Turning Oligo™ into a Business Opportunity - Deliveringwellness ...

Turning Oligo™ into a Business Opportunity - Deliveringwellness ...

Turning Oligo™ into a Business Opportunity - Deliveringwellness ...

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MULTIVITAMIN & MINERAL <strong>Turning</strong> Oligo <strong>into</strong> a<strong>Business</strong> <strong>Opportunity</strong>Superior Solubility + Free Radical Reduction = Big <strong>Opportunity</strong>Melaleuca’s CEO Frank VanderSloot announcedfrom stage at the US Convention 2008 that severalscientists working together in the fields of nutrition andantioxidants and free radicals had made a profounddiscovery. They learned that the mineralsin many of these products generate freeradicals that reduce the availability of theantioxidants in the same supplement.But, our CEO explained, Melaleuca wasaddressing the problem with a newdiscovery. That discovery is theVitality Pack with Oligofructose.This discovery has everyone who has heard of itbuzzing. If you’re like most Marketing Executiveshowever, you’re probably wondering how you can turnthis amazing concept <strong>into</strong> more long-term customersand business builders.The first place to start is the updatedDelivering Wellness presentation.The new Vitality for Life pages create theperfect opportunity to quickly explain theOligofructose discovery.

You might consider talking through Delivering Wellness with an explanation that goes something like this:“You know, staying healthy in general is all about gettingproper nutrition. It turns out that mum was right whenshe told us to eat our fruits and vegetables. Australiansand New Zealanders are only consuming half therecommended amount of fruits and vegetables daily,so there are still nutritional gaps in our diets no matterhow well we try to eat.“Even the American Medical Association stated in 2002that everyone should take a daily supplement to ensureproper nutrition. But which one? There are so many outthere to choose from. Plus, it can get pretty frustrating forfolks taking a vitamin. A lot of times you take them, butyou don’t really feel any difference. Well, that’s becauseit’s not necessarily what it says on the bottle that matters,but instead what is actually available for your body touse. More than that, what’s really important is gettingenough antioxidant vitamins to fight free radical damagebecause science tells us that free radicals have beenlinked to numerous health concerns.“Well I don’t know if you’ve heard the big announcement,but in August 2008, Melaleuca announced to the publictheir breakthrough Vitality Pack with Oligofructose. TheVitality Pack with Oligofructose delivers nutrition JustLike Nature to mirror the way nutrients are found infruits and vegetables.“Now what this does is two-fold. First, it helps keepthe minerals soluble in the intestine, which is whereabsorption takes place (and minerals are inherentlydifficult to absorb). Second, and perhaps the mostimportant part of the announcement, is that someminerals can trigger free radical activity that robsantioxidants like vitamins C and E of their potency,essentially making them useless. Melaleuca hasfound a way to help stop this problem.“You can imagine this is an enormous discovery. OurVitality Pack with Oligofructose is the first and onlymultivitamin and mineral pack to include Oligofructosewhich assists with maintaining the optimum absorptionenvironment during digestion, so the minerals are moreavailable for absorption. Oligofructose also protectsantioxidant vitamins because it enables the minerals to beabsorbed before they potentially generate free radicals anduse up the antioxidant vitamins in your supplement! TheVitality Pack with Oligofructose is exclusive to Melaleuca.No other product, no other company has this pack. It’s soexciting, and a huge step, to help us all stay proactive in”looking after our health.Such a description, delivered with confidence and passionfor the discovery can be very compelling in helpingthose you are presenting to catch a vision of the kind ofbreakthroughs that Melaleuca builds its business upon.But what about those times before you are in a DeliveringWellness presentation? Can the Oligofructose story helpcreate sufficient interest to lead you to a DeliveringWellness invitation? Absolutely.

