Stellarium seasons

Stellarium seasons

Stellarium seasons


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Astronomy 2010-2011<strong>Stellarium</strong> ActivityName ________________________On your own or with a partner answer the following questions. If you work with a partnermake certain that your answers are in your own “voice.”We will define sunrise as the time when any portion of the sun’s disk is above thehorizon. Sunset will be when the sun’s disk goes below the horizon.1. At what time will the sun rise on the Fall Equinox (2010) in York, PA? Does it rise inthe east? If not, how many degrees from east does it rise? How high above the horizonis the sun at its highest point in the sky? What time is this? At what time does the sunset? Location?2. Answer the same questions for the Winter Solstice 2010.3. Spring Equinox 20114. Summer Solstice 2011

Astronomy 2010-2011<strong>Stellarium</strong> ActivityName ________________________A. What causes the <strong>seasons</strong>?B. Why is it hotter in the summer than in the winter in York PA?C. The sun’s angle in the sky can be determined for locations as follows:Equinox = 90 o – latitudeSummer solstice = 90 o – latitude + angle of Earth’s axial tilt (go find it)Winter solstice = 90 o – latitude – angle of Earth’s axial tiltWhat are the angles for York PA? Show your calculations. Add a sheet if needed.What are the angles for London?What are the angles for the North Pole?What are the angles for the equator?

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