Some History of Matrix Software By Michael Erlewine

Some History of Matrix Software By Michael Erlewine

Some History of Matrix Software By Michael Erlewine

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who had a computer that could runthem and was happy to do so.The only other astrologer I knewwho was into programming was RobHand who had a little Wangcomputer that he programmed.When I wanted to start <strong>Matrix</strong> I didnot want to step on anyone else‟stoes so I called Rob and told himabout <strong>Matrix</strong> and asked if there wasany conflict with his future plans. Hetold me that he had no intention <strong>of</strong>selling s<strong>of</strong>tware and that I had hisblessing. Then, about a year or solater, I found out he had startedAstrolabe and was selling s<strong>of</strong>tware.I had never heard this from him buthad to discover it myself. I calledhim and reminded him <strong>of</strong> hisstatement to me and his only replywas “I changed my mind.”It is not like astrologers by naturetook to the computer right <strong>of</strong>f. It wasjust the opposite. Astrologers as agroup were computer-phobic fromday one and only slowly warmed toa machine that could do thecalculations they did by hand. Theridiculous old log-table rituals <strong>of</strong>calculating a chart were their secretand many saw the computer as anunwanted intruder into their ancientscience. But the forward-lookingastrologers (and aren‟t allastrologers supposed to be futureoriented?) could see the advantage<strong>of</strong> having a computer and I began toget more requests for my frees<strong>of</strong>tware than I could fill. Asmentioned, soon I was spendingalmost my entire time recording andverifying cassette tapes <strong>of</strong> programsfor my fellow astrologers while Icould not pay my own bills. It wasaround then that I began to chargefor my programs. Even this was notwelcome, and this is one <strong>of</strong> myfavorite stories:Photo: Circle Books Calendar 1979I received very many more poisonpenletters when in 1979 I put acomputer on the cover <strong>of</strong> anastrological calendar that my brotherStephen and I had been publishingsince 1969. The calendar is stillpublished today, some 42 yearslater! But at the time the photo <strong>of</strong> acomputer with an astrological aspectgrid on its screen was just too much<strong>of</strong> an affront for many astrologers tobear. They hated it. However, moreand more astrologers <strong>of</strong> anotherinclination loved it and actually couldsee the future, at least when itpresented itself.I could go on and on but I will givejust one more example <strong>of</strong> the oldsaying that “No good deed goesunpunished” and this had to do withthe advent <strong>of</strong> the firstmicrocomputer interpretationreports. Oh the horror <strong>of</strong> the thoughtwhen astrologers figured out whatthese written interpretations actuallywere. I remember one round tablediscussion at a major conference

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