Borland VisiBroker® 7.0 - Borland Technical Publications

Borland VisiBroker® 7.0 - Borland Technical Publications

Borland VisiBroker® 7.0 - Borland Technical Publications


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Certificate APIclass CORBAsec::X509CertThis class represents an X509 certificate. When a client application binds to a CORBAobject, the client uses this interface to obtain the server’s certificate information. Theserver can use this interface to obtain the client’s certification information, if the clienthas a certificate.Include FileThe X509Cert_c.hh file should be included when you use this class.ReturnsReturnsReturnsMethodschar* getSubjectDN()Returns the subject DN contained in the certificate.The subject name is returned in the following format:CN=, OU=, O=, L=, S=, C=char* getIssuerDN()Returns the issuer DN contained in the certificate.The subject name is returned in the following format:CN=, OU=, O=, L=, S=, C=CORBA::OctetSequence * getSignatureAlgorithm()Returns the signature algorithm used in the certificate.The signature algorithm used in the certificate.CORBA::OctetSequence * getHash(CORBASEC::HashAlgorithm algorithm)Returns a hash of the certificate.ParameteralgorithmDescriptionThe hash algorithm. The possible values are: CORBASec::MD5, CORBASec::MD2 andCORBASec::SHA1ReturnsReturnsReturnsReturnsA hash of the certificate using the specified algorithm.CORBAsec::ASN1Object_ptr getDER()Returns the DER encoded form of this certificate.The ASN.1 DER encoded form of this certificate (assign to a _var).CORBAsec::SerialNumberValue_ptr getSerialNumber()Retrieves the serial number of the certificate.The serial number of the certificate.CORBAsec::X509CertExtensionList_ptr getExtensions()Returns all the extensions available in this certificate as a list of X509CertExtension.Returns all the extensions available in this certificate as a list of X509CertExtension. Or,if this certificate has no extensions, the method returns an array of length null. Theextensions are not parsed.CORBA::Boolean isValid (CORBA::ULong_out date)Chapter 11: VisiSecure for C++ APIs 111

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