Application and Admission Bulletin 2012/2013 - University of Szeged

Application and Admission Bulletin 2012/2013 - University of Szeged Application and Admission Bulletin 2012/2013 - University of Szeged
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4Accreditation and InternationalRecognition of the DegreesThe Medical and Pharmacy Programs were accreditedby the Hungarian Accreditation Committee(HAC) in 1998 and 2005. The Dental Medicine Programwas accredited in the year 2006. The accreditationof all three programs was renewed in 2011.The Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Pharmacyhave been awarded the title Center of Excellence(for the period between the years 2006–2011)by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee.The medical school is listed in the directory ofthe World Health Organization.In 2011 the National Committee on ForeignMedical Education and Accreditation (NCFMEA)reaffirmed its prior determination that the standardsand the processes used by the HungarianAccreditation Council to accredit medical schoolsin Hungary are comparable to those used to accreditmedical schools in the United States.The Medical Program fulfilled all the criteria of avisiting committee of the New York State EducationalDepartment in April 2002. The Faculty of Medicineis proud that its academic achievements havealso been recognized by the State of California. Dueto the accreditation, which was granted in September2003, English Program students can participatein clinical clerkships in approved California trainingsites. Graduates of the English Program can alsotake part in postgraduate training programs in Californiaand become licensed in California, provided alllicensing requirements are satisfied.In 2005 it was certified by SGS (Société Généralede Surveillance – the world’s leading inspection,verification and certification company) thatthe healthcare system of the Albert Szent-GyörgyiClinical Center meets the requirements of the ISO9001:2000 and KES 2.0 standards.According to the 2011 web ranking of World Universities(based on web presence of the institutions)the University of Szeged was ranked as 461 st out of12,006 institutions. The survey was conducted byCybermetrics Lab, a research group belonging to theConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas(CSIC), the largest public research body in Spain.More information about the ranking can be found onthe following site: to a survey conducted by ShanghaiJiao Tong University Institute of Higher Education(in nine consecutive years: 2003–2011) the Universityof Szeged is listed among the Top Europeanand Top World Universities. If you would like tofind out more about the survey go to: ProgramsThe English language Program offered for foreignstudents at the Faculty of Medicine and the Facultyof Pharmacy started in the academic year1985/86 and 1986/87 respectively. In 1999 a German-languagemedical program was also introducedfor the first two years. In the academicyear 2004/05 the English language dental medicineprogram was launched. Except for the languageof instruction, the curricula for medical,pharmacy and dental medicine students correspondin subjects and duration with those for theHungarian students.Medical programThe Medical Program covers six years, that is, 12semesters. The first two years serve as the foundationof basic medical knowledge. From thethird year theoretical training is extended withclinical practice, where students also take part inthe work of the clinical departments and theteaching hospitals. The Faculty’s excellent scientificlaboratories offer the students a wide rangeof opportunities to join high standard scientificresearch activities. In the last two semesters –the clerkship year – students perform clinical rotationsof 37 weeks. For proper accomplishmentof clinical practice certain proficiency in Hungarianlanguage is necessary. At the conclusion of

5the program (State Board Examination) the titleDoctor of Medicine (medical doctor; Dr. Med.) isgranted for those who have met all the requirementsof the training. The degree is accepted inseveral countries of the world. Citizens of the EUand EEC will receive their licence automaticallywithin the Community. Furthermore all graduatesare entitled to participate in the US MedicalLicensing Examination (USMLE).Dental Medicine programThe five-year program (10 semesters) is designed tounify the basic and clinical sciences, as it is believedthat scientific and professional development cannotbe sharply separated but should proceed concurrentlythroughout the program. In the first threeyears the students are taught basic sciences – medicaland dental courses – which are the foundationof clinical dentistry. From the second year on moreemphasis is placed on the study of dental diseasesand their treatment. The last two years serve theintensive clinical study of each of the various disciplinesof dentistry with emphasis on the assessmentand management of patients. In the final yearstudents furthermore participate in elective programs,clinical conferences and hospital-based practices.After the successful completion of the program,students are awarded the title Doctor MedicinaeDentaire (dentist; D.M.D.).Teaching is performed at the departments ofthe Medical and Dental Faculties. The Dental Faculty,which is the regional center for dental care inthe south-eastern region of Hungary, has approximately30 graduates each year.Pharmacy programThe Academic Program offered by the Faculty ofPharmacy leads to the degree Doctor of Pharmacy.This program extends over a period of five years(10 semesters). It begins with an introduction tothe basic sciences providing a basis for furtherpharmaceutical studies. In the second part of theprogram, students take part in general and specialpharmaceutical education at the university departments,teaching pharmacies, institutes, laboratoriesand pharmaceutical works. The faculty seeksto educate its undergraduates by promoting theirintellectual development and their progressiveaccumulation of competence in all fields of modernpharmacy. After the successful completion of theprogram the title Doctor Pharmaciae is awarded(pharmacist, Dr. Pharm.). The pharmacist degreeobtained in Hungary is accepted within the EuropeanUnion and in several other countries in theworld. The quality of the training is outstandingcompared to similar Hungarian and Europeanpharmacist training centres. The Faculty takespart in international research activities too. Thetraining material is continuously updated in lightof the most recent research results. The lecturersare internationally respected professionals andactive researchers.B.Sc./M.D. program – Anatomy Summer CourseThe tradition and teaching experience of 89 yearsconcentrated in a 2-week long intensive grossanatomy workshop, using the world-famous humananatomy preparations of the Gellért Museumin Szeged.Precondition for participation in the course:B.Sc. Degree in Natural, Life, Biomedical or NeuroSciencesAim: to repeat the clinically most importantgross anatomy knowledge in order to facilitatepreclinical and clinical studies at the University ofSzeged.Schedule: gross anatomy practicals every day(except Saturday and Sunday) from 9 am to 6 pm.Dissection and demonstration sessions are tutoredby the senior medical staff of the Department. Shortseminars supply the necessary theoretical knowledgeand histological background for gross anatomy.Time: Mid-August 2012Place: University of Szeged, Anatomy DepartmentFor more information contact the Foreign Students’Secretariat or see the website.

