Medical Tourism in Developing Countries

Medical Tourism in Developing Countries Medical Tourism in Developing Countries
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Selected Bibliography ● 227MEDICC Review Staff. “China’s Cancer Patients to Benefit from Cuban Biotech.”MEDICC Review., accessed January 8, 2006.Menck, Karl Wolfgang. “Medical Tourism—a New Market for DevelopingCountries.” Daily Travel and Tourism Newsletter, April 12, 2004,, accessed January 4, 2006.Milken Institute Global Conference. Luncheon Panel—A Discussion with NobelLaureates in Economics, Los Angeles, CA, April 19, 2005,, accessed January30, 2006.Morais, Duarte B., Michael J. Dorsch, and Sheila J. Backman. “Can Tourism ProvidersBuy Their Customers’ Loyalty?” Journal of Travel Research 42, no. 3 (2004).Mosely, W. H. “Child Survival: Research and Policy.” Population and DevelopmentReview 10, Supplement (1984): pp. 3–23.Mushkin, Selma. “Health as an Investment.” Journal of Political Economy 70, no. 5(1962).NACLA Report on the Americas. Health Tourism Booms in Cuba. 30, no. 4 (1997).Ng, Rick. Drugs From Discovery to Approval. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons,2004.Oppenheimer, Maragaret, and Nicholas Mercuro, eds. Law and Economics, AlternativeEconomic Approaches to Legal and Regulatory Issues. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe,2005.Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Trade in Services andDeveloping Countries. Paris: OECD, 1989.Pierce, Olga. “Cashing In On Healthcare Trade.” In Medical Tourism: News AboutMedical Tourism and Patients Traveling to Foreign Countries for Medical Treatment.United Press International, March 12, 2006, accessed June 7, 2006.Pilling, Jennifer. “Medical Tourism.” RT Image 19, no. 42 (2006).Pizam, Abraham, and Aliza Fleischer. “Severity Versus Frequency of Acts ofTerrorism: Which has a Larger Impact on Tourism Demand?” Journal of TravelResearch 40, no. 3 (2002).Preston, Samuel. “The Changing Relation Between Mortality and Level ofEconomic Development.” Population Studies 29, no. 2 (1975).Prestowitz, Clyde. Three Billion New Capitalists. New York: Basic Books, 2005.Reid, Donald. Tourism, Globalization and Development. London: Pluto Press, 2003.Richards, Donald. Intellectual Property Rights and Global Capitalism. Armonk, NY:M. E. Sharpe, 2004.Richter, Judith. “Private-Public Partnership for Health: A Trend With No Alternatives?”Development 47, no. 2 (2004).Robinson, Mike, and Marina Novelli. “Niche Tourism: An Introduction.” In NicheTourism. Edited by Marina Novelli. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann,2004.

228 ● Selected BibliographyRoffe, Pedro, Geoff Tansey, and David Vivas-Eugui. Negotiating Health: IntellectualProperty and Access to Medicines. London; Sterling, VA: Earthscan, 2005.Ross, Kim. “Health Tourism: An Overview.” Hospitality Net Article. December 27,2001., accessed February 9, 2006.Schofield, Peter. “Health Tourism in the Kyrgyz Republic: the Soviet Salt MineExperience.” In New Horizons in Tourism. Edited by Tej Vir Singh. Cambridge,MA: CABI Publishing, 2004.Seror, Ann. “A Case Analysis of INFOMED: The Cuban National Health CareTelecommunications Network and Portal.” Journal of Medical Internet Research8, no. 1, (2006): Article e1.Sinclair, M. Thea, and Mike Stabler. The Economics of Tourism. London: Routledge,1997.Sindiga, Isaac, and Mary Kanunah. “Unplanned Tourism Development in Sub-Saharan Africa with Special Reference to Kenya.” Journal of Tourism Studies 10,no. 1 (1999).Singkaew, Songphan, and Songyot Chaichana. “The Case of Thailand.” InUNCTAD-WHO Joint Publication, International Trade in Health Services.Smith, C., and P. Jenner. “Health Tourism in Europe.” Travel and Tourism Analyst1 (2000).Smith, Richard. “Foreign Direct Investment and Trade in Health Services: a Reviewof the Literature.” Social Science and Medicine 59, no. 11 (2004).Srinivasan, T. N. “Information Technology Enables Services and India’s GrowthProspects.” In Offshoring White-Collar Work: Issues and Implications. Edited byL. Brainard and S. M. Collins. Washington: Brookings Institution, 2005.Stalker, Peter. Workers Without Frontiers: The Impact of Globalization on InternationalMigration. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2000.Stiglitz, Joseph, and Andrew Charlton. Fair Trade for All. Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress, 2006.Strauss, John, and Duncan Thomas. “Health, Nutrition and Economic Development.”Journal of Economic Literature 36, no. 2 (1998).Tarlow, Peter E., and Gui Santana. “Providing Safety for Tourists: A Study of aSelected Sample of Tourist Destinations in the United States and Brazil.” Journalof Travel Research 40, no. 4 (2002).Teh, Ivy, and Calvin Chu. “Supplementing Growth with Medical Tourism.” AsiaPacific Biotech News (Special Report: Medical Tourism) 9, no. 8 (2005).UNCTAD-WHO Joint Publication. International Trade in Health Services:A Development Perspective. Geneva: United Nations, 1998.United Nations Development Programme. Human Development Report. New York:United Nations, various years.Wanhill, S. R. C. “Which Investment Incentives for Tourism.” Tourism Management7, no. 1 (1986).Warner, David. “The Globalization of Medical Care.” in UNCTAD-WHO JointPublication, International Trade in Health Services.Warner, D., ed. NAFTA and Trade in Medical Services between the U.S. and Mexico.Austin: University of Texas, 1997.

