Agenda - West Essex Regional School District / Overview

Agenda - West Essex Regional School District / Overview

Agenda - West Essex Regional School District / Overview


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BOARD OF EDUCATIONWEST ESSEX REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICTREGULAR MONTHLY MEETINGJuly 15, 2013Board Secretary’s MemorandumCALL TO ORDER – EXECUTIVE SESSION:Mr. David Laible, President, will preside and voice the call to order at 6:30 p.m.ROLL CALL:Mr. F. Antonucci – Vice-PresidentMs. K. BachmannMrs. A. FaheyMr. D. Laible - PresidentMrs. M. RosenbergMr. A. RubinichMrs. D. SmithMrs. D. StoreyMrs. M. WojtowiczAdministration:Mrs. Barbara Longo, Superintendent of <strong>School</strong>sMrs. Marlene D. Wendolowski, Interim Board Secretary/Business AdministratorEXECUTIVE SESSION: (if necessary)WHEREAS, the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-11, permits boards ofeducation to meet in closed session to discuss certain matters;NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board ofEducation adjourns to Executive Session to discuss Personnel, Student, Negotiationsand/or Litigation matters; andBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that public release of these discussions will occurwhen the need for confidentiality no longer exists.OPEN MEETING:The Board will reconvene from Executive Session and Mr. David Laible, President, willpreside and voice the call to order at 7:30 p.m.Pledge of AllegianceROLL CALL:PUBLIC NOTICE OF MEETING:Notice of the July 15, 2013 meeting of the Board of Education was e-mailed to theClerks of the Boroughs of <strong>Essex</strong> Fells, North Caldwell and Roseland and to the Townshipof Fairfield, and to the editor of The Progress on January 8, 2013 and to The Star Ledgeron the same day.1

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationAGENDA – July 15, 2013BOARD PRESIDENT’S REPORTSUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT:PRINCIPAL’S REPORTSCOMMENTS FROM BOARD MEMBERSBOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS/COMMENTS: Finance CurriculumPUBLIC COMMENTS:Mr. Laible will open the floor to the public for comments on agenda items.2

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationFINANCE – July 15, 2013The following finance motions are made at the recommendation of the Superintendent of<strong>School</strong>s:CONSENT AGENDAAnything placed on this agenda, Items 1-14, will be voted upon in one motion.Motion by ____________ Seconded by _____________to approve the following motions:1. To approve the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s Reports for May, 2013, as per theattached, in the amount of $3,150,684.62 Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(a), the<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> Board of Education acknowledges receipt ofthe secretary’s certification, and after review of the monthly financial report(appropriations section) certifies that, to the best of its knowledge, as of May,2013, no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C.6A:23-2.11(b), and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’sfinancial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.Enclosures 1F - 22F2. To approve the attached transfer report from June 16, 2013 through July 12,2013.Enclosures 23F – 24F3. To approve the bills and claims check number 017143 through check number017144 and check number 017146 through check number 017238 and checknumber 017240 through check number 017355 and check number 510205through check number 510207.Payroll Fund check number 500399 and check number 500400.Void check numbers 016921, 017145 and 017239.Totaling: $1,715,234.98.Enclosures 25F – 37F4. To approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of June 17, 2013.Enclosures 38F – 57F5. To approve the Executive Session Minutes of June 17, 2013.Enclosure 58F6. To approve the Special Meeting Minutes of July 8, 2013.Enclosures 59F – 60F7. To approve the Executive Session Minutes of July 8, 2013.Enclosure 61F3

