Borland VisiBroker® 7.0 - Borland Technical Publications

Borland VisiBroker® 7.0 - Borland Technical Publications Borland VisiBroker® 7.0 - Borland Technical Publications


Examining SSL related informationStep Four: If necessary, set up identity assertionWhen a client invokes a method in a mid-tier server which, in the context of thisrequest, invokes an end-tier server, then the identity of the client is internally assertedby the mid-tier server by default. Therefore, if getCallerSubject is called on the end-tierserver, it will return the Client's principal. Here the client's identity is asserted by themid-tier server. The identity can be a username or certificate. The client's privatecredentials such as private keys ore passwords are not propagated on assertion. Thisimplies that such an identity cannot be authenticated at the end-tier.If the user would like to override the default identity assertion, there are APIs availableto assert a given Principal. These APIs can be called only on mid-tier servers in thecontext of an invocation and with special permissions.Examining SSL related informationClientsServersBorland VisiBroker provides APIs to inspect and set SSL-related information. TheSecureContext API is used to inspect the SSL ciphersuites and enable select ciphers.To examine peer certificates, use getPeerSession() to return an SSLSession objectassociated with the target. You can then use standard JSSE APIs to obtain theinformation therein.To examine peer certificates on the server side, you set up the SSL connection and use the APIs with toexamine the SSLSession object associated with the thread.Creating Custom PluginsThere are various components of VisiSecure that allow for custom plug-ins. They are:■■■LoginModulesCallBack HandlersAuthorization service provider via the SPI■Assertion Trust via the SPIIn order for VisiSecure for C++ to find user implementations, all plugins must use theREGISTER_CLASS macro provided by VisiSecure to register their classes to the securityservice. When specifying the registered class, the name of the class must be specifiedin full together with the name space. Name spaces must be specified in a normalizedform, with either a “.” or “::” separated string starting from the outermost name space.For example:MyNameSpace {class MyLoginModule {......}}would be specified as either MyNameSpace.MyLoginModule or MyNameSpace::MyLoginModule.74 VisiBroker Security Guide

Creating Custom PluginsLoginModulesNoteYou can implement your own LoginModules by extending vbsec::LoginModule. To usethe LoginModule, you need to set it in the authentication configuration file, just like anyother LoginModule. During runtime, the new customized module will need to be loadedby the secured application.The syntax of the authentication configuration is as follows: { ;}There is implicit replacement of the character “.” to “::” by VisiSecure. Hence, is equivalent tocom::borland::security::provider::authn::HostLoginModule.CallbackHandlersYou can implement your own callback by extending vbsec::CallbackHandler. To use thecallback, you need to set the in thesecurity property file, just like any other callback handler. During runtime, the newcustomized module will need to be loaded by the secured application.Authorization Service ProviderAuthorization is the process of making access control decisions on behalf of certainresources based on security attributes or privileges. VisiSecure uses the notion ofPermission in authorization. The class RolePermission is defined to represent a “role” asa permission. Authorization Services Providers in turn provide the implementation onthe homogeneous collection of role permissions that associate privileges with particularresources.Authorization service providers are tightly connected with Authorization Domains. Eachdomain has exactly one authorization service provider implementation. During theinitialization of the ORB, the authorization domains defined is constructed, while the Authorization Service Providerimplementation is instantiated during the construction of domain itself.To plugin authorization service, you need to set properties specified will be passed to the user plugin following the samemechanism as above.Chapter 7: Making Secure Connections (C++) 75

Creating Custom PluginsLoginModulesNoteYou can implement your own LoginModules by extending vbsec::LoginModule. To usethe LoginModule, you need to set it in the authentication configuration file, just like anyother LoginModule. During runtime, the new customized module will need to be loadedby the secured application.The syntax of the authentication configuration is as follows: { ;}There is implicit replacement of the character “.” to “::” by VisiSecure. Hence, is equivalent tocom::borland::security::provider::authn::HostLoginModule.CallbackHandlersYou can implement your own callback by extending vbsec::CallbackHandler. To use thecallback, you need to set the in thesecurity property file, just like any other callback handler. During runtime, the newcustomized module will need to be loaded by the secured application.Authorization Service ProviderAuthorization is the process of making access control decisions on behalf of certainresources based on security attributes or privileges. VisiSecure uses the notion ofPermission in authorization. The class RolePermission is defined to represent a “role” asa permission. Authorization Services Providers in turn provide the implementation onthe homogeneous collection of role permissions that associate privileges with particularresources.Authorization service providers are tightly connected with Authorization Domains. Eachdomain has exactly one authorization service provider implementation. During theinitialization of the ORB, the authorization domains defined is constructed, while the Authorization Service Providerimplementation is instantiated during the construction of domain itself.To plugin authorization service, you need to set properties specified will be passed to the user plugin following the samemechanism as above.Chapter 7: Making Secure Connections (C++) 75

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