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The group will leave Bilbao after breakfast andhead <strong>to</strong>wards the coast, passing by the villageof Zarautz along the way. There will be a chance<strong>to</strong> see the charming fishing village of Getaria,where participants will make a short s<strong>to</strong>p.After refreshments on one of the many terracesoverlooking the port and the sea, the group willcontinue along the coast, passing picturesquevillages including Zumaia and Deba, beforearriving at Mutriku, on the Bay of Biscay,for a visit <strong>to</strong> the Mutriku wave powerplant.Mutriku represents a miles<strong>to</strong>ne in marineenergy <strong>de</strong>velopment. Owned and operated bySTUDY TOUR AA one-day visit <strong>to</strong> the Mutriku wave powerplant - Thursday 1 NovemberEnte Vasco <strong>de</strong> la Energia (EVE), the BasqueEnergy Board, the 300 kW plant is equipped with16 machines supplied and commissioned byVoith Hydro’s marine energy subsidiaryWavegen. The machinery is based on Wavegen’sNearshore Oscillating Water Column technology.The breakwater structure is equipped with 16integrated 18.5 kW Wells turbines, locatedabove a large chamber, with an opening whichis submerged below the water.Commissioned in 2011, Mutriku is the world'sfirst breakwater wave powerplant with a multipleturbine arrangement. Electricity is supplied <strong>to</strong>the grid, and is enough <strong>to</strong> power 250 homes.After the visit, the group will continue <strong>to</strong> the<strong>to</strong>wn of Lerida (Lleida in Catalan) for dinner andan overnight stay. Lerida, built on the banks ofthe Segre river is the ol<strong>de</strong>st <strong>to</strong>wn of Catalonia,and is an important regional centre for textilesand agricultural. The old city has two cathedrals,and several palaces and castles.Participants will be given a briefing and gui<strong>de</strong>d<strong>to</strong>ur of the plant. It is estimated that the plantavoids the emission of 600 t/year of CO 2 .After the technical visit, the group will travel <strong>to</strong>the nearby coastal village of Ondarroa for alunch of Basque specialities.In the afternoon thegroup will return <strong>to</strong> Bilbao, where the <strong>to</strong>ur willend.Those <strong>de</strong>parting for home will be able <strong>to</strong> takeafternoon or evening flights. Others wishing <strong>to</strong>stay on in Bilbao should remember <strong>to</strong> book atadditional night’s accommodation whenregistering for the conference.STUDY TOUR BA three-day <strong>to</strong>ur <strong>to</strong> the Mequenenza and La Muela schemes - Thursday 1 November <strong>to</strong> Saturday 3 NovemberTHURSDAY 1 NOVEMBERCoaches will <strong>de</strong>part early from Bilbao and headthrough stunning scenery <strong>to</strong>wards Mequinenza,with a s<strong>to</strong>p en route in a village for morningrefreshments. Lunch will be taken close <strong>to</strong> thehis<strong>to</strong>ric <strong>to</strong>wn of Mequenenza, in the province ofZaragoza. The <strong>to</strong>wn is at the confluence of therivers Segre and Ebro.After lunch there will be a technical visit <strong>to</strong> theMequenenza hydro plant, operated by ENDESA,which was recently uprated with the addition offour new 81 MW units. Maximum output at theplant was increased by about 30 per cent, <strong>to</strong> 324MW, at the rated head of 47 m.The reservoir is famous for its large catfish.FRIDAY 2 NOVEMBERThe group will leave after breakfast and head<strong>to</strong>wards Valencia, with a s<strong>to</strong>p for refreshmentsat Peñiscola close <strong>to</strong> the port and castle.After check-in at a hotel in Valencia, there will bea gui<strong>de</strong>d <strong>to</strong>ur of the old quarter of the <strong>to</strong>wn.This Mediterranean seasi<strong>de</strong> <strong>to</strong>wn, foun<strong>de</strong>d as aRoman colony in 138 BC, is on the banks of theTuria river. Among local landmarks are theres<strong>to</strong>red ancient <strong>to</strong>wers of the medieval city, andthe San Miguel <strong>de</strong> los Reyes monastery, whichnow houses a library. After lunch the group willbe taken <strong>to</strong> the ‘Ciudad <strong>de</strong> las artes y lasciencias’, and there will be a gui<strong>de</strong>d <strong>to</strong>ur of theOceanographic and Science Museums.There will then be time <strong>to</strong> relax in the hotel,before dinner at a restaurant specializing inpaella and other local dishes.SATURDAY 3 NOVEMBERThe <strong>to</strong>ur will continue <strong>to</strong> Iberdrola’s La Muela IIpumped-s<strong>to</strong>rage scheme, on the river Jucar,about 80 km from Valencia. The original La Muelaplant was completed in 1989, with three 210 MWunits. The current extension project involves theaddition of four new 210 MW units, bringing thegenerating capacity <strong>to</strong> more than 1400 MW,making this one of the largest pumped-s<strong>to</strong>rageschemes in Europe. There will be a briefing and<strong>to</strong>ur of the site, including the new un<strong>de</strong>rgroundpowerplant, which will be nearing completion.After lunch in Valencia, the group will travel byhigh-speed train <strong>to</strong> Madrid, where the <strong>to</strong>ur willend, and there will be a transfer <strong>to</strong> the airport .

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