SUMMER MESS 8 PG 2011-12 - Abbotsford Christian School

SUMMER MESS 8 PG 2011-12 - Abbotsford Christian School SUMMER MESS 8 PG 2011-12 - Abbotsford Christian School
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AUGUST 2011 ISSUEABBOTSFORD CHRISTIAN SCHOOLCONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2011!Elementary...see page 4Secondary...see page 6INSIDETHIS ISSUE:General Information ............ pg. 2,3,5,7Elementary School Info ...... pg. 4Middle School Info .............. pg. 4,5Secondary School Info........ pg. 6Support Our Sponsors ... .... pg. 7,8And much more!Middle General...see page 4,5WELCOME TOTHE 2011-2012SCHOOL YEAR!...see pages 2,3, 5 & 730th Annual ACSAuction & GarageSale- Oct. 15 - pg 5Sept.6 - First day of schoolSept.8 - Preschool New ParentOrientationSept.9 - School pics-Mid/SecSept.15 - ACMS Meet theTeacher Evening - 7:30 pmSept.20 - Sec Meet theTeacher Evening - 7:00 pmSept.22 - Family BBQ-Elem.Sept.27 - Special Soc Mtg-7:30 pm-Middle gymFirst Day of SchoolTUESDAYSept. 6thACS MISSION STATEMENT: Abbotsford Christian School, operated by Abbotsford Christian School Society members, seeks to serve Christian familiesby providing a secure learning environment in which God’s children can continue to explore, experience and evaluate all of life under God. We aim tonurture students in the discovery and development of their abilities and unique gifts so that they are enabled to be faithful, discerning, obedient andcreative servants of God and of neighbour, and stewards of His creation.ACS Elementary (P-5)Roy van Eerden, Principal604 755 8101ACS Middle (6-8)Tym Berger, Principal604 755 8102ACS Secondary (9-12)Gerry Goertzen, Principal604 755 8104Administration OfficeJulius Siebenga, ExecutiveDirector 604 755 8103Administration OfficeNilah Lewis, Admin Assistant604 755 1891 ext 4001w w w . a b b o t s f o r d c h r i s t i a n . c o m

AUGUST <strong>2011</strong> ISSUEABBOTSFORD CHRISTIAN SCHOOLCONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF <strong>2011</strong>!Elementary...see page 4Secondary...see page 6INSIDETHIS ISSUE:General Information ............ pg. 2,3,5,7Elementary <strong>School</strong> Info ...... pg. 4Middle <strong>School</strong> Info .............. pg. 4,5Secondary <strong>School</strong> Info........ pg. 6Support Our Sponsors ... .... pg. 7,8And much more!Middle General...see page 4,5WELCOME TOTHE <strong>2011</strong>-20<strong>12</strong>SCHOOL YEAR!...see pages 2,3, 5 & 730th Annual ACSAuction & GarageSale- Oct. 15 - pg 5Sept.6 - First day of schoolSept.8 - Preschool New ParentOrientationSept.9 - <strong>School</strong> pics-Mid/SecSept.15 - ACMS Meet theTeacher Evening - 7:30 pmSept.20 - Sec Meet theTeacher Evening - 7:00 pmSept.22 - Family BBQ-Elem.Sept.27 - Special Soc Mtg-7:30 pm-Middle gymFirst Day of <strong>School</strong>TUESDAYSept. 6thACS MISSION STATEMENT: <strong>Abbotsford</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong>, operated by <strong>Abbotsford</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> Society members, seeks to serve <strong>Christian</strong> familiesby providing a secure learning environment in which God’s children can continue to explore, experience and evaluate all of life under God. We aim tonurture students in the discovery and development of their abilities and unique gifts so that they are enabled to be faithful, discerning, obedient andcreative servants of God and of neighbour, and stewards of His creation.ACS Elementary (P-5)Roy van Eerden, Principal604 755 8101ACS Middle (6-8)Tym Berger, Principal604 755 8102ACS Secondary (9-<strong>12</strong>)Gerry Goertzen, Principal604 755 8104Administration OfficeJulius Siebenga, ExecutiveDirector 604 755 8103Administration OfficeNilah Lewis, Admin Assistant604 755 1891 ext 4001w w w . a b b o t s f o r d c h r i s t i a n . c o m

