Medical Tourism in Developing Countries

Medical Tourism in Developing Countries

Medical Tourism in Developing Countries

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Promot<strong>in</strong>g <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> ● 133both. In some cases, one is preferred over another. Even <strong>in</strong> the West, traditionalCh<strong>in</strong>ese medic<strong>in</strong>e has come to be accepted and doctors <strong>in</strong> Franceand the United States are licensed to use its techniques. 135 Given the largeCh<strong>in</strong>ese diaspora across Asia, demand for and knowledge of acupunctureand traditional herbs is particularly strong.There are a few problems associated with the widespread use of traditionalmedic<strong>in</strong>e that place limitations on its expansion. First, traditionalmedic<strong>in</strong>e is <strong>in</strong> the public doma<strong>in</strong> so there are no property rights on techniquesor methods used. At the most, the private sector can provide middlemanservices or tra<strong>in</strong> their own personnel. Compet<strong>in</strong>g with the traditionalsector, Rockland Hospital <strong>in</strong> India has dedicated an entire w<strong>in</strong>g for medicaltourism where it hopes to merge modern treatments with holistic healthcare. 136 Kerala has good facilities <strong>in</strong> traditional forms of medic<strong>in</strong>e. Now ithas new spas and resorts, one of which offers guests the complete range ofpathological tests, dental treatment, electrocardiograms, stress tests, X-rays,and sonography tests.Second, diagnosis <strong>in</strong> traditional Ch<strong>in</strong>ese medic<strong>in</strong>e requires conversation.Indeed, “<strong>in</strong>terrogation” is one of the four methods of diagnosis 137 so thedoctor and the patient must be able to understand each other, not justl<strong>in</strong>guistically, but also culturally. If there is a need for an <strong>in</strong>terpreter, thenthat adds to the cost of the service as well as the chances of misunderstand<strong>in</strong>gs.Also, s<strong>in</strong>ce the doctor will not prescribe anyth<strong>in</strong>g unless he or she candiscuss with the patient, given the belief that each patient is different andwill have special needs, then traditional Ch<strong>in</strong>ese medic<strong>in</strong>e is not suited tocross-border trade. 138Third, some Ch<strong>in</strong>ese traditional medical therapies focus on “normalizationof energy and blood” rather than medical treatment as such. 139 Fornormal metabolism and balance, patients take tonics and/or Qigong therapylong after their <strong>in</strong>itial treatment. To the extent that traditional medic<strong>in</strong>eentails the use of supplements and traditional heal<strong>in</strong>g herbs and techniquesthat cannot be reproduced or transported by airplane, treatment cannot becont<strong>in</strong>ued when patients leave.Consider<strong>in</strong>g the above limitations, one might ask how much demandactually exists for traditional and alternative medic<strong>in</strong>e? We have no actual datas<strong>in</strong>ce it is a cash bus<strong>in</strong>ess and most providers are <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>formal sector. Whatevidence exists perta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g to the market for traditional medic<strong>in</strong>e is often<strong>in</strong>complete and contradictory (for example, S<strong>in</strong>gkaew and Chaichana claimthat <strong>in</strong> Thailand, there has been a recent surge <strong>in</strong> demand for Thai massageand traditional medic<strong>in</strong>e services, 140 but then, they also claim that the role oftraditional medic<strong>in</strong>e is decl<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Thailand 141 ). Until more reliable statisticsare available and demand estimates more accurate, dest<strong>in</strong>ation countries are

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