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationFINANCE – July 15, 20138. To accept, as per <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of Education Policy and Regulation#7230, the donation of services, valued at $850, from Keyboard Consultants forinstallation of SmartBoards in the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>.9. To accept, as per <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of Education Policy and Regulation#7230, grants totaling $8,668.09 from the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> Education Foundation tobe used for the following: $61.07 for the purchase of a Canon Canoscan scanner for use in English 9classes. $742 for the purchase of an IPAD and selected APPS for use in ReadingComprehension 8 and Multi-Sensory Reading 8 classes. $1,589 for the purchase of a SMART Response PE Interactive ResponseSystem for use in 7 th Grade Science classes. $1,478.02 for the purchase of a Shake Table, Geoblox Plate TectonicsModels, Geology Demonstration Kit, and Orbital Planetarium for use in the7 th Grade Science classes. $2,000 for the purchase of four (4) IPAD’s for use in two middle schooland two high school self-contained classrooms. $600 for the purchase of WeBWork Online Homework software for use inCalculus Honors and AP Calculus AB classes. $400 to cover costs associated with the participation of the Robotics clubin the “Rocket America” competition. $649 for the purchase of a SMART Document Camera for use in AP,Honors and CPA Chemistry classes. $649 for the purchase of a SMART Document Camera for use in AP,Honors and CPA Physics classes. $500 to cover expenses associated with the fundraising “BroadwayShares” production.10. To approve the following resolution binding the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>District</strong> to purchase electric generation services through the Alliance forCompetitive Energy Services (“ACES”) bid:WHEREAS, the Alliance For Competitive Energy Services (hereinafterreferred to as “ACES”), an alliance composed of the New Jersey <strong>School</strong> BoardsAssociation (hereinafter referred to as “NJSBA”), the New Jersey Association of<strong>School</strong> Administrators, and the New Jersey Association of <strong>School</strong> BusinessOfficials, will from time to time during the Effective Period as defined below solicitbids from electric power suppliers for electric generation services through anenergy aggregation program in which NJSBA will act as Lead Agency of theACES Cooperative Pricing System #E8801-ACESCPS in accordance with the“Public <strong>School</strong> Contracts Law”, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-1 et seq., and the ElectricDiscount and Energy Competition Act, N.J.S.A. 48:3-49 et seq. (“EDECA”) and theregulations promulgated thereunder; andWHEREAS, the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> is a Participatingmember of the ACES Cooperative Pricing System and is eligible thereby to obtainelectric generation services for its own use through one or more contracts to be4

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationFINANCE – July 15, 201310. (continued) awarded to electric power suppliers following said bids for electricgeneration services pursuant to the aggregation program; andWHEREAS, the Lead Agency will from time to time during the EffectivePeriod (from date of adoption through May, 2014 hereinafter referred to as“Effective Period”) issue one or more Requests for Bids for electric generationservices on behalf of the ACES Cooperative Pricing System pursuant to the Public<strong>School</strong> Contracts Law and EDECA; andWHEREAS, due to significant volatility and the potential for price increasesin the wholesale electric market, Participating Members will preauthorize theLead Agency to award contracts for Electric Generation Service in each serviceterritory to one or more electric power suppliers that submit bids which arereasonably forecasted to provide estimated savings to the Participating Memberbased upon its previous electric usage and utility provided Basic GenerationService rates; andWHEREAS, the Lead Agency will only award contracts for said electricgeneration services to electric power suppliers that submit bids with pricingreasonably estimated to be lower than the utility-provided basic generationservice; andWHEREAS, the <strong>District</strong> agrees to purchase all electric power needed for itsown use (exclusive of on-site electric generation sources) during the EffectivePeriod through any electric power supplier(s) awarded a contract, it beingunderstood that the term of any one contract shall be subject to the provisions ofPublic <strong>School</strong> Contracts Law;WHEREAS, the Lead Agency will notify the Department of CommunityAffairs’ Division of Local Government Services by mail prior to the issuance aRequest for Bids for electric generation services, with the understanding that ifthe Division of Local Government Services does not respond within 10 businessdays, it will be deemed to have approved the issuance of the Request for Bids orthe Request for Rebids.NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the <strong>District</strong> binds itself to theACES Cooperative Pricing System #E8801-ACESCPS to purchase all electric powerneeded for its own use (exclusive of on-site electric generation sources) duringthe Effective Period from the electric power supplier or suppliers awarded acontract for electric generation services by the Lead Agency; and,BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Lead Agency of the ACES CooperativePricing System is hereby authorized to execute a master performance agreementthat obligates the district to purchase electricity at the terms and conditionsstated therein with a third-party supplier or suppliers who have been awardedthe contract or contracts by the Lead Agency on behalf of the participatingmembers of the ACES Cooperative Pricing System #E8801-ACESCPS (or any CPSnumber to be assigned in the future), and provided further that all such contractsshall be at prices reasonably forecast and estimated by the Lead Agency toprovide savings to the <strong>District</strong>s relative to the price charged for basic generationservice by the electric public utility that would otherwise provide such service;and,5