ACS <strong>MESS</strong>ENGERGENERAL ACS NEWSGreetings ACS Society members! On behalf of theACS <strong>School</strong> Board, I welcome you back to the active life ofa new and exciting school year. I hope you have had arestful summer enjoying time with your family. I am so gladthat we have been able to enjoy some sunny weather aftera spring that tried the patience of us all! As you return todarken the doors of the various campuses where yourchildren attend, I trust that you will feel a warm welcome andthe anticipation of a great year at ACS. If September marksthe first year that you and your children are part of the ACS community, Iespecially want to extend a welcome to you – we are absolutely thrilled you havecome! ACS is a dynamic place with Christ at its core and we look forward to thegifts and uniqueness that you and your children will bring to our community.Before I go further, some special thanks are due. Each year in June, wetypically see several Board Members conclude their terms and take their leave ofthe Board. This June saw two incredible gentlemen conclude their time on theBoard. Jake Groeneweg stepped away after serving two consecutive terms for atotal of six years. Jake has a wonderful calming presence that arises out of a faithin our Lord that is deep and solid in times of blessing as well as in times ofadversity. He contributed to the Board with his wise words and served faithfullyon the Nominations and Society Meeting committees. His contemplative styleand well-chosen words were a model to me as I watched him in meetings. EricVan Egmond also came to the end of a very lengthy and significant time on theBoard. Eric was on the Board for nine of the last twelve years. For eight of thoseyears he served faithfully as the Board Chair. He was an absolute prototype forthe concept of the “servant leader” and served as a role model to the entire Boardwhen it came to faith, vision-setting, and strategic thinking. Both of these men willbe missed at the Board table and we owe them a debt of gratitude. When yousee them in the hallways of the school or at different ACS functions this year,please join me in thanking them for their selfless contributions to ACS.Having said that, I suppose it would be prudent to tell you about myselffor those who do not know me. I am entering my fifth year on the Board and havefound it a joy and privilege to serve in this role. As Eric was departing, I wasasked by the Board to assume the role of Board Chair for the upcoming year. Itwas with humility, some nerves, and a lot of excitement that I accepted thatnomination. My wife Jennifer and I have four children. Our youngest is still athome and the older three are at ACS entering grade 2, grade 4, and grade 6 (weare excited to get our first taste of Middle <strong>School</strong> life this year!). ACS is a schoolthat blesses our family every day. As parents, we walk in partnership with schoolstaff to educate our children in a way that acknowledges that our Lord is Lord ofall and that all life and learning needs to acknowledge His dominion and our callto serve Him. What a blessing it is to be in that partnership!There are eight other tremendous individuals on the Board that volunteerto serve you, the ACS Society, as shepherds of the ACS Mission Statement andkeepers of our Vision Statements. The Mission and Vision are heavily intertwinedwith what we have defined as our Core Beliefs. Together, these concepts definewho we are as a school community and how we are to conduct ourselves. If youhave never had a look at or thought about these statements and beliefs, I urgeyou to have a look at the following page on our ACS website: 2009, our ACS staff generated a five-year Strategic Plan in responseto the Vision Statements. It was enthusiastically endorsed by the Board at thetime and this year we will be right in the middle of that plan. It was, and continuesto be, both ambitious and tremendously exciting. This year, we will continue as aBoard to track how the implementation of the plan is proceeding as we continue toseek to make ACS an even better place.Whether you have been members of the ACS Society for over a decadeor this is your very first year – welcome! We are so happy you are part of theACS community. It is the prayer of the Board that you are blessed in the comingyear through your involvement at ACS.Blessings,Ian Van Deventer – Board ChairPage 2From the Board ChairTHE ACS SCHOOL BOARDACS Board Members<strong>2011</strong>-20<strong>12</strong> <strong>School</strong> YearIan Van Deventer ................................ Chair PersonDon Luymes ....................................... Vice ChairGord Braun ......................................... TreasurerAmy Van Belle ................................... SecretaryLinda Howard ..................................... DirectorLori Kowalchuk ................................... DirectorEben Louw .......................................... DirectorFran Vanderpol ................................... DirectorMonique Weir ..................................... DirectorPlease pray for these volunteers as they give theirtime to serve <strong>Abbotsford</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong>.International Parent Orientation MeetingOct 4, 7:00 at the Secondary LibraryThis is a great opportunity for international parents tomeet principals from all of our campuses, learn moreabout <strong>Abbotsford</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong>, meet other families,and ask questions. A translator will be attending thismeeting. If you have any questions, contact:TERESA SEO - International Student Coordinator,604.755.1891 ext 3021 ortseo@abbotsfordchristian.comSTUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCEAll ACS students have accident insurance to travel to and fromschool, during and after school, and for all sporting events andfield trips; however, you may want to consider additional accidentinsurance if you don’t already have access to a group plan. Additionalinsurance will provide your child with coverage 24 hours aday, each day of the week for injuries sustained by any accident.It includes accidental dental and health expenses, fractures andprinciple sum indemnity, rehabilitation benefits, etc. A brochure isavailable at your school office. If you would like to purchase thisinsurance, write your child(ren’s) name(s) on a separate piece ofpaper and enclose it with $5.50 per student in an envelope addressedto the Attention of Marilyn Vriend. Please submit it toone of the school offices by September 15, <strong>2011</strong>.SPECIAL SOCIETY MEETINGSEPT 27 - 7:30 PMMiddle gymVoting on Special resolution- watch for mail outContinued on page 3

ACS <strong>MESS</strong>ENGERGENERAL ACS NEWS CONT’DFrom the Executive DirectorA question of RelevanceWelcome to another school year!Over the summer, as a part of a Fellowship that Iam a part of, I attended a week long Professional DevelopmentSeminar in Grand Rapids Michigan. It was calledthe Van Lunen Center( Much of this fellowshipwas spent reflecting on what <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong>s inNorth America are doing as we prepare for the 21 st Century.I was saddened to learn that every <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> umbrella organizationin North America (including ours which is called <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong>’s Internationalor CSI) is reporting a shrinking in their schools (in other words - schoolsare closing) at an alarming rate. Many of the stories that we shared were centeredaround how we need to be careful not to be a school that is in danger ofhaving to shut down. In digging in to what the reasons might be for this, itoften came down to a question of relevance. Are <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong>s relevantto the 21 st century parent? More and more parents are questioning the cost of<strong>Christian</strong> Education and asking whether or not it is worth it from a relevanceperspective. Even if we don’t necessarily like this to be the question that is firstasked, we also have to be realistic and know that this is the New Normal .This is a question that we ask ourselves often at ACS. Are we relevant? Arewe relevant to our parents who want the very best for their children? Are werelevant to our students who, more than ever, desire to be fully engaged intheir learning? Are we engaging our students in ways that convey an understandingthat is relevant in today’s day? In this desire to be relevant, are westaying true to our Mission and Vision as God’s call for our school?We believe that, as a school, we have no choice. This is not a matterof trying to educate our families to know better. We must be relevant to staytrue to our calling as images of our Living God. We must be bold in our questas <strong>Christian</strong>s if we are to stay faithful to our Saviour. We owe it to every familythat is a part of our school to be leading the charge in answering the questionof relevance. There are some key areas of our strategic plan that will berolled out this year that we believe will continue to answer this relevance questionin a positive way …Some things to look for or watch out for in the upcoming year:• We will review our Library Program this year and develop a planmoving forward.