Medical Tourism in Developing Countries

Medical Tourism in Developing Countries Medical Tourism in Developing Countries
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Selected Bibliography ● 229Wasserman, Ellen. “Trade in Health Services in the Region of the Americas.” InWHO, Trade in Health Services. p. 129Weiler, Betty, and C. M. Hall, eds. Special Interest Tourism. London: Belhaven Press,1972.Woodward, David, Nick Drager, Robert Beaglehole, and Debra Lipson. “Globalization,Global Public Goods and Health.” in WHO, Trade in Health Services.World Bank. “Tourism in Africa.” Findings Report 22617, Environmental, Rural andSocial Development Newsletter ( July 2001).———. Sustaining India’s Services Revolution: Access to Foreign Markets, DomesticReform and International Negotiations. South Asia Region: India (World Bank,2004).———. Doing Business, economies/various countries, February 11, 2006.World Economic Forum. Global Competitiveness Report 2000. Geneva, 2000. NY:Oxford University Press, 2000.———. Global Competitiveness Report 2005–06. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan,2005.World Health Organization (WHO). Trade in Health Services: Global, Regional andCountry Perspectives. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Health Organization,Program on Public Policy and Health, Division of Health and HumanDevelopment, 2002.World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). “Contribution of the World TourismOrganization to the SG Report on Tourism and Sustainable Development forthe CSD 7 Meeting.” Addendum A: Tourism and Economic Development. Madrid,UNWTO, April 1999.———. “Tourism’s Potential as a Sustainable Development Strategy.” ForumSummary. Tourism Policy Forum, George Washington University, Washington,D.C., October 19–20, 2004.World Travel and Tourism Council. Country League Tables 2004. Travel and TourismEconomic Research, Madrid, 2004.Yim, Chi Kin (Bennet). Healthcare Destinations in Asia. Research Note, Asia CaseResearch Center, University of Hong Kong, 2006,, accessed January 30, 2006.Zucker, Lynne G., and Michael R. Darby. “Movement of Star Scientists andEngineers and High Tech-Firm Entry.” National Bureau of Economic ResearchWorking Paper No. 12172, April 2006,,accessed May 7, 2006.

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