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationFINANCE – July 15, 201310. (continued) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ACES is authorized to continue tobid to obtain electric generation services at any time during the Effective Periodon behalf of the ACES Cooperative Pricing System including, for example, a rebidif energy market conditions do not initially lead to a successful bid, on additionaldates to be determined by the Lead Agency; andBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall take effect immediatelyupon passage. The authorization provided to the NJSBA pursuant to the LocalPublic Contracts Laws (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-11(5)), and the Local Public and Public<strong>School</strong> Contracts Laws Administrative Code (N.J.A.C. 5:34-7.1 et seq.) shall bevalid until May, 2014 (the Effective Period) at which time the Cooperative PricingSystem will be subject to renewal. Any rescission or expiration of this resolutionshall not affect any Agreements entered into prior to such rescission orexpiration.11. To approve the following resolution binding the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>District</strong> to purchase natural gas services through the Alliance for CompetitiveEnergy Services (“ACES”) bid:WHEREAS, the Alliance For Competitive Energy Services (hereinafterreferred to as “ACES”), an alliance composed of the New Jersey <strong>School</strong> BoardsAssociation (hereinafter referred to as “NJSBA”), the New Jersey Association of<strong>School</strong> Administrators, and the New Jersey Association of <strong>School</strong> BusinessOfficials, will from time to time during the Effective Period as defined below solicitbids from natural gas suppliers for retail natural gas supply services includinginterstate transportation to the local natural gas distribution utility company(Natural Gas Supply Services) through an energy aggregation program in whichNJSBA will act as Lead Agency of the ACES Cooperative Pricing System #E8801-ACESCPS in accordance with the “Public <strong>School</strong> Contracts Law”, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-1 et seq., and the Electric Discount and Energy Competition Act, N.J.S.A. 48:3-49et seq. (“EDECA”) and the regulations promulgated thereunder; andWHEREAS, the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> is a Participatingmember of the ACES Cooperative Pricing System and is eligible thereby to obtainnatural gas services for its own use through one or more contracts to beawarded to natural gas suppliers following said bids for natural gas servicespursuant to the aggregation program; andWHEREAS, the Lead Agency will from time to time during the EffectivePeriod (from date of adoption through May, 2014, hereinafter referred to as“Effective Period”) issue one or more Requests for Bids for natural gas services onbehalf of the ACES Cooperative Pricing System pursuant to the Public <strong>School</strong>Contracts Law and EDECA; andWHEREAS, due to significant volatility and the potential for price increasesin the wholesale natural gas market, Participating Members will preauthorize theLead Agency to award contracts for Natural Gas Supply Service in each serviceterritory to one or more natural gas suppliers that submits bids which arereasonably forecasted to provide estimated savings to the Participating Memberbased upon its previous natural gas usage and utility provided Basic Gas SupplyService rates; and6

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationFINANCE – July 15, 201311. (continued) WHEREAS, the Lead Agency will only award contracts for saidNatural Gas Supply Services to natural gas suppliers that submit bids with pricingreasonably estimated to be lower than the utility-provided basic gas supplyservice; andWHEREAS, the <strong>District</strong> agrees to purchase all Natural Gas Supply Servicesfor its own use during the Effective Period through any natural gas supplier(s)awarded a contract, it being understood that the term of any one contract shallbe subject to the provisions of Public <strong>School</strong> Contracts Law; andWHEREAS, the Lead Agency will notify the Department of CommunityAffairs’ Division of Local Government Services by mail prior to the issuance aRequest for Bids for natural gas supply services, with the understanding that ifthe Division of Local Government Services does not respond within 10 businessdays, it will be deemed to have approved the issuance of the Request for Bids orthe Request for Rebids.NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the <strong>District</strong> binds itself to the ACESCooperative Pricing System #E8801-ACESCPS to purchase all natural gas supplyservices needed for its own use during the Effective Period from the natural gassupplier or suppliers awarded a contract for natural Gas supply services by theLead Agency; and,BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Lead Agency of the ACES Cooperative PricingSystem is hereby authorized to execute a master performance agreement thatobligates the district to purchase natural gas at the terms and conditions statedtherein with a third-party supplier or suppliers who have been awarded thecontract or contracts by the Lead Agency on behalf of the participating membersof the ACES Cooperative Pricing System #E8801-ACESCPS (or any CPS number tobe assigned in the future), and provided further that all such contracts shall be atprices reasonably forecast and estimated by the Lead Agency to provide savingsto the districts relative to the price charged for basic gas supply service by thenatural gas public utility that would otherwise provide such service; and,BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ACES is authorized to continue to bid to obtainnatural gas services at any time during the Effective Period on behalf of the ACESCooperative Pricing System including, for example, a rebid if energy marketconditions do not initially lead to a successful bid, on additional dates to bedetermined by the Lead Agency; andBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall take effect immediately uponpassage. The authorization provided to the NJSBA pursuant to the Local PublicContracts Laws (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-11(5)), and the Local Public and Public <strong>School</strong>Contracts Laws Administrative Code (N.J.A.C. 5:34-7.1 et seq.) shall be valid untilMay, 2014 (the Effective Period) at which time the Cooperative Pricing Systemwill be subject to renewal. Any rescission of this resolution shall not affect anyAgreements entered into prior to such rescission or expiration.12. To approve New Wave Consultants, Inc. to provide environmental testing of floordrains and soil samples as listed in the attached proposal for the currentmaintenance facility in preparation for its conversion to a band room. The fullcost of professional services and analytical testing is $9,375.Enclosures 62F – 63F7