• We will review our Athletics Program and develop a 5 year plan.• We will implement Project Based Learning (PBL)and Presentationsof Learning (POLs) standards at the Middle and Secondarylevels.• We will investigate “seamless” student access to technology,perhaps investing in / piloting a one-to-one lap-top (or tablet likethe IPad) initiative at the secondary.• We will expand and enhance our global connections initiatives(our connections in Nicaragua) and engage our community in itmore so.• We will create and cultivate an Alumni Association that will bevibrant.• We will develop a parent ambassador program to help recruitfamilies to our school• We will develop new recruitment strategies to encourage <strong>Christian</strong>families outside of the traditional supporting community tosend their children to ACS.If you would like to be a part of an advisory group that dealswith some of these items, please let us know. We have an EducationAdvisory Team that meets monthly to discuss key areas tied to education,and we have a new Community Relations Advisory Team (seearticle on page 7) that will tackle key areas tied to Community Relations.We would love for you to join us if you see this as positive wayto affect your child’s school as we continue to be faithful to our callingas a <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> community.Please feel free to comment on any of these issues or shareanything else on the blog entitled “Solid Work @MyACS”. You willneed to sign up as a follower in order to enter a comment.Blog Address:<strong>2011</strong>/08/question-of-relevance.htmlBlog Name: Solid Work @MyACSJulius Siebenga - Executive DirectorSome families have been asking or wondering about the tuition raise that was instituted for the new school year. The average of 5% that we are experiencingis the highest increase that we have had in quite a few years. The following are not the only factors, but are key ones that drove the decision:• Government funding - because of a lack of funds and budget cuts, our increase in funding from the provincial government has drastically declinedfrom an average of 3% in recent years, to less than 1% for next year (this is province wide).• Enrolment: a big part of our revenue stream counts on enrolment and demographics have us trending downward. It is not something to be alarmedabout and we believe that we can turn it around in the next few years, but it is still a reality at this time.• Donations: An economic slow-down has not helped our donations. The current reality is that some families would prefer to know what the total cost ofeducation is for their child and be charged accordingly through tuition (as opposed) to being asked in an annual fund drive. We wanted to recognize thisreality.Some families have inquired about, and taken advantage of our tuition assistance program as a result. We have tuition assistance money availablespecifically for families who demonstrate that they cannot afford the tuition. Contact Marilyn Vriend for details at 604.755.8107.Julius Siebenga - Executive DirectorGRANT TUITION <strong>2011</strong>/20<strong>12</strong> KINDERGARTEN PART TIME $18<strong>12</strong> ($151.<strong>12</strong>) KINDERGARTEN FULL TIME $3624 ($302.<strong>12</strong>)1 CHILD 1CHILD &PT KIND2 CHILDINCL FT KIND3 CHILDINCL PT KIND3 CHILDINCL FT KIND4 CHILDINCL PT KIND4 CHILDINCL FT KINDELEMENTARY 4044/337 5964/497 7080/590 7404/617 7584/63278<strong>12</strong>/6518004/667MIDDLE 4500/375 6408/534 7296/608 7752/646 7944/6628148/6798340/695SECONDARY 5796/483 75<strong>12</strong>/626 84<strong>12</strong>/701 8748/729 8964/747REGISTRATIONFEES$50 PERPERSON9180/7659396/783** <strong>12</strong> MTHLYPAYMENTSContinued onpage 7Page 3

ACS <strong>MESS</strong>ENGERELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL INFORMATIONFirst Day of <strong>School</strong>We are all looking forward to an exciting start to anew school year. Class lists and school maps will be postedon the entrance doors at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, Sept.2nd. They will still be there on Tuesday morning whenschool begins.When students arrive on Tuesday, teachers will beoutside the buildings and in the hallways, ready to assistanyone in finding their way. Parents are welcome to accompanytheir children to their classrooms. The first dayis a full day.Tym Berger, Principal – Middle <strong>School</strong>Roy