Borland VisiBroker® 7.0 - Borland Technical Publications

Borland VisiBroker® 7.0 - Borland Technical Publications

Borland VisiBroker® 7.0 - Borland Technical Publications


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General APIclass vbsec::SubjectSubject represents a grouping of related information for a single entity, such as aperson. Such information includes the Subject's identities as well as its security-relatedattributes (passwords and cryptographic keys, for example).Include FileThe vbsec.h file should be included when you use this class.ReturnsReturnsReturnsMethodsPrincipal::set& getPrincipals()Gets the principals in the subject.The set of the principals in the subject. Modifying the content of the set will have noeffect on the subject.void clearPrincipals()Clears the principals from the subject. All principals in the subject are removed.Credential::set& getPublicCredentials()Get the public credentials in the subject—public keys for example.The set of the public credential in the subject. Modifying the content of the set will haveno effect on the subject.void clearPublicCredentials()Clear the public credentials in the subject. All public credentials in the subject will bedestroyed and removed.Credential::set& getPrivateCredentials()Get the private credentials in the subject—private keys for example.The set of the private credential in the subject. Modifying the content of the set willhave no effect on the subject.void clearPrivateCredentials()Clear the private credentials in the subject. All private credentials in the subject will bedestroyed and removed.Principal::set getPrincipals (const type_info& info) constGets a set of principals in the subject which have the same runtime type information asprovided.ParameterinfoDescriptionThe runtime type information that the returned principals shall have.ReturnsA set of the principals in the subject which have same runtime information as the givenone. Modifying the content of the set will have no effect on the subject.Credential::set getPublicCredentials (const type_info& info) constGet set of public credentials in the subject which have the same runtime typeinformation as provided.ParameterinfoDescriptionThe runtime type information that the returned public credential shall have.100 VisiBroker Security Guide

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