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationFINANCE – July 15, 201313. To approve the 51-month contract with Pitney Bowes for the rental of a Connect+2000 mail system at a cost of $430 per month.Enclosure 64F14. In order to maintain audit and QSAC compliance the Board approves the hiringof American Appraisal Associates, Inc. to update the fixed assets accountingledger and property insurance appraisal for the district for a total fee of $990 asper the attached proposal.Enclosures 65F – 69FROLL CALL:Yes:No:Abstain:Absent:8

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationBUILDINGS & GROUNDS – July 15, 2013The following buildings and grounds motions are made at the recommendation of theSuperintendent of <strong>School</strong>s:CONSENT AGENDAAnything placed on this agenda, Item 1, will be voted upon in one motion.Motion by ____________ Seconded by _____________to approve the following motions:1. To approve the following application for Use of Facilities with the appropriatefees in accordance with Board Policy #7510:Organization Priority Event Facilities Date(s) FeesMeghanRamanFiveDanceRecitalSHS auditorium &cafeteriaSaturday(1:00PM-9:00PM)09/14/13Fees Total:$3,350.00ROLL CALL:Yes:No:Abstain:Absent:9

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationPERSONNEL – July 15, 2013NOTE: The entire personnel packet will not be posted on the web untilafter the Board has reviewed and taken action.The following personnel motions are made at the recommendation of the Superintendentof <strong>School</strong>s:CONSENT AGENDAAnything placed on this agenda, Items 1-22, will be voted upon in one motion.Motion by ___________________ Seconded by __________________to approve thefollowing motions:1. To appoint Pamela L. Hinman as <strong>School</strong> Business Administrator/Board Secretary,effective September 15, 2013 or sooner, if released from current contract,through June 30, 2014, with a salary of $135,000, pro-rated for lesser service,contract to be approved by the Executive County Superintendent of <strong>School</strong>s.2. To approve Caitlin (DeWitt) Jozefczyk (BA) as a leave replacement Social Studiesteacher assigned to <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> High <strong>School</strong>, at an annual salary of $54,212which is Step A of the 2013/2014 Bachelor’s Degree Teacher’s Salary Guide,effective September 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.[NOTE: Ms. Jozefczyk replaces C.J. Rauch, who was previously approved for anunpaid leave of absence at the February 18, 2013 Board meeting.]3. To approve the appointment of Maria Fiuza as Lead Teacher-World Languagesassigned to <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> effective September 1, 2013, forthe 2013/2014 school year, at the stipend amount of $7,750.4. To approve a change in title for Caesar DiLiberto from High <strong>School</strong> Dean ofStudents to High <strong>School</strong> Assistant Principal, effective July 1, 2013.5. To rescind the appointment of Anthony DelCorsano as a substitute custodianpreviously approved at the May 13, 2013 Board meeting effective July 15, 2013.6. To rescind both appointments of Eileen Dormer as an Independent Study Advisorpreviously approved at the June 17, 2013 Board meeting.7. To approve the appointment of Trisha Bruno as a personal aide for Student ID#403747 in the Extended <strong>School</strong> year LLD program at a rate of $16.48 per hour,5 hours per day effective July 1, 2013 and July 3, 2013.8. To appoint the <strong>School</strong> Business Administrator/Board Secretary to serve as theCustodian of <strong>District</strong> Records in accordance with the requirements of the OpenPublic Records Act for the period June 18, 2013 through June 30, 2014.10

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationPERSONNEL – July 15, 20139. To appoint the <strong>School</strong> Business Administrator/Board Secretary as PurchasingAgent to make purchases on behalf of the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> forthe period June 18, 2013 through June 30, 2014.10. To approve the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to serve as the PublicAgency Contracts Compliance Officer for the period June 18, 2013 through June30, 2014.11. To approve one (1) day, without pay, on June 21, 2013, for Michael D’Urso,Special Education Aide for the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>.12. To approve Christa Sorrentino to work as a Site Manager on Saturday, June 29,2013, at the rate of $50 per hour, not to exceed 16 hours, to oversee theBharathanatyam Dance recital.[NOTE: Payment will be made from the proceeds paid by the outsideorganization.]13. To approve John Scozzaro to work as a Site Manager on Wednesday, July 10,2013 and Saturday, July 13, 2013, at the rate of $50 per hour, not to exceed 17hours between the two days, to oversee the Shubanjali <strong>School</strong> of Performing ArtsDance recital.[NOTE: Payment will be made from the proceeds paid by the outsideorganization.]14. To approve the following Schedule B High <strong>School</strong> Advisors for the 2012/2013school year, as per WEEA contract:Band: Marching Director John Scozzaro 8,230Band: Asst. Director Drill Instructor Brittany Spina 3,542Band: Assistant Director Visual Ensemble Jennifer Wise* 3,542Band: Asst Director Percussion Coordinator Joshua Getka 3,542Band: Specialized Instructor - Brass Domenick D’Angelo 2,364Band: Specialized Instructor - Percussion Eric Novod* 2,364Band: Specialized Instructor - Woodwind Kevin Schlear* 2,364Band: Specialized Instructor March/ManeuverDavid Iacoviello 2,364Band: Camp Nurse (RN) Maureen Tegethoff 701Band: Camp Chaperone(5 per individual)*Pending receipt of appropriate paperworkDomenick D’Angelo (1/2)Joshua Getka (1/2)David Iaccoviello (1/2)Eric Novod (1/2)Kevin Schlear (F/T)John Scozzaro (F/T)Brittany Spina (1/2 )Jennifer Wise (1/2)701 perperson(untilotherwisenoted)11