Consider the following conversation between two friends, Marsha, a Marketing Executive, and Fiona.M: Fiona, why do you take a multivitamin and mineralsupplement?F: Well I think we’re supposed to take a multivitaminand mineral supplement because I’m probably notgetting enough from the food I eat. So I guess it’sabout staying healthy.M: It is about staying healthy, isn’t it? And for sure, we’reall not eating enough fruits and vegetables. So we wantto be taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement. It’swell-accepted and recommended that we should be. Now,you’ve probably heard about free radicals before, right?F: Yeah, I hear about those a lot. Don’t they damage yourcells or something? And don’t they have something to dowith how your body changes as you get older…M: You’re totally right. You know, when we breathe insmog, or smoke, or even just eat poorly, our body spins offthese free radicals and free radicals have been linked toa number of health concerns. And it’s one of the primaryreasons our bodies degenerate with age. So fighting offfree radicals is really important. So what do you knowabout antioxidants?M: Yes, fruits, berries, and vegetables. Vitamin C, forexample, is an antioxidant. One of the most powerfulantioxidants. That’s why you’re supposed to takevitamin C every day. Vitamin E, betacarotene, and grapeseed extract are antioxidants too. Those antioxidantsthat you find in fruits and vegetables do exactly whatyou talked about. They neutralise free radicals, protectingyour body against the damage that free radicals can doto your cells.F: So they’re pretty important.M: Really important to be taking every single day. Whichmakes me wonder…what kind of antioxidant vitaminand mineral supplement do you take now?F: I don’t know. I take whatever’s on sale. If I remember totake them at all. I hope that there’s antioxidant vitamins,and minerals in them.M: There likely are antioxidant vitamins, and mineralsin them. But did you know the supplement that you’retaking now could be leaving fewer antioxidants insideof your body? And science has learned a whole lot aboutthat recently.F: Hmm. Antioxidants. Don’t they help neutralise thefree radicals or something? They’re in fruits and berries,aren’t they?Conversation StartersTo start a conversation that leads to a discussion aboutOligofructose and the Vitality Pack ask open-ended questionsabout health, scientific discovery, or personal energy.Can you believe how poorly we eat sometimes?Did you know we only eat half the amount of fruits andvegetables we should on a daily basis?How do you make sure you’re getting all of the nutrition yourbody needs?How do you get everything done? You seem so busy. Do youtake vitamins or minerals?Have you heard what scientists are saying about the mineralsin multivitamin-mineral supplements?Did you know there’s been a scientific discovery that hasthousands of people thinking differently about vitamins andminerals than they ever have before?

F: Really? What’s that about?M: The minerals that come in popular multivitamin andmineral supplements can trigger a chain reaction offree radical creation. So when you take the multivitaminand mineral supplement, you have all of those goodantioxidants, but the free radicals that are generated fromthe minerals in those products can actually neutralisemany of the antioxidants you’re taking with them.free radicals. So you get both the minerals that you needand the antioxidants that you need from your vitaminand mineral supplement. And no other company has theVitality Pack with Oligofructose.F: You know, Marsha, I’ve never heard of this before—thatsome mineral forms can generate free radicals in yourbody before your antioxidant vitamins can even beabsorbed. Is this all new?F: So is there something I can do?M: Well, scientists have madetwo key discoveries, andthose discoveries have lead tothe development of the newmultivitamin and mineralsupplements with Oligofructose.The first point is that no othermineral form in a supplementis more bioavailable than theminerals in Melaleuca’s VitalityPack with Oligofructose. Otherproducts contain mineral formsthat may crystallise as they pass<strong>into</strong> your small intestine—wherethe mineral uptake occurs.Crystallised minerals are nolonger soluble and available toyour body.The second point is that the5.mineral you’re taking may beGuaranteegenerating free radicals andneutralising your antioxidants.So what Melaleuca’s VitalityPack does is it uses Oligofructose to create an optimumabsorption environment in the intestine for theseminerals, which reduces their ability to generate as manyTop 5 Reasons to Choosethe Vitality Pack1. The Vitality Pack withOligofructose: AntioxidantProtection2. The Vitality Pack withOligofructose: MineralBioavailability3.4.Research RecommendedAmounts and SourcesEasy-to-Swallow Coatingand Kosher Formulas90-Day Money-BackM: This is new science that’s just been developed,researched, and tested by some ofthe world’s leading free radicaland nutritional scientists. Andthis product is only availablethrough Melaleuca.Remember, no two conversationsare going to be alike. But,if you are familiar with theOligofructose story, it can beeasy to bring it up in almostevery situation. It addressestopics people care about andwant to talk about: nutrition,their health, scientific discovery,and a way to feel better.The important thing is you starttalking about this incrediblediscovery. You may be surprisedhow many people thank you later.To learn more, visit www.melaleuca.com/oligoDisclaimer: Please be aware that this web page reference will contain US approved claims, research references and customer experiences.These are not approved for use in Australia or New Zealand. The web page will also reference US products, prices and shopping cart.We have made reference to this web page for easy access to the research publication only.Copyright 2010 Melaleuca of Australia and New Zealand Pty Ltd • ABN 84 091 339 409 • PO Box 323 • Box Hill VIC 3128 • Australia • Aus 1800 07 33 99 • NZ 0800 08 33 99email: anz@melaleuca.com www.melaleuca.com ® and are registered trade marks and trade marks of Melaleuca Inc. 03/10

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