van Eerden, Principal – Elementary <strong>School</strong>Which Classroom Will be Mine?As the first day of school approaches, students wonderif they will be in their friend’s class and who theirteacher will be.At the end of the year, teachers of each grade levelmeet to make a careful, initial division of classes. Theteachers look for combinations of students who work welltogether, considering the best academic, social and emotionalneeds of each child.The first drafts of the class lists are then shared withteachers who have taught the students over the last numberof years and the principal. This second level of discussionoften produces some changes.When the teachers return in late August, the lists arecarefully reviewed once again. When everyone is satisfiedthat the wisest possible decisions have been made, thelists are finalized and posted. This year they will beposted at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 2nd.In cases when parents or students are disappointed,it will help to know how carefully these decisions havebeen made. The teachers and principals appreciate thesupport that parents show us in this area.Tym Berger, Principal – Middle <strong>School</strong>Roy van Eerden, Principal – Elementary <strong>School</strong>REMINDER: Both Elementary & Middle <strong>School</strong> areNUT AWARE schools. At least one student has a seriousnut allergy in both schools and for that student’ssafety, ALL nut products must be kept at home. Pleaseremember this as you do your back-to-school shopping.Staffing updates at the Elementary campusGoodbyes - Yolanda Apperloo has resigned her teamteaching position in grade one in order to devote moretime to her home and family. Irene Johanson will be takingover the team teaching assignment with in grade one.We thank Yolanda for her years of dedication to ACS,knowing that she will continue to be very involved as aparent and community member.Welcome New Staff – Sharon Allen, Rita Schouten,Donna Stark, and Cristina Steenblok have been appointedto positions as Educational Assistants in our SpecialEducation department. Audrey Kaethler, a recent graduateof TWU, has been appointed to a grade two teachingposition.Page 4Preschool and Kindergarten ClassesPreschool and Kindergarten classes will begin approximatelyone week after school begins for Grades 1 - <strong>12</strong>.Kindergarten teachers and Preschool teachers will be hosting“Classroom visits” during the week of September 6 - 9.By now, you should have received a letter indicatingwhich class your child will be in. All parents will be notifiedby the elementary office regarding the time of their one-ononevisit.Thursday Morning Before <strong>School</strong> Supervision:For those students who must be dropped off at the elementaryor middle schools before 8:45, please phone theschool by Tuesday, September 6, so that we have an ideaof how many students to expect. When dropping off yourchild(ren), please escort them to the library and sign themin. Please make sure they have materials with them tospend time on (a book to read, puzzles, school work if applicable,coloring books, etc).Students will be brought/allowed outside at 8:45 so thatthey can have some play time and meet their friends beforethe school day begins.If you would be interested in providing supervision atthis time in order to enable staff to take full advantage ofthis professional development time, please contact theschool at 604.755.1891. A Criminal Record Check will benecessary and the school will cover this cost. Thank you.Roy van Eerden – Elementary PrincipalTym Berger – Middle PrincipalELEMENTARY BELL SCHEDULE(Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri) (Late Start Thursdays)7:55 Playground supervision Begins 8:408:10 Additional parking lot supervision 8:458:25 Warning Bell 8:558:30 <strong>School</strong> Begins 9:0010:45 Recess Begins 10:4510:58 Warning Bell 10:5811:00 Recess Ends 11:00<strong>12</strong>:25-1:15 Lunch break <strong>12</strong>:30-1:15<strong>12</strong>:35 Students may go outside <strong>12</strong>:40<strong>12</strong>:40 Students must be outside <strong>12</strong>:451:10 Warning Bell 1:101:15 Lunch break ends 1:152:45 Warning - Clean-up 2:45-Agendas/folders2:50 DISMISSAL 2:503:05 Parking lot/pickup supervision ends 3:05MIDDLE SCHOOL BELL SCHEDULE(Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri) (Late Start Thursdays)8:20 Warning bell 8:55 Warning bell8:25 <strong>School</strong> begins 9:00 <strong>School</strong> begins8:25 - 8:35 Anchor Time 9:00 - 9:10 Anchor Time8:35 – 10:20 Classes 9:10 - 10:55 Classes10:20 - 10:40 Break 10:55 - 11:15 Break10:40 – <strong>12</strong>:25 Classes 11:15 - <strong>12</strong>:25 Classes<strong>12</strong>:25 - 1:05 Lunch Break <strong>12</strong>:25 - 1:05 Lunch Break1:05 - 2:50 Classes 1:05 - 2:50 Classes2:50 Dismissal 2:50 Dismissal

