Borland VisiBroker® 7.0 - Borland Technical Publications

Borland VisiBroker® 7.0 - Borland Technical Publications Borland VisiBroker® 7.0 - Borland Technical Publications


vbsec::IdentityAdapterExceptionsArgumentsReturnsExceptionsArgumentsExceptionsArgumentsReturnsExceptionsArgumentsReturnsExceptionsArgumentsExceptionsArgumentsExceptionsnonevirtual ::CSI::IdentityToken* exportIdentity(::vbsec::Subject&,::CSI::IdentityToken&) =0;Exports the identity of the IdentityAdapter as an IdentityToken.The subject whose identity is to be exported.An IdentityToken data.Throws NoCredentialsException if no credentials recognized by this IdentityAdapterare found in the subject.virtual void importIdentity (::vbsec::Subject&, ::CSI::IdentityToken&) =0;Imports the IdentityToken and populates the caller subject with the appropriateprincipals associated with this identity.The subject whose identity is to be imported.Throws NoCredentialsException if no credentials recognized by this IdentityAdapterare found in the subject.virtual ::vbsec::Privileges* getPrincipal (::vbsec::Subject&anp;) =0;Returns a Principal representing this identity. This method is used for interfacing withEJBs and servlets.The principal subject.A principle object.nonevirtual ::vbsec::Privileges* getPrivileges (::vbsec::Subect&) =0;The target subject.The privilege attributes for this target subject recognized by this IdentityAdapter.nonevirtual ::vbsec::setPrivileges (::vbsec::Privileges*) =0;This methods sets the privilege attribute for the identity.The privilege attribute to be set for the identity.nonevirtual void deleteIdentity (::vbsec::Subject&) =0;This method deletes the principals and the credentials associated with the specifiedtarget subject.The target subject for which the principals and the credentials recognized by thisIdentityAdapter are to be deleted.nonevbsec::MechanismAdapterExtending from IdentityAdapter, a MechanismAdapter has the additional capability ofchanging the target information. This is very useful in the case where the mechanismused in a remote site is not available locally. Therefore, the local identity must beadapted before sending to the remote site.In the out-of-box installation of VisiSecure, there is no class direct implementation ofMechanismAdapter, while a few classes implement the sub-interfaceAuthenticationMechanism, which in turn gives the support of this interface.122 VisiBroker Security Guide

vbsec::AuthenticationMechanismsMethodsReturnsExceptionsArgumentsReturnsExceptionsArgumentsReturnsExceptionsvirtual const ::CSI::StringOID_var getOid() const =0;Returns a string representation of the mechanism OID. For example, the stringrepresentation for a GSSUP mechanism would be oid: mechanism OID string.nonevirtual ::vbsec::Target* getTarget (const std::string& realm, conststd::vector&) =0;Given a realm name and a list of AppConfigurationEntry objects, returns thecorresponding target.This method takes the following two arguments:■■A realm name.A list of AppConfigurationEntry objects.Returns the corresponding target object.nonevirtual ::vbsec::Target* getTarget (const ::CSI::GSS_NT_ExportedName&) =0;Returns a Target object representing the encoded target representation.A Target encoded in GSS Mechanism-Independent Exported Name format (as definedin [IETF RFC2743]).A Target object.nonevbsec::AuthenticationMechanismsThis class represents a full-fledged mechanism which provides all the functionalityneeded to support an authentication mechanism in conjunction with the CSIv2protocol.Included with VisiSecure are the following implementations for GSSUP based andX509 Certificate based authentication mechanisms respectively:■GSSUPAuthenticationMechanism■X509CertificateAdapterIn addition to the methods inherited from its super interfaces, AuthenticationMechanismalso has the following categories of methods defined.Credential-related methodsUse these methods to acquire and/or destroy credentials.virtual ::vbsec::Subject* acquireCredentials (::vbsec::Target&,::vbsec::CallbackHandler*) =0;Chapter 12: Security SPI for C++ 123

vbsec::AuthenticationMechanismsMethodsReturnsExceptionsArgumentsReturnsExceptionsArgumentsReturnsExceptionsvirtual const ::CSI::StringOID_var getOid() const =0;Returns a string representation of the mechanism OID. For example, the stringrepresentation for a GSSUP mechanism would be oid: mechanism OID string.nonevirtual ::vbsec::Target* getTarget (const std::string& realm, conststd::vector&) =0;Given a realm name and a list of AppConfigurationEntry objects, returns thecorresponding target.This method takes the following two arguments:■■A realm name.A list of AppConfigurationEntry objects.Returns the corresponding target object.nonevirtual ::vbsec::Target* getTarget (const ::CSI::GSS_NT_ExportedName&) =0;Returns a Target object representing the encoded target representation.A Target encoded in GSS Mechanism-Independent Exported Name format (as definedin [IETF RFC2743]).A Target object.nonevbsec::AuthenticationMechanismsThis class represents a full-fledged mechanism which provides all the functionalityneeded to support an authentication mechanism in conjunction with the CSIv2protocol.Included with VisiSecure are the following implementations for GSSUP based andX509 Certificate based authentication mechanisms respectively:■GSSUPAuthenticationMechanism■X509CertificateAdapterIn addition to the methods inherited from its super interfaces, AuthenticationMechanismalso has the following categories of methods defined.Credential-related methodsUse these methods to acquire and/or destroy credentials.virtual ::vbsec::Subject* acquireCredentials (::vbsec::Target&,::vbsec::CallbackHandler*) =0;Chapter 12: Security SPI for C++ 123

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