4Accreditation <strong>and</strong> InternationalRecognition <strong>of</strong> the DegreesThe Medical <strong>and</strong> Pharmacy Programs were accreditedby the Hungarian Accreditation Committee(HAC) in 1998 <strong>and</strong> 2005. The Dental Medicine Programwas accredited in the year 2006. The accreditation<strong>of</strong> all three programs was renewed in 2011.The Faculty <strong>of</strong> Medicine <strong>and</strong> the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Pharmacyhave been awarded the title Center <strong>of</strong> Excellence(for the period between the years 2006–2011)by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee.The medical school is listed in the directory <strong>of</strong>the World Health Organization.In 2011 the National Committee on ForeignMedical Education <strong>and</strong> Accreditation (NCFMEA)reaffirmed its prior determination that the st<strong>and</strong>ards<strong>and</strong> the processes used by the HungarianAccreditation Council to accredit medical schoolsin Hungary are comparable to those used to accreditmedical schools in the United States.The Medical Program fulfilled all the criteria <strong>of</strong> avisiting committee <strong>of</strong> the New York State EducationalDepartment in April 2002. The Faculty <strong>of</strong> Medicineis proud that its academic achievements havealso been recognized by the State <strong>of</strong> California. Dueto the accreditation, which was granted in September2003, English Program students can participatein clinical clerkships in approved California trainingsites. Graduates <strong>of</strong> the English Program can alsotake part in postgraduate training programs in California<strong>and</strong> become licensed in California, provided alllicensing requirements are satisfied.In 2005 it was certified by SGS (Société Généralede Surveillance – the world’s leading inspection,verification <strong>and</strong> certification company) thatthe healthcare system <strong>of</strong> the Albert Szent-GyörgyiClinical Center meets the requirements <strong>of</strong> the ISO9001:2000 <strong>and</strong> KES 2.0 st<strong>and</strong>ards.According to the 2011 web ranking <strong>of</strong> World Universities(based on web presence <strong>of</strong> the institutions)the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Szeged</strong> was ranked as 461 st out <strong>of</strong>12,006 institutions. The survey was conducted byCybermetrics Lab, a research group belonging to theConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas(CSIC), the largest public research body in Spain.More information about the ranking can be found onthe following site: to a survey conducted by ShanghaiJiao Tong <strong>University</strong> Institute <strong>of</strong> Higher Education(in nine consecutive years: 2003–2011) the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Szeged</strong> is listed among the Top European<strong>and</strong> Top World Universities. If you would like t<strong>of</strong>ind out more about the survey go to: ProgramsThe English language Program <strong>of</strong>fered for foreignstudents at the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Medicine <strong>and</strong> the Faculty<strong>of</strong> Pharmacy started in the academic year1985/86 <strong>and</strong> 1986/87 respectively. In 1999 a German-languagemedical program was also introducedfor the first two years. In the academicyear 2004/05 the English language dental medicineprogram was launched. Except for the language<strong>of</strong> instruction, the curricula for medical,pharmacy <strong>and</strong> dental medicine students correspondin subjects <strong>and</strong> duration with those for theHungarian students.Medical programThe Medical Program covers six years, that is, 12semesters. The first two years serve as the foundation<strong>of</strong> basic medical knowledge. From thethird year theoretical training is extended withclinical practice, where students also take part inthe work <strong>of</strong> the clinical departments <strong>and</strong> theteaching hospitals. The Faculty’s excellent scientificlaboratories <strong>of</strong>fer the students a wide range<strong>of</strong> opportunities to join high st<strong>and</strong>ard scientificresearch activities. In the last two semesters –the clerkship year – students perform clinical rotations<strong>of</strong> 37 weeks. For proper accomplishment<strong>of</strong> clinical practice certain pr<strong>of</strong>iciency in Hungarianlanguage is necessary. At the conclusion <strong>of</strong>

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