MIDDLE SCHOOL INFORMATIONACS <strong>MESS</strong>ENGERGrade 8 Celebration“Out of this World” was the theme of our Grade 8 Celebration wherewe said farewell to our 2010-<strong>2011</strong> Grade 8 class. The class chosethe theme based on 2 Corinthians 5:1, “Therefore, if anyone is inChrist, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.”As we celebrated this class’ contributions to life in our Middle <strong>School</strong>,Mrs. Sophia Van Dorp and Mrs. Amy Morrow spoke of the uniqueflavour and wonderful characteristics of this class by outlining theacronym outrageous. Corinna Scholing, Eden Luymes and AndreMeerse shared their recollections and memories of Middle <strong>School</strong>,specifically thanking their parents and teachers for their support thusfar on their educational journey. We will miss this class and wishthem the Lord’s blessings as they move on to High <strong>School</strong> in Grade 9.Middle <strong>School</strong> Banana ChallengeThe last day of school was a busy one for Middle <strong>School</strong> students.After the closing chapel and a clean-up in each of theclasses, students faced a series of tasks in the first annualACMS Banana Challenge. In previous years, the BananaChallenge was a grade 8 only activity. However, this year itinvolved 30 teams from all three middle school grades.The race began with teams selecting one competitor to raceto the front courtyard and bob for a banana in a wading pool.From then on, each team had to carry their banana withthem for the remainder of the race. The race ended witheach team building a human pyramid and then having theteam member on the top of the pyramid eat the banana.Congratulations to the winning team: Amanda de Waal,Devin Sidhu, Marcus Vanderveen, Tianna Summers andJenna Visser.30 th Annual Auction and Garage Sale30 years ago, a small group of dedicated ACS parents started the Auctionand Garage sale, raising money to help our school. 30 years later, the auction isstill going strong, having raised well over $2 million! Many of the original committeemembers still help out year after year on auction day and they wouldn’t miss it!This year’s auction is set for Saturday, October 15, so mark it on your calendarnow! Come out early for the pancake breakfast hosted by ACS teachersand staff. Stay all day and enjoy great deals in the garage sale, lots of items upfor sale in the auction; send the kids over to check out our re-vamped Kids Kornerand enjoy great food all day long. We are excited to welcome back the “ChickenGuy” who will be BBQing half chickens for lunch, as well as other great choices onthe menu. If you have a home based business and would like to be part of theauction this year, you can rent a table, please contact Denise de Jonge for moreinformation.Did you know the charity auction idea originated with a pig being offered upfor sale over and over? This year’s charity auction will have a Traveltheme....Where would you like to go? The winner of the charity auction will receivea travel gift certificate....more details to follow!As always, we rely on our school community to donate either new items tothe auction, or gently used quality items to the garage sale, so start thinkingahead to how you’d like to contribute. Our canvassers will be calling our supportingbusinesses in September for donations of new items to be auctioned off.If you are new to the school, or haven’t been canvassed before, please contactthe business office to find out how you can make your donation.We are looking forward to another great auction, celebrating 30 years ofGod’s faithfulness to ACS. We hope to see you there!Take Time to VOLUNTEER - We need you!It takes more than 200 people to make theauction a success. These people include theplanning committee members, those thatsetup or take down, those that run the garagesale, those that work in the kitchen, those thatwork quietly behind the scenes, the teacherswho make breakfast, the auctioneers andspotters and canvassers, and many others.Please consider where you can help andwatch for sign up sheets coming home at theend of September. Call Denise de Jonge at(604) 855-8875for more info.Page 5

