilm.comPackages will include a minimum of:• Restless Heart DVD – includes both the edited theatricalversion used for recent sponsored screenings, as well as a200 minute version• Authorized public exhibition license – 1 full year, unlimitedshowings• Event Planning Guide – complete marketing and promotionalplan to make your Restless Heart event a success• 24 page Collector’s booklet and Study Guide• Tickets, 18 x 24 mini posters, and bulletin inserts• Souvenir 24 x 36 full size movie poster to commemorateyour eventCall 866-431-1531 ext. 5 or e-mailRestlessHeart@ignatius.comfor more information.

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