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationPERSONNEL – July 15, 201315. To approve the following substitutes for the 2013/2014 school year at the rateof $90.00 per day for substitute teacher,$80.00 per day for substitute aide and$125.00 per day for substitute nurse:NAME POSITION NAME POSITIONAlbanese, Donald Teacher/Aide Milano, Donald Teacher/AideAversa, Vittorio Teacher/Aide Milano, Marilyn Teacher/AideBaker, Laura Teacher/Aide Muenster, Mark Teacher/AideBarnette, Marian Teacher/Aide Myrick, James Teacher/AideBocian, Stephen Teacher/Aide Napoli, Angela Teacher/AideBrown, Lauri Teacher/Aide Olster, Donna Teacher/AideBruchac, Barbara Teacher/Aide Osman, Matthew Teacher/AideConnelly, Steven Teacher/Aide Peraino, Barbara Teacher/AideCox, Alyssa Teacher/Aide Piepoli, John Teacher/AideDavis, Cynthia Teacher/Aide Quinn, Stacy Teacher/AideDiChiara, Patricia Secretary Rashap, Henry Teacher/AideEder, Kathy Teacher/Aide Robbins, Jeffrey Teacher/AideEmering, Christian Teacher/Aide Rosa, Matthew Teacher/AideFarnese, Jacqueline Teacher/Aide Rosenberg, Kathryn Teacher/AideFiravanti, Frank Teacher/Aide Rosenberg, Rebecca Teacher/AideFranzi, Jaclyn Teacher/Aide Roth, Abbey Teacher/AideFromageot, Henri Teacher/Aide Russo, Joseph Teacher/AideGetka, Joshua Teacher/Aide Saito, Amanda Teacher/AideGinis, Nicole Teacher/Aide Sayers, Jaclyn Teacher/AideGoertz, Kathleen Teacher/Aide Sciacchitano, Christina Teacher/AideGuzzio, Michael Teacher/Aide Searing, Matthew Teacher/AideIhling, Anna Marie Teacher/Aide Seidner, Adam Teacher/AideKaplan, William Teacher/Aide Slater, Lauren Teacher/AideKeegan, Ann Marie Teacher/Aide Squatrito, Alan Teacher/AideKeltner, Brian Teacher/Aide Stavrou, George Teacher/AideLaterza, Kathryn Nurse Stefanelli, Chester Teacher/AideLeonard, Susan Teacher/Aide Stevens, Kelly Teacher/AideLogan-Magnusson, Ryan Teacher/Aide Tayari, Mohamed Teacher/AideLopen, June Nurse Teodoro, Nicholas Teacher/AideMagliaro, Mary Ann Nurse Tosato, John Teacher/AideMaraschi, Lina Teacher/Aide Turnbull, Kathleen Teacher/AideMarquez, Carmen Teacher/Aide Valerian, Vincent Teacher/AideMarx, Steven Teacher/Aide Van Zevenbergen, Joyce Teacher/AideMatarazzo, James Teacher/Aide Vicari, Linda Teacher/AideMcCabe, Brian Teacher/Aide Zinn, Mark Teacher/AideMcLain, BonnieTeacher/Aide12