ACS <strong>MESS</strong>ENGERSECONDARY INFORMATIONFirst Day of Secondary <strong>School</strong>, Tuesday, September 6thWelcome back! The first day of school is September 6,<strong>2011</strong>. Was your summer long enough? Are you ready to head backto school? We are excited about the many things we have plannedfor the coming year and some of the changes we are implementingas a staff. God has done great things at ACS and we can’t wait tosee where He will take us this year.Student home room groups will be posted at the school onFriday September 2 nd . On Tuesday, September 6 th at 8:15am, studentsshould proceed directly to the room in which their group willmeet. There, the home room teacher will work with the students onvarious activities associated with the start of the school year. Theseinclude locker assignments, student schedules, reviewing the studenthandbook and answering the questions students typically have at thestart of a new school year. Our goal is to develop a Christ-like communityat ACS and these student groups will be one of the tools weuse to facilitate this goal.We will also share in the opening day chapel. This is achance to dedicate our year to God, welcome all the students, worshipin song and introduce new staff. Parents are invited to attend(and please feel free to join us for any chapels during the year aswell).Parents please review the policies and procedures that arelaid out in our Student Handbook and Course Descriptions Booklet toensure that there is a clear understanding of school routines andexpectations. Both of these documents can be found on the secondaryportion of our website. All students are required to know andunderstand our expectations as we seek to partner with parents indeveloping responsive disciples of Jesus. See you in September!Mr. G. Goertzen and the Secondary Admin Team (Mr. Bakker, Mr. Kiers,Mr. Boersma)<strong>School</strong> SuppliesSecondary students are responsible for their own school supplies. Asupply list is available at our office. It was also included in the Junereport cards for returning students and is on our website.Bursary Scholarships for 2010/11We would like to thank the following donors for theirgenerosity to the graduating class:<strong>School</strong> CalendarA yearly calendar can be found on our website or in the front office. It was alsoincluded with the June report cards for returning students.<strong>School</strong> HoursStudents: Mon-Wed, and Fri: 8:15am - 2:50pmThursdays 9:00am - 2:50pm*Front Office: Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pmThere is a study hall available in the library for students that need to come to schoolearly on “Late Start Thursday”.Bell ScheduleAll students will be given a copy of the weekly schedule, a Thursday schedule and aChapel schedule, however – the following is a bell schedule for the year:Mon-Wed8:<strong>12</strong> – Warning Bell8:15 – 1 st Block9:42 – Break9:56 – 2 nd Block11:18 – Lunch11:58 – 3 rd Block1:20 – Break1:28 – 4 th Block2:50 – Day endsThurs (BABs)9:00 – Warning Bell9:05 – 1 st Block**11:35 – Lunch<strong>12</strong>:20 – 2 nd Block**2:50 – Day EndsFri Chapel/Groups8:20 - Chapel/Groups9:05 - Break9:15 - 1 st Block10:26 - Break10:31 - 2 nd Block11:42 - lunch<strong>12</strong>:21 - 3 rd Block1:32 - break1:39 - 4 th Block2:50 - Day Ends*Tues/Wed - Band before school** approx. 10 minute break will happen on a per class basis without a bell<strong>School</strong> PicturesSecondary student pictures occur very early in the school year. (September 9th)We do this so we can issue student ID cards ASAP. On the first day of school,please be sure to check the picture order form that comes home with your child.Meet the Teacher NightSee you at Meet the Teacher Night on Tuesday, September 20 at 7:00 pm.