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PRE-CONFERENCE EXCURSIONSunday 28 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber: available for all participants (Sightseeing, Guggenheim Museum and lunch cruise on the Nervión river)For those who arrive in Bilbao on Saturday, orearly on Sunday morning, this half-day trip willprovi<strong>de</strong> an excellent opportunity <strong>to</strong> have anoverview of this vibrant city, full of contrasts ofold and mo<strong>de</strong>rn architecture, art and culture.Before leaving, there will be a chance <strong>to</strong>register for HYDRO 2012, as the registration <strong>de</strong>skwill be open from 09.00 hrs on Sunday.We strongly recommend pre-registration onSunday, <strong>to</strong> avoid long queues on Monday morning.At 11.30 hrs, the group will <strong>de</strong>part from theEuskalduna Conference Centre and will be taken<strong>to</strong> a high point overlooking Bilbao, from whichthere is a spectacular panoramic view of thecity, a chance <strong>to</strong> observe some of the capital’sgreatest architectural features.The group will then move on <strong>to</strong> the worldfamous Guggenheim Museum for a gui<strong>de</strong>d <strong>to</strong>urof some of the most important exhibits.Designed by North American architect FrankO. Gehry, the limes<strong>to</strong>ne, glass, and titaniumbuilding is <strong>de</strong>scribed as one of the mostmagnificent examples of groundbreakingarchitecture of the 20th century, and aninnovative architectural landmark for the city.Its opening, 15 years ago, played a role in theoverall rejuvenation of the City of Bilbao; it haswelcomed more than ten million visi<strong>to</strong>rs.The Guggenheim Bilbao's collection spansmid-20th century <strong>to</strong> the present day, concentratingon post-war painting and sculpture inAmerica and Europe. There are both permanentand visiting exhibitions by Spanish and Internationalartists.The Guggenheim overlooks the Nervión river,and after the museum <strong>to</strong>ur, participants will beable <strong>to</strong> enjoy a relaxing lunch cruise. Duringlunch, the boat will sail through some picturesquevillages throughout the greater Bilbaoregion.The group will have a chance <strong>to</strong> absorb animpression of the city’s industrial past beforereaching the final stage of the excursion at theTransporter Bridge of Biscay (the ol<strong>de</strong>sttransporter bridge in the world) and enjoyingmagnificent views <strong>to</strong> the sea.The return <strong>to</strong> the Conference centre will be ataround 16.30 hrs, and there will be timeeither <strong>to</strong> relax or <strong>to</strong> join any company orassociation si<strong>de</strong>-meetings.EVENING SOCIAL PROGRAMMEThe centre contains a library, small studios,cafés, other cultural facilities, and a glassbot<strong>to</strong>medswimming pool on one of the upperfloors, giving the impression from below of a‘human aquarium’!Our reception, co-sponsored by Indar andIngeteam, will inclu<strong>de</strong> cocktails, a buffet supper,and musical entertainment, as wellas a chance <strong>to</strong> see some of the art exhibits.MONDAY 29 OCTOBERWelcome Reception:Alhondiga Cultural CentreThis year’s Welcome Reception will take placeat Bilbao’s Alhóndiga centre for art and culture,well known for its large ornate pillars, and itsmo<strong>de</strong>rn art gallery. The building was originally awine warehouse, <strong>de</strong>signed by the Basquearchitect Ricardo Bastida in collaboration withThibaut Matthieu. Today it is a multipurposevenue, re<strong>de</strong>signed in mo<strong>de</strong>rnist style by French<strong>de</strong>signer Philippe Starck. As well as the artgallery, which can be visited during our Reception.TUESDAY 30 OCTOBERExtra networking opportunity in the ExhibitionAfter the close of technical sessions on Tuesday,the Exhibition will remain open, with theatmosphere of a party, and pintxos (the Basqueequivalent of tapas) will be served with drinks.This will give participants a valuable, extraopportunity <strong>to</strong> make contact with the internationalhydro experts taking part in the exhibition.The Azurmendi complex has the largest Txakoliwine cellar of the Basque region, and <strong>de</strong>legateswill have a chance <strong>to</strong> taste the some of thewines before dinner.To add <strong>to</strong> the appropriate character of thisrestaurant for HYDRO 2012 participants,the Azurmendi restaurant is based on a concep<strong>to</strong>f sustainable <strong>de</strong>velopment, including extensiveuse of solar power, recycling of rainwater, andthe use of home-grown organic vegetables.The HYDRO 2012 Conference Dinner will behosted by Iberdrola.WEDNESDAY 31 OCTOBERConference Dinner: Azurmendi restaurantThe HYDRO 2012 Conference Dinner will be anexceptional gastronomic experience, in theelegant Azurmendi restaurant, which is theproud hol<strong>de</strong>r of 2 Michelin stars. World famousBasque chef Eneko Atxa (see pho<strong>to</strong> below left)is consi<strong>de</strong>red an important reference in internationalhaute cuisine.

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