Valve King Series - Audio Products Australia

Valve King Series - Audio Products Australia

Valve King Series - Audio Products Australia


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INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANTES DE SECURITEATTENTION: L’utilisation de tout appareil électrique doit être soumise aux precautions d’usage incluant:1. Lire ces instructions.2. Gardez ce manuel pour de futures références.3. Prétez attention aux messages de précautions de ce manuel.4. Suivez ces instructions.5. N’utilisez pas cette unité proche de plans d’eau.6. N’utilisez qu’un tissu sec pour le nettoyage de votre unité.7. N’obstruez pas les systèmes de refroidissement de votre unité et installez votre unité en fonction des instructionsde ce manuel.8. Ne positionnez pas votre unité à proximité de toute source de chaleur.9. Connectez toujours votre unité sur une alimentation munie de prise de terre utilisant le cordon d’alimentationfourni.10. Protégez les connecteurs de votre unité et positionnez les cablages pour éviter toutes déconnexions accidentelles.11. N’utilisez que des fixations approuvées par le fabriquant.12. Lors de l’utilsation sur pied ou pole de support, assurez dans le cas de déplacement de l’ensemble enceinte/support de prévenir tout basculement intempestif de celui-ci.13. Il est conseillé de déconnecter du secteur votre unité en cas d’orage ou de durée prolongée sans utilisation.14. Seul un technicien agréé par le fabriquant est à même de réparer/contrôler votre unité. Celle-ci doit être contrôlée sielle a subit des dommages de manipulation, d’utilisation ou de stockage (humidité,…).15. Ne déconnectez jamais la prise de terre de votre unité.16. Si votre unité est destinée a etre montée en rack, des supports arriere doivent etre utilises.17. Note pour les Royaumes-Unis: Si les couleurs de connecteurs du cable d’alimentation ne correspond pas au guidede la prise secteur, procédez comme suit:a) Le connecteur vert et jaune doit être connectrer au terminal noté E, indiquant la prise de terre ou correspondantaux couleurs verte ou verte et jaune du guide.b) Le connecteur Bleu doit être connectrer au terminal noté N, correspondnat à la couleur noire du guide.c) Le connecteur marron doit être connectrer au terminal noté L, correspondant à la couleur rouge du guide.18. Cet équipement électrique ne doit en aucun cas être en contact avec un quelconque liquide et aucun objetcontenant un liquide, vase ou autre ne devrait être posé sur celui-ci.19. Une exposition à de hauts niveaux sonores peut conduire à des dommages de l’écoute irréversibles. La susceptibilitéau bruit varie considérablement d’un individu à l’autre, mais une large majorité de la population expérienceraune perte de l’écoute après une exposition à une forte puissance sonore pour une durée prolongée. L’organisme dela santé américaine (OSHA) a produit le guide ci-dessous en rapport à la perte occasionnée:Durée par Jour (heures)Niveau sonore moyen (dBA)8 906 924 953 972 1001 1 ⁄2 1021 1051⁄2 1101⁄4 ou inférieur 115D’après les études menées par le OSHA, toute exposition au delà des limites décrites ce-dessus entrainera des pertes de l’écoute chez laplupart des sujets. Le port de système de protection (casque, oreilette de filtrage,…) doit être observé lors de l’opération cette unité ou desdommages irréversibles peuvent être occasionnés. Le port de ces systèmes doit être observé par toutes personnes susceptibles d’être exposéesà des conditions au delà des limites décrites ci-dessus.GARDEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS!