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationPERSONNEL – July 15, 201316. To approve the following parent volunteer chaperones to attend Band Campfrom Monday, August 12 th through Friday, August 16 th , 2013: Lori Ajmo Chris Geiger Vincent Piccininni Lisa Torillo17. To approve Tara Crincoli, a student at Rutgers University, to complete a studentteaching/internship experience in the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>School</strong> district, under thesupervision of Christa Sorrentino (HS) and Donna Mateyka (MS) from September9, 2013 through December 13, 2013.18. To approve Natalie Franzi, to complete an Administrative Internship at <strong>West</strong><strong>Essex</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> under the supervision of Anna Morse, Supervisor for English,Reading, and Librarian Staff, from August 1, 2013 through July 1, 2014.19. To approve Damion Macioci as volunteer Athletic Trainer and volunteer Strengthand Conditioning Coach for the 2013/2014 school year.20. To approve the following individuals to work throughout the 2013/2014 athleticseasons, as per WEEA contract, as appended:Donald Albanese Jason Freda Pat McGlynnHugh Albanesius Paula Frisch Marion McGuinnessGreg Aschoff Tim Glenn Bettina MianulliChris Benacquista Deana Hagel Anthony MinnellaBarbara Bruchac William Humes Donna NuceraJarrod Cappello Eric Johnson Allison PinadellaToni-Anne Cavallo Anthony Lambo Amanda ProcaccinoJill Cosse Tom Lancaster James QuinlessPeter Davis Robert Lenoy John ReganJeff Dougan Andrea Llauget Greg RuggieroDavid Drozjock Michael Llauget Leon SamuelsMichael D’Urso Denise Logan Justin SchwindelAnthony Emering Dominick Linsalato Greg VaccaroNatalie Franzi Michael Markey Linda VicariEnclosure 1P21. To approve the following 2013/2014 Fall Coaching appointments:SPORT CANDIDATE POSITION STEP STIPENDGirls SoccerKatelyn Shaw Assistant Coach 4 $6,596Dominique Musacchio Assistant Coach 1 5,480Carissa FranziVolunteer13

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationPERSONNEL – July 15, 201321. (continued) To approve the following 2013/2014 Fall Coaching appointments:SPORT CANDIDATE POSITION STEP STIPEND7/8 Boys SoccerMichael Altomare 7/8 th Grade Coach 5 $5,72622. To approve the following Pre-Season Volunteer Boys’ Soccer (grades 9-12)Coaching appointments from August 12, 2013 through August 26, 2013:Michael AltomareJames QuinlessJames WhitneyROLL CALL:Yes:No:Abstain:Absent:14

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationCURRICULUM/SPECIAL EDUCATION – July 15, 20134. To approve the following hours for curriculum writing for the 2013/2014 schoolyear at the rate of $49 per hour:COURSE TASK HOURSConversational Spanish II New 10Sports Medicine New 105. To approve the following 2013/2014 Curriculum Assignments, at a cost of $49per hour:COURSE TEACHER TASK HOURSSpanish 8 Fuiza, Maria/Williams, Raquel (split) Rewrite 5Sports Medicine CPA Bruffy, Wendy New 10ConversationalSpanish IILazzaro, Rosa/Hart, Kirin (split) New 106. To approve enrollment of the following Special Education tuition students in thedistrict’s Language and Learning Disabilities Class for the 2013/2014 school year:Sending <strong>District</strong> Student ID# Cost Per Student Effective Date<strong>West</strong> Caldwell #50017 $44,818.47* 9/9/13Glen Ridge M.E. $23,827.28 9/9/13Glen Ridge J.W. $23,827.28 9/9/13*[Cost per student includes salary for an in-house aide.]7. To rescind approval for the following out-of-district students to attend thefollowing 2012/2013 extended school year summer programs:Student Out-of <strong>District</strong> <strong>School</strong> TuitionStudent ID#530058Student ID#400836P.G. Chambers15 Halko DriveCedar Knolls, NJ 07927973-829-8484Shepard Preparatory H. S.8 Columba StreetMorristown, NJ 07960Summer Tuition--$9,574.80July 8—August 16, 20139:00a.m.—3:00 p.m.Summer Tuition--$7,960.80July 1 – August, 12, 20138:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m.8. To approve a contract (renewal) between the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>and the <strong>Essex</strong> County Vocational <strong>School</strong> for the 2013/2014 school year at thefollowing cost per student, per year:FULL-TIME RATE Regular Education Students $5,911.00 ($591.10/mo.) Special Education Students $9,104.00 ($910.40/mo.)SHARED-TIME RATE Regular Education Students $2,955.50 ($295.55/mo.) Special Education Students $4,552.00 ($455.20/mo.)[NOTE: There will be no increase in tuition rates from the 2012-2013 school year.]16

