Some History of Matrix Software By Michael Erlewine

Some History of Matrix Software By Michael Erlewine

Some History of Matrix Software By Michael Erlewine

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also during meals and freetime. A lot <strong>of</strong> fun was had.Astrological Conferencesby <strong>Michael</strong> <strong>Erlewine</strong><strong>Michael</strong> <strong>Erlewine</strong> has plannedand put on many dozens <strong>of</strong>conferences and workshopsover the years. Below is a list<strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the moresignificant ones, but there aremany more. <strong>Erlewine</strong>conferences and workshopswere not just your averageevent. The ones held at theHeart Center includedcarefully planned homemademeals and special fun eventslike tubing down the river andwhat not. And <strong>Erlewine</strong> wasalways careful to seespeakers and attendees werenot separated, but mixedtogether, not only during theworkshops themselves, butACT Conference at AFA inNew Orleans in 1980Act Conference at AFAChicago in 1982Act Conference at AFA 1984in ChicagoTibetan Astrology ConferenceJune 22-23, 1985Heart Center RetreatConference, Sept. 1, 1985Tai Situ Rinpoche at the HeartCenter, September 1985Heart Center MeditationRetreat Fall1985Ven. Thrangu Rinpoche atHeart Center, Jan 1986Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche atHeart Center, Jan 1986ACT Conference at UAC June26-July 1, 1986 San DiegoAFA ACT Conference in LAJuly 15-20, 1986<strong>Matrix</strong> Hindu AstrologyConference Aug 9, 10, 1986Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamptso atHeart Center Aug 25 & 26,1986Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche atHeart Center, Dec 12-14,1986

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