INSTRUCCIONES IMPORTANTES PARA SU SEGURIDADCUIDADO: Cuando use productos electrónicos, debe tomar precauciones básicas, incluyendo las siguientes:1. Lea estas instrucciones.2. Guarde estas instrucciones.3. Haga caso de todos los consejos.4. Siga todas las instrucciones.5. No usar este aparato cerca del agua.6. Limpiar solamente con una tela seca.7. No bloquear ninguna de las salidas de ventilación. Instalar de acuerdo a las instrucciones del fabricante.8. No instalar cerca de ninguna fuente de calor como radiadores, estufas, hornos u otros aparatos (incluyendo amplificadores)que produzcan calor.9. No retire la patilla protectora del enchufe polarizado o de tipo “a Tierra”. Un enchufe polarizado tiene dos puntas, una deellas más ancha que la otra. Un enchufe de tipo “a Tierra” tiene dos puntas y una tercera “a Tierra”. La punta ancha (latercera ) se proporciona para su seguridad. Si el enchufe proporcionado no encaja en su enchufe de red, consulte a unelectricista para que reemplaze su enchufe obsoleto.10. Proteja el cable de alimentación para que no sea pisado o pinchado, particularmente en los enchufes, huecos, y los puntosque salen del aparato.11. Usar solamente añadidos/accesorios proporcionados por el fabricante.12. Usar solamente un carro, pie, trípode, o soporte especificado por el fabricante, o vendido junto al aparato. Cuando se useun carro, tenga cuidado al mover el conjunto carro/aparato para evitar que se dañe en un vuelco. No suspenda esta caja deninguna manera.13. Desenchufe este aparato durante tormentas o cuando no sea usado durante largos periodos de tiempo.14. Para cualquier reparación, acuda a personal de servicio cualificado. Se requieren reparaciones cuando el aparato ha sidodañado de alguna manera, como cuando el cable de alimentación o el enchufe se han dañado, algún líquido ha sidoderramado o algún objeto ha caído dentro del aparato, el aparato ha sido expuesto a la lluvia o la humedad, no funciona demanera normal, o ha sufrido una caída.15. Nunca retire la patilla de Tierra.Escríbanos para obtener nuestro folleto gratuito “Shock Hazard and Grounding” (“Peligrode Electrocución y Toma a Tierra”). Conecte el aparato sólo a una fuente de alimentación del tipo marcado al lado del cablede alimentación.16. Si este producto va a ser enracado con más equipo, use algún tipo de apoyo trasero.17. Nota para el Reino Unido solamente: Si los colores de los cables en el enchufe principal de esta unidad no correspondencon los terminales en su enchufe‚ proceda de la siguiente manera:a) El cable de color verde y azul debe ser conectado al terminal que está marcado con la letra E‚ el símbolo de Tierra(earth)‚ coloreado en verde o en verde y amarillo.b) El cable coloreado en azul debe ser conectado al terminal que está marcado con la letra N o el color negro.c) El cable coloreado en marrón debe ser conectado al terminal que está marcado con la letra L o el color rojo.18. Este aparato eléctrico no debe ser sometido a ningún tipo de goteo o salpicadura y se debe tener cuidado para no ponerobjetos que contengan líquidos, como vasos, sobre el aparato.19. La exposición a altos niveles de ruido puede causar una pérdida permanente en la audición. La susceptibilidad a la pérdidade audición provocada por el ruido varía según la persona, pero casi todo el mundo perderá algo de audición si se exponea un nivel de ruido suficientemante intenso durante un tiempo determinado. El Departamento para la Salud y para laSeguridad del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos (OSHA) ha especificado las siguientes exposiciones al ruido permisibles:Duración por Día en Horas Nivel de Sonido dBA, Respuesta Lenta8 906 924 953 972 1001 1 ⁄2 1021 1051⁄2 1101⁄4 o menos 115De acuerdo al OSHA, cualquier exposición que exceda los límites arriba indicados puede producir algún tipo de pérdida en la audición.Protectores para los canales auditivos o tapones para los oídos deben ser usados cuando se opere con este sistema de sonido para preveniruna pérdida permanente en la audición, si la exposición excede los límites indicados más arriba. Para protegerse de una exposición aaltos niveles de sonido potencialmente peligrosa, se recomienda que todas las personas expuestas a equipamiento capaz de producir altosniveles de presión sonora, tales como este sistema de amplificación, se encuentren protegidas por protectores auditivos mientras esta unidadesté operando.GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES!

<strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 100/112/212All Tube AmplifiersENGLISHCongratulations on the purchase of your new <strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> tube amplifier from Peavey. The <strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> series offers moreall-tube “Bang For Your Buck” than any other amp on the market.Two channels offer optimum flexibility in a small package. The Clean channel includes a Bright switch and separate three-bandpassive EQ, allowing the Lead tone to be even more fine-tuned.The all new patent pending “Texture” control (Rear Panel), allows for total control over the power amp dynamics and level byallowing for a “Class A” simulation or full power “Class A/B” operation…or anything in between!!! The Lead channel also includesa footswitchable Boost feature. This Boost may be selected for Gain, Volume, or both types simultaneously, via the frontpanel switches. This capability emulates the third channel found on some other model amps and gives you the equivalent of athird channel for the price of two. Both channels share a two-spring premium reverb pan and effects loop. An External SpeakerJack and Resonance Switch are included to expand your playing options on the <strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> 112. The <strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> 212 and<strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> 100 Head offer Resonance to Presence controls, for even more flexibility.Before you begin playing through your amplifier, it is very important to ensure that the product has the proper ACline voltage supplied. You can find the proper voltage for your amp printed next to the IEC line (power) cord on therear panel of the unit. Each product feature is numbered. Refer to the front panel diagram in this manual to locate theparticular features next to it's number.Please read this guide carefully to ensure your personal safety as well as the safety of your amplifier.FEATURES:• 6L6GC power tubes and 12AX7 preamp tubes.• Patent pending TEXTURE control.• Two footswitchable channels with independent, three-band EQ.• Footswitchable Gain/Volume Boost on the Lead channel.• Global Resonance, Presence, and Reverb controls.• Buffered Effects Loop.• Paralleled Speaker Jacks (Head and <strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> 212 only).• Spring Reverb with level control.VENTILATION: For proper ventilation, allow 24" clearance from nearest combustible surface.

TMFront Panel0 10 1 0 1109 876543211 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1012345678910HIGH GAIN INPUTUsed for most electric guitars. It is 10 dB louder than Low Gain input.LOW GAIN INPUTProvided for instruments that have extremely high outputs, which can result in overdriving (distorting)the High Gain input. If both inputs are used simultaneously, the levels are the same (both are Low Gain).VOLUMEControls the volume level of the Clean channel.BRIGHT SWITCHProvides a preset boost to treble frequencies. To activate, depress the switch to its “in” position.CHANNEL SELECT SWITCHAllows selection of the Lead or Clean channel. The “in” position of the switch selects the Lead channeland the “out” position selects Clean.NOTE: Channel selection may also be achieved by using the optional remote footswitch (#00579720).If remote selection is desired, the CHANNEL SWITCH (#5) must be in the “in” (Lead) position.BASS, MIDDLE AND TREBLE EQPassive tone controls that regulate the low, mid, and high frequencies of the Clean channel.GAINControls the input volume level of the Lead channel.GAIN BOOSTActs as an extension to the GAIN control (#7). When depressed, this switch increases the preamp gainto add more distortion. The GAIN BOOST (#8) may be selected independently or in conjunction with theVOLUME BOOST (#9). This feature can be controlled via the optional footswitch (#00579720). NOTE:Activating this feature is comparable to turning up the Gain control, thus increasing distortion.VOLUME BOOSTActs as an extension to the VOLUME control (#10). When depressed, this switch boosts the overallvolume level of the Lead channel. The VOLUME BOOST may be selected independently or in conjunctionwith the GAIN BOOST (#8). This feature can be controlled via the optional footswitch (#00579720).NOTE: Activating this feature is comparable to turning up the VOLUME control, thus increasing loudness.VOLUMEControls the overall output level of the Lead channel.