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationCURRICULUM/SPECIAL EDUCATION – July 15, 20139. To approve Creative Speech Solutions, LLC as a provider of oral-motor speech,feeding and language therapy services for <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>District</strong> studentsparticipating in the Extended <strong>School</strong> Year LLD Program, from July 1, 2013 toAugust 1, 2013, at a rate of $95.00 per hour.10. To approve Creative Speech Solutions, LLC as a provider of oral-motor speech,feeding and language therapy services for <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>District</strong> students at a rateof $95.00 per hour, from September 1, 2013 to June 30, 201411. To approve the New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired toprovide educational services for in-district Student ID #101558 during the 2013-2014 school year at a cost of $4,200.12. To approve the New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired toprovide educational services for the following out-of-district students during the2013-2014 school year at a cost of $1,750 each student:Student ID# 506712Student ID# 50201313. To approve the Mountain Lakes Board of Education to provide specialinstructional services for in-district Student ID #302539 during the 2013/2014school year at an annual cost of $2,700, based on two (2) hours per month for 10months.14. To approve P.G. Chambers as a provider of occupational therapy services for outof-districtStudent ID# 530079 at a rate of $72.00 per half-hour therapy sessionand $425 for each therapy evaluation during the 2013-2014 school year.15. To approve Progressive Therapy of NJ to provide behavioral services for <strong>West</strong><strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> in-district students during the 2013/2014 school year at a rate of$125 per hour.16. To approve <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Educational Services Commission as a provider ofTherapeutic Behavioral Services for the 2013/2014 school year at an hourly rateof $43.50.17. To approve JAG Physical Therapy of <strong>West</strong> Orange, New Jersey to providesubstitute athletic training services for the 2013/2014 school year at the rate of$35 per hour.18. To approve, in accordance with policy# 7300, the disposal/donation of thefollowing textbooks to be removed from inventory: “The United States and Its People” – Addison Wesley, copyright 1995 –ISBN #0-201-81128-6 - (102 copies) “Avanti Con Italiano” – Amsco, copyright 1998 – ISBN #0-87720-093-9 –(68 copies)17

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationCURRICULUM/SPECIAL EDUCATION – July 15, 201319. To approve the following out-of-district students for 2013/2014 school yearprograms:Student Out-of <strong>District</strong> <strong>School</strong> TuitionStudent ID# 520117Student ID# 520179Student ID# 532007Student ID# 530004New Beginnings28 Dwight PlaceFairfield, NJ973-882-8822New Beginnings28 Dwight PlaceFairfield, NJ973-882-8822Jardine Academy61 Myrtle St Cranford, NJ908-603-1460Horizon High <strong>School</strong>71-77 Okner ParkwayLivingston, NJ(973) 535-1999Tuition--$56,899.80September 10—June 25, 20149:00 a.m.—2:30 p.m.Tuition--$56,899.80September 10—June 25, 20149:00 a.m.—2:30 p.m.Tuition--$60,840September 9—June 16, 20148:45 a.m.—2:30 p.m.Tuition--$61,570.80Aide—$25,857.00September 3—June 20, 20148:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m.Student ID# 531239 New Beginnings28 Dwight PlaceFairfield, NJ973-882-8822Student ID# 520004 Children’s Institute6 Regent StreetLivingston, NJStudent ID# 100414 Holmstead <strong>School</strong>14 Hope AvenueRidgewood, NJStudent ID# 540006 New Beginnings28 Dwight PlaceFairfield, NJ973-882-8822Student ID# 400836 Shepard Preparatory H. S.8 Columba StreetMorristown, NJ 07960Tuition--$56,899.80September 10—June 25, 20149:00 a.m.—2:30 p.m.Tuition--$54,415.05September 9—June 26, 20149:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.Tuition--$48,056.40September 4—June 20, 20148:30 a.m.—2:15 p.m.Tuition--$56,899.80September 10—June 25, 20149:00 a.m.—2:30 p.m.Tuition--$48,560.88September 3—June 20, 20148:45 a.m.—2:20 p.m.Student ID# 520917Student ID#3002130Children’s Institute6 Regent StreetLivingston, NJRiverview <strong>School</strong>551 Route 6AEast Sandwich-Cape Cod,MA(508) 888-0489Tuition--$54,415.05September 9—June 26, 20149:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.Tuition--$61,000—persettlementJuly 1, 2013—June 30, 201418