Selected Bibliography ● 227MEDICC Review Staff. “Ch<strong>in</strong>a’s Cancer Patients to Benefit from Cuban Biotech.”MEDICC Review.<strong>in</strong>es-<strong>in</strong>-cuban-health.html, accessed January 8, 2006.Menck, Karl Wolfgang. “<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong>—a New Market for Develop<strong>in</strong>g<strong>Countries</strong>.” Daily Travel and <strong>Tourism</strong> Newsletter, April 12, 2004,<strong>in</strong>t.asp?central_id=388, accessed January 4, 2006.Milken Institute Global Conference. Luncheon Panel—A Discussion with NobelLaureates <strong>in</strong> Economics, Los Angeles, CA, April 19, 2005, www.milken<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>t, accessed January30, 2006.Morais, Duarte B., Michael J. Dorsch, and Sheila J. Backman. “Can <strong>Tourism</strong> ProvidersBuy Their Customers’ Loyalty?” Journal of Travel Research 42, no. 3 (2004).Mosely, W. H. “Child Survival: Research and Policy.” Population and DevelopmentReview 10, Supplement (1984): pp. 3–23.Mushk<strong>in</strong>, Selma. “Health as an Investment.” Journal of Political Economy 70, no. 5(1962).NACLA Report on the Americas. Health <strong>Tourism</strong> Booms <strong>in</strong> Cuba. 30, no. 4 (1997).Ng, Rick. Drugs From Discovery to Approval. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons,2004.Oppenheimer, Maragaret, and Nicholas Mercuro, eds. Law and Economics, AlternativeEconomic Approaches to Legal and Regulatory Issues. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe,2005.Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Trade <strong>in</strong> Services andDevelop<strong>in</strong>g <strong>Countries</strong>. Paris: OECD, 1989.Pierce, Olga. “Cash<strong>in</strong>g In On Healthcare Trade.” In <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong>: News About<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> and Patients Travel<strong>in</strong>g to Foreign <strong>Countries</strong> for <strong>Medical</strong> Treatment.United Press International, March 12, 2006, accessed June 7, 2006.Pill<strong>in</strong>g, Jennifer. “<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong>.” RT Image 19, no. 42 (2006).Pizam, Abraham, and Aliza Fleischer. “Severity Versus Frequency of Acts ofTerrorism: Which has a Larger Impact on <strong>Tourism</strong> Demand?” Journal of TravelResearch 40, no. 3 (2002).Preston, Samuel. “The Chang<strong>in</strong>g Relation Between Mortality and Level ofEconomic Development.” Population Studies 29, no. 2 (1975).Prestowitz, Clyde. Three Billion New Capitalists. New York: Basic Books, 2005.Reid, Donald. <strong>Tourism</strong>, Globalization and Development. London: Pluto Press, 2003.Richards, Donald. Intellectual Property Rights and Global Capitalism. Armonk, NY:M. E. Sharpe, 2004.Richter, Judith. “Private-Public Partnership for Health: A Trend With No Alternatives?”Development 47, no. 2 (2004).Rob<strong>in</strong>son, Mike, and Mar<strong>in</strong>a Novelli. “Niche <strong>Tourism</strong>: An Introduction.” In Niche<strong>Tourism</strong>. Edited by Mar<strong>in</strong>a Novelli. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-He<strong>in</strong>emann,2004.

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