Front PanelTM0 10 1 0 119 18 1716151413121111 12 13 14 17 18 1911 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19111213141516171819BASS, MIDDLE AND TREBLE EQPassive tone controls that regulate the low, mid, and high frequencies of the Lead channel.REVERB LEVELControls the overall reverb level.EFFECTS SEND1/4” output jack for supplying signals to external low-level effects or signal processing equipment.EFFECTS RETURN1/4” input for returning signals from external low-level effects or signal processing equipment. This is aswitching jack. Inserting a plug into this jack will break the signal path until it is returned via theEFFECTS SEND (#13) jack.RESONANCE (<strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> 212 and 100 Head only)This patented feature, available only from Peavey, is used to fine-tune the low-frequency response anddamping factor of the power amp section. At higher settings, the speakers are allowed to move morefreely at low frequencies, resulting in more apparent low end, with slightly less signal clarity at maximumsettings.PRESENCE (<strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> 212 and 100 Head only)This control is used to fine-tune the high-frequency response and damping factor of the power amp section.At higher settings, the speakers are allowed to move more freely at high frequencies, resulting inmore apparent high end.PILOT LIGHTIlluminates when AC power is being supplied to the amp.STANDBY SWITCHPlacing this switch in the “Standby” position will effectively shut the amp off while leaving the tube filamentson. Leave this switch in the “Standby” position for a minimum of one (1) minute after engagingthe POWER SWITCH (#19). This is also a useful feature, since much tube wear comes from the heatingand cooling of the tube itself. Leaving the unit in “Standby” when you take a break allows the tubes tostay warm while you are not playing. To immediately resume normal amp operation with no warm-updelay, place the switch in the “on” position. NOTE: This switch does not replace the POWER SWITCH(#19). When you are ready to stop playing for an extended period of time, it is better to turn the amp offvia the POWER SWITCH (#19).POWER SWITCHTo apply power to the unit, flip the switch to the “on” position. The red PILOT LIGHT (#17) will illuminate,indicating power is being supplied.

FUSEFUSEFUSERear Panel21 22202021 22202022AC POWER INLET:This is the receptacle for an IEC line cord, which provides AC power to the unit. Connect the line cord tothis connector to provide power to the unit. Damage to the equipment may result if improper line voltageis used. (See line voltage marking on unit).21Never break off the ground pin on any equipment. It is provided for your safety. If the outlet useddoes not have a ground pin, a suitable grounding adapter should be used and the third wire should begrounded properly. To prevent the risk of shock or fire hazard, always make sure that the amplifier andall associated equipment is properly grounded.NOTE: FOR UK ONLYAs the colors of the wires in the mains lead of this apparatus may not correspond with the colored markingsidentifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows: (1) The wire which is colored green andyellow must be connected to the terminal which is marked by the letter E, or by the earth symbol, orcolored green or green and yellow. (2) The wire which is colored blue must be connected to the terminalwhich is marked with the letter N, or the color black. (3) The wire which is colored brown must be connectedto the terminal which is marked with the letter L, or the color red.To avoid the risk of electrical shock, do not place fingers or any other objects into empty tube socketswhile power is being supplied to unit.2122TEXTUREThis a new patent pending feature available only from Peavey, used to fine-tune the power sensitivity,response, and “break-up” of the power amp section of your <strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> amplifier. Normal, full-power,Class A/B operation results when the TEXTURE (#21) control is set at its full clockwise (wide open) positionand should be used as a starting point when setting this control. As the TEXTURE (#21) control isrotated counter-clockwise, the effect of one half of the 6L6GC power tubes is progressively subtractedfrom the circuit, while the gain of the driver tube is slowly increased. The driver's low-frequencyresponse is also altered, along with the gain, resulting in more even-ordered harmonic distortion fromyour power amp, even at lower-than-stage-volume settings. Finally, with the TEXTURE (#21) knob inthe full counter-clockwise position, the result is a real single-ended power amp section that operatesand responds exactly like a true Class A power amp, driven by a real single-ended high-gain tube stage.This setting still allows the unused power tube(s) to draw idle current, thus retaining the efficiency ofthe standard Class A/B topology. In this mode, power output is also reduced by as much as 60% versusmaximum rated power.EXTERNAL SPEAKER JACKProvided for connection of external speaker cabinet(s). Minimum external speaker impedance is16 Ω on the <strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong>112. This disconnects the internal speaker in the <strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> 112.Load Impedance is selectable via the IMPEDANCE SELECTOR (25) on the <strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> 212 and<strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> 10010

