Borland VisiBroker® 7.0 - Borland Technical Publications

Borland VisiBroker® 7.0 - Borland Technical Publications Borland VisiBroker® 7.0 - Borland Technical Publications


Security ProfilesThe left pane of the Authorization Settings dialog presents a tree view of the roles andtheir associated rules within the selected authorization domain. Selecting a node in thetree displays information about that node. There are three levels of nodes:■domain: this node level shows the name of the rolemap file corresponding to theauthorization domain. Its child nodes are roles. Selecting this node displays theentire rolemap file.■role: this node represents a particular role within the domain. Selecting this nodedisplays its role entry within the Role DB. Its child nodes are rules.■rule: this node represents an access rule for its parent role. Selecting this nodedisplays the rule entry within the corresponding role entry.58 VisiBroker Security Guide

Security ProfilesWorking with Authorization Rolemaps and DomainsTo edit the authorization rolemap:1 Open the Authorization Settings dialog.2 Select the domain node in the left-hand pane. The authorization rolemap fileappears.3 Edit the file in the content window.4 When you are finished, Click OK.To add a new authorization rolemap:1 Open the Authorization Settings Dialog.2 Click the Add button. The Add Domain dialog appears.3 Enter a name for the new domain to which the new rolemap will belong and clickOK.4 The new rolemap is presented in the Authorization Settings dialog. You can switchto other rolemaps using the drop-down list at the top of the window.5 Add roles and rules as necessary.6 Click OK when you are finished.To clone an existing rolemap:1 Open the Authorization Settings Dialog.2 Click Clone. The Clone Domain dialog appears.3 Enter a name for the new domain to which the cloned rolemap will belong and clickOK.4 The new rolemap is presented in the Authorization Settings dialog. You can switchto other rolemaps using the drop-down list at the top of the window.5 Add or edit roles and rules as necessary.6 Click OK when you are finished.To remove an authorization domain and its rolemap:1 Open the Authorization Settings dialog.2 Select the domain you wish to remove from the drop-down box at the top of theWindow.3 Click the Remove button. The domain is deleted.4 Click OK when you are finished.Chapter 5: Configuring Security Profiles for Domains 59

Security ProfilesWorking with Authorization Rolemaps and DomainsTo edit the authorization rolemap:1 Open the Authorization Settings dialog.2 Select the domain node in the left-hand pane. The authorization rolemap fileappears.3 Edit the file in the content window.4 When you are finished, Click OK.To add a new authorization rolemap:1 Open the Authorization Settings Dialog.2 Click the Add button. The Add Domain dialog appears.3 Enter a name for the new domain to which the new rolemap will belong and clickOK.4 The new rolemap is presented in the Authorization Settings dialog. You can switchto other rolemaps using the drop-down list at the top of the window.5 Add roles and rules as necessary.6 Click OK when you are finished.To clone an existing rolemap:1 Open the Authorization Settings Dialog.2 Click Clone. The Clone Domain dialog appears.3 Enter a name for the new domain to which the cloned rolemap will belong and clickOK.4 The new rolemap is presented in the Authorization Settings dialog. You can switchto other rolemaps using the drop-down list at the top of the window.5 Add or edit roles and rules as necessary.6 Click OK when you are finished.To remove an authorization domain and its rolemap:1 Open the Authorization Settings dialog.2 Select the domain you wish to remove from the drop-down box at the top of theWindow.3 Click the Remove button. The domain is deleted.4 Click OK when you are finished.Chapter 5: Configuring Security Profiles for Domains 59

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