<strong>Abbotsford</strong> Police City BB Tournament Authority AwardsAble Cresting & Embroidery Dordt CollegeACS BoardEd Bruinsma Tree ServicesACS TeachersFictorie Construction ManagementAvenue Machinery Inc.Ltd.Black Pearl GraniteFraserway RV CentreBlackwood Building Centre Fricia ConstructionBraber EquipmentGerry's AutomotiveCalvin CollegeGroenwold & AssociatesCanex Building SuppliesHeadway Building MaintenanceClearbrook Grain & MillingHeidelberg LandscapingColumbia BitulithicHouse of Jamesa div. of LaFarge Canada Inc. Hub Motor ServicesCorpus Management Group J & D Farmers Dairy ServiceCraven Huston Powers Architects Jim & Yvonne HolmgrenDirect Heat/J & J Cleaning Service John Kampman Memorial AwardDogwood DistrictJohnson Fu Insurance Agency Inc.Johnston MeierInsurance AgencyKing's MusicNova Kitchens & Custom CabinetsOikodome FoundationPacific Dairy Centre Ltd.Pauline Van Biert MemorialPlanet CleanPolar ElectricRitchie-Smith Feeds Inc.Secondary <strong>School</strong> ApprenticeshipProgramSmart Care Auto CentreSteven Shead MemorialThe King's University CollegeTimmermans LandscapingVan Belle Nursery Inc.CONGRATULATIONS to students thatreceived a Dogwood District AuthorityAward of $1,000 for their area of interest.They are: Alicia Zak – Fine Arts; Sarah-AnnWijngaarden – French; Rob Workman –Music Composition; Reuben Spyker – MusicPerformance; Jenna Kastelein – FineArts. CONGRATULATIONS to JennaKastelein and Wesley Verbeek who receivedscholarships based on their provincialexams. In order to receive this $1,000scholarship, she/he must earn a “B” finalmark in English <strong>12</strong>, and achieve 86% orhigher on each of her/his three best Grade<strong>12</strong> provincial exams.GOODBYE TO GLORIA WALKERThe High <strong>School</strong> is sad to see Gloria Walker, our receptionist for the pastyear and a half, leave her position to move to Vancouver Island. Gloria hasblessed our school and all visitors with her cheerful presence and her willingnessto serve in any capacity asked of her. Her love of the Lord and ourstudents was evident to all and we wish her the very best as she moves to aPage 6new community. We pray that Gloria and her husband, Ron and their daughter,Kendra, will be richly blessed in Lake Cowichan, their new home.Melody Hirsch, well known to many in our school community, will be fillingGloria’s position. She brings a wealth of experience in our schools and wegive thanks that God has again provided for His school.

ACS <strong>MESS</strong>ENGERVolunteers needed to assist with getting the <strong>MESS</strong>ENGER ready for mailing. If you like to socialize withother parents / grandparents for an hour or two, six mornings per school year, this may be the volunteer choicefor you! (We even provide treats!)No experience necessary, just willing hands! For more info, please contact Nilah at the Admin office:604.755.1891 ext 4001Community Relations Advisory TeamStarting in the fall, we will be launching a new parent Advisory Team entitled Community Relations. We have hadCommunity Relations committees in the past, but generally, they have been working committees. This team willhave a different focus that is much more in an advisory role. We are looking for 6-8 parents who would be willing tooffer a night per month and serve on this team. Possible topics for discussion would include:• The development of a parent ambassador program• The establishment of an alumni association• Strengthen kindergarten recruitment strategies• Other strategies that come up in the Community Relations departmentIf you are interested, please contact Christine Bomhof – Community RelationsCoordinator at (604) 755-8110.Cbomhof@abbotsfordchristian.comT H I S M E S S E N G E R I S S P O N S O R E D B Y :Only brand names…Always best price.Don & Lori Kowalchuk604-852-8937ADVICE YOU CAN TRUST- Financial Planning- InvestmentsCell: 604-614-DAVE (3283)Office: 604-534-6624Fax: 604-534-6626Email: dabooth@dundeewealth.comwww.dundeewealth.comDavid BoothBBA, CGA, CFP®, FMA, CPCA, FCSIBranch ManagerSenior Investment AdvisorDWM Securities Inc.FREE CONSULTATIONA publication of the ACSAdministration OfficeP u b l i s h e d s i x t i m e s a y e a r f o r t h e i n t e r e s t o fp a r e n t s , s t u d e n t s , s u p p o r t e r s a n d f r i e n d s .Christine Bomhof - Community RelationsNilah Lewis - Admin AssistantPage 7

ACS <strong>MESS</strong>ENGERT H I S M E S S E N G E R I S S P O N S O R E D B Y :OPEN 8:00am - 5:30pm Monday to Friday & Saturdays 8:00am - 4:30pmABBOTSFORD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL35011 Old Clayburn Road<strong>Abbotsford</strong>, BC V2S 7L7Postage Paid Post PayéPage 8“Grow in the Grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ” ll Peter 3:18

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