FUSEFUSEFUSERear Panel2425232423242525RESONANCE SWITCH (<strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> 112 only)Used to fine-tune the low frequency range of the speaker enclosure by varying the damping factor of theamplifier between two presets. In the “Loose” position, the speaker will produce the most lows with aslight sacrifice of signal clarity. In the “Tight” position, the speaker will produce the most lows with aslightly cleaner signal output. It is better to experiment with this switch to find which setting is best foryour sound.FOOTSWITCH JACKProvided for the connection of the optional footswitch (#00579720). The footswitch is used to select theLead or Clean channels and to activate/defeat the BOOST SWITCHES (#8)&(#9) within the Lead channel.LED’s on the footswitch illuminate to indicate current settings. The footswitch turns on and off eitherone or both Boost functions (Gain and Volume) as selected by the front panel switches. If no switch isdepressed in the Boost section, the Boost footswitch does not function. When using the footswitch,always insert the plug fully (second click) into the FOOTSWITCH JACK (#24) to insure proper operation.IMPEDANCE SELECTOR (<strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> 212 and 100 Head only)This three-position switch allows appropriate selection of speaker cabinet impedance. If two enclosuresof equal impedance are used, the switch should be set to half the individual value. For example,two 16 Ω enclosures necessitate an 8 Ω setting, while two 8 Ω enclosures would require a 4 Ω setting.Minimum speaker impedance is 4 Ω.2411

<strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> Suggested SettingsPunk/Metal/High Gain Stuff:Punk/Metal/High GainININClean Channel:Volume: As DesiredBright Switch: As DesiredLow: 9-10Mid: 3-5High: 5-7Lead Channel:Gain: 9-10Gain Boost Switch: InVolume Boost Switch: InVolume: 5-7Low: 8-10Mid: 0-2High: 7-9Master Section:Reverb: As DesiredResonance: 7-8Presence: 7-10Thick Clean/Classic Lead Lead:OUTINClean Channel:Volume: As DesiredBright Switch: As DesiredLow: 9-10Mid: 5-6High: 5-6Lead Channel:Gain: 4-5Gain Boost Switch: OutVolume Boost Switch: InVolume: 7-8Low: 7-8Mid: 4-6High: 4-6Master Section:Reverb: As DesiredResonance: 8-9Presence: 5-6NOTE: At any front panel settings, adjust the TEXTURE (#21) knob on the rear of the unit toattain the desired level of power amp distortion, harmonics, and power sensitivity.12

<strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> <strong>Series</strong> Specifications<strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> 100 HeadRated Power:100 W(rms) into 4, 8, or 16 ΩPower Consumption:(Domestic)300 W, 50/60 Hz, 120 VACTube Complement:4 x 6L6GC, 3 x 12AX7/ECC83Dimensions (H x W x D):9.75" x 26.50" x 11.13"Weight:41.0 lbs.<strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> 112Rated Power:50 W(rms) into 16 ΩPower Consumption:(Domestic)150 W, 50/60 Hz, 120 VACTube Complement:2 x 6L6GC, 3 x 12AX7/ECC83Dimensions (H x W x D):18.25" x 21.38" x 10.25"Weight:44.5 lbs.<strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> 212Rated Power:100 W(rms) into 4, 8, or 16 ΩPower Consumption:(Domestic)300 W, 50/60 Hz, 120 VACTube Complement:4 x 6L6GC, 3 x 12AX7/ECC83Dimensions (H x W x D):20.63" x 26.50" x 11.13"Weight:68.5 lbs.<strong>Valve</strong> <strong>King</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 100/112/212 Preamp SpecificationsPreamp High Gain Input:Impedance: Very High-Z, 470 kΩPreamp Low Gain Input:(-10 dB Pad)Impedance: High-Z, 68 kΩEffects Send:Low Impedance: High-Z, 22 kΩor greaterNominal Output Level: 0 dBV,1.0 V(rms)Effects Return:Impedance: Very High-Z, 1 MΩDesigned Input Level: 0 dBV,1.0 V(rms)Equalization: (Clean channel only)Custom Low, Mid, & High passive EQPush Bright: +6dB @ ~3.5kHzEqualization: (Lead channel only)Custom Low, Mid, & High passive EQLead Channel Front PanelFootswitch Functions:Push Gain: Increase Gain in Leadchannel and introduces a tighter lowend responsePush Volume: +3-5dB Volume boost(more effect at midway Lead Volumesettings)Remote Footswitch: (optional)Special 2-button unit with LEDindicators (#00579720) for channelselection (Channel) and a specialpreset Volume Boost and/or GainBoost function selectable via thefront panel GAIN (7) andVOLUME (10) switches describedabove (BOOST)Features and specifications subject to change without notice.13