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationCURRICULUM/SPECIAL EDUCATION – July 15, 201319. (continued) To approve the following out-of-district students for 2013/2014school year programs:Student Out-of <strong>District</strong> <strong>School</strong> TuitionStudent ID# 500053Children’s Institute6 Regent StreetLivingston, NJTuition--$54,415.05September 9—June 26, 20149:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.Student ID# 502013Student ID# 302767Student ID# 530079Student ID# 402701Student ID# 404055Student ID# 205315Student ID# 303005Student ID# 403116Slocum/Skewes <strong>School</strong>E.S.Ridgefield Board ofEducationProspect AvenueRidgefield, NJ 07657(201) 943-4299Chapel Hill Academy31 Chapel Hill RoadLincoln Park, NJ 07035The Craig Lower <strong>School</strong>15 Tower Hill RoadMt. Lakes, NJ 07046Morris-Union JointureDLC340 Central AvenueNew Providence 07974Chancellor Academy157 <strong>West</strong> ParkwayP.O. Box 338Pompton Plains973-835-4989HoHoKus <strong>School</strong> of Trade634 Market StreetPaterson, NJ 07513HoHoKus <strong>School</strong> of Trade634 Market StreetPaterson, NJ 07513East Mountain <strong>School</strong>252 County Road 601P.O. Box 147Belle Meade, NJ 08502908-281-141519Tuition--$34,674September 9—June 23, 20148:00 a.m.—2:40 p.m.Tuition--$54,180.00September 5—June 20, 20148:00 a.m.—2:30 p.m.Tuition--$37,750September 9—June 20, 20148:30 a.m.—2:45 p.m.Tuition--$83,610.00September 4—June 12, 2014Tuition--$56,340.00September 3—June 13, 20148:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.Tuition—$9,900September 9—June 2014Shared-Time11:30 a.m.—2:00 p.m.Tuition—$9,900September 9—June 2014Shared-Time11:30 a.m.—2:00 p.m.Tuition--$56,734.209:00 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.September 6—June 24, 2014

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationCURRICULUM/SPECIAL EDUCATION – July 15, 201319. (continued) To approve the following out-of-district students for 2013/2014school year programs:Student Out-of <strong>District</strong> <strong>School</strong> TuitionStudent ID# 540024 Horizon High <strong>School</strong> Tuition--$61,570.8071-77 Okner Parkway September 3—June 20, 2014Livingston, NJ8:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m.(973) 535-1999Student ID# 520014Windsor <strong>School</strong>484 Germantown Road<strong>West</strong> Milford, NJ 07480973-697-4191Tuition--$58,500.00September 4—June 25, 20148:05 a.m.—2:05 p.m.Student ID# 506712Student ID#5403898Horizon High <strong>School</strong>71-77 Okner ParkwayLivingston, NJ(973) 535-1999New Beginnings28 Dwight PlaceFairfield, NJ973-882-8822Tuition--$61,570.80Aide—$32,441.40September 3—June 20, 20148:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m.Tuition--$56,899.80Aide--$28,800September 10—June 25, 20149:00 a.m.—2:30 p.m.20. BE IT RESOLVED by the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of Education (hereinafterreferred to as the “Board”) that the terms, stipulations and conditions asestablished in the Settlement Agreement and General Release between theBoard and S.G. and M.G. o/b/o J.G., which is annexed to this Resolution, arehereby adopted and approved by the Board. The Board President and BusinessAdministrator/Board Secretary are hereby authorized and directed to execute theSettlement Agreement and Release, and any other documents necessary toeffectuate the settlement.Enclosures 1CSE – 8CSE21. To amend Curriculum/Special Education Motion #10 previously approved at theJune 3, 2013 Board meeting approving out-of-district Student #532007 for thefollowing 2012/2013 extended school year summer program to read as follows:Student Out-of <strong>District</strong> <strong>School</strong> TuitionJardine Academy61 Myrtle St Cranford, NJ908-603-1460Student ID#532007Summer Tuition-- $10,140July 8—August 169:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.[NOTE: All other details of the resolution remain the same.]20

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationCURRICULUM/SPECIAL EDUCATION – July 15, 2013ROLL CALL:Yes:No:Abstain:Absent:21

<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> Board of EducationMISCELLANEOUS – July 15, 2013The following miscellaneous motions are made at the recommendation of theSuperintendent of <strong>School</strong>s:CONSENT AGENDAAnything placed on this agenda, Items 1-4, will be voted upon in one motion.Motion by ________________ Seconded by __________________to approve the followingmotions:1. To approve submission of the New Jersey Department of Education <strong>School</strong> Self-Assessment Report under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act.2. To approve the second reading of Policy #3232 – Tutoring Services.Enclosures- 1M3. To approve the second reading of Policy #7522– <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> ProvidedTechnology Devices to Staff Members.Enclosures- 2M – 4M4. To approve the second reading of Policy #7523– <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> ProvidedTechnology Devices to Pupils.Enclosures- 5M – 7MROLL CALL:Yes:No:Abstain:Absent:PUBLIC COMMENTS:Mr. Laible will open the floor to the public for comments on non-agenda items.Motion to adjourn by __________________ Seconded by _____________________.ADJOURN:There being no further business before this Board of Education, BE ITRESOLVED that this public meeting be adjourned…**[NOTE: IF MOVING INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION, INCLUDE THIS: **…andthat the Board enters into private session to discuss matters of personnel,negotiations and litigation with the possibility of reconvening to publicsession to conduct additional business. The matters discussed in executivesession will be disclosed to the public when the need to maintain theirconfidentiality no longer exists.]22

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