PEAVEY ELECTRONICS CORPORATION LIMITED WARRANTYEffective Date: July 1, 1998What This Warranty CoversYour Peavey Warranty covers defects in material and workmanship in Peavey products purchased and serviced in the U.S.A. and Canada.What This Warranty Does Not CoverThe Warranty does not cover: (1) damage caused by accident, misuse, abuse, improper installation or operation, rental, product modification or neglect; (2) damageoccurring during shipment; (3) damage caused by repair or service performed by persons not authorized by Peavey; (4) products on which the serial numberhas been altered, defaced or removed; (5) products not purchased from an Authorized Peavey Dealer.Who This Warranty ProtectsThis Warranty protects only the original retail purchaser of the product.How Long This Warranty LastsThe Warranty begins on the date of purchase by the original retail purchaser. The duration of the Warranty is as follows:Product CategoryGuitars/Basses, Amplifiers, Pre-Amplifiers, Mixers, ElectronicCrossovers and EqualizersDrumsEnclosuresDigital Effect Devices and Keyboard and MIDI ControllersMicrophonesSpeaker Components (incl. speakers, baskets, drivers,diaphragm replacement kits and passive crossovers)and all AccessoriesTubes and MetersDuration2 years (+ 3 years)*2 years (+ 1 year)*3 years (+ 2 years)*1 year (+ 1 year)*2 years1 year90 days[*Denotes additional warranty period applicable if optional Warranty Registration Card is completed and returned to Peavey by original retail purchaser within 90 days of purchase.]What Peavey Will DoWe will repair or replace (at Peavey's discretion) products covered by warranty at no charge for labor or materials. If the product or component must be shipped toPeavey for warranty service, the consumer must pay initial shipping charges. If the repairs are covered by warranty, Peavey will pay the return shipping charges.How To Get Warranty Service(1) Take the defective item and your sales receipt or other proof of date of purchase to your Authorized Peavey Dealer or Authorized Peavey Service Center.OR(2) Ship the defective item, prepaid, to Peavey Electronics Corporation, International Service Center, 412 Highway 11 & 80 East, Meridian, MS 39301 or PeaveyCanada Ltd., 95 Shields Court, Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R 9T5. Include a detailed description of the problem, together with a copy of your sales receipt orother proof of date of purchase as evidence of warranty coverage. Also provide a complete return address.Limitation of Implied WarrantiesANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THELENGTH OF THIS WARRANTY.Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.Exclusions of DamagesPEAVEY'S LIABILITY FOR ANY DEFECTIVE PRODUCT IS LIMITED TO THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE PRODUCT, AT PEAVEY'S OPTION. IF WE ELECT TOREPLACE THE PRODUCT, THE REPLACEMENT MAY BE A RECONDITIONED UNIT. PEAVEY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES BASED ON INCONVENIENCE, LOSS OFUSE, LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, DAMAGE TO ANY OTHER EQUIPMENT OR OTHER ITEMS AT THE SITE OF USE, OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES WHETHER INCIDENTAL,CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF PEAVEY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.If you have any questions about this warranty or service received or if you need assistance in locating an Authorized Service Center, please contact the PeaveyInternational Service Center at (601) 483-5365 / Peavey Canada Ltd. at (905) 475-2578.Features and specifications subject to change without notice.Logo referenced in Directive 2002/96/EC Annex IV(OJ(L)37/38,13.02.03 and defined in EN 50419: 2005The bar is the symbol for marking of new waste andis applied only to equipment manufactured after13 August 200515

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