Borland VisiBroker® 7.0 - Borland Technical Publications

Borland VisiBroker® 7.0 - Borland Technical Publications Borland VisiBroker® 7.0 - Borland Technical Publications


General APILog the user out from a given realm.ParameterrealmDescriptionThe realm to logout from.void setCallbackHandler (vbsec::CallbackHandler* handler)Set the default callback handler programmatically. This is similar to using the CallbackHandler to be set.void generateVault( std::ostream& stream, const CSI::UTF8String& password)Generates a vault. The vault is written out to the stream that is passed in and encryptedusing the password provided (also used to decrypt the vault). The password may benull. The vault contains all of the system's identities.ParameterstreampasswordDescriptionThe stream that the vault information will be written into, in binary format.The password used to encrypt the vault information.vbsec::Subject* authenticateUser (const vbsec::Wallet& wallet)Authenticate the given wallet credential. The login will be performed using the walletbut the authenticated subject will not be used as one of the system identities.ParameterwalletDescriptionThe wallet to be used for authenticationvbsec::Subject* importIdentity (const vbsec::Wallet& wallet)Import a subject using the given wallet credential. No login is required with this method.The subject will not be used as one of the system identities.ParameterwalletDescriptionThe wallet corresponding to the identity to be imported.void setPRNGSeed (const CORBA::OctetSequence& seed)Sets a seed for the pseudo-random generator used by the SSL layer.ParameterseedDescriptionThe seed for the PRNG.Returnsssl::CipherSuiteInfoList* listAvailableCipherSuites()Get the list of cipher suites that are available for use with the SSL layer. Note that thisis different from the getEnabledCipherSuites call in that not all the available ciphersuites may be currently enabled.List of cipher suits that are available but may not be enabled for use with the SSL layer.void enableCipherSuites (const ssl::CipherSuiteInfoList& suites)98 VisiBroker Security Guide

General APISets the cipher suites that should be enabled for all SSL sessions.ParametersuitesDescriptionAn IDL-generated CipherSuiteInfoList type.Returnsssl::CipherSuiteInfoList* getEnabledCipherSuites()Gets the set of cipher suites that are currently enabled for all SSL sessions.Cipher suits that are currently enabled for all SSL sessions.void setSSLContext (vbsec::VBSSLContext* ctx)Sets the SSL context. This will allow establishing of an SSL session using theinformation defined in VBSSLContext. A VBSSLContext can be created using theSecureSocketProvider API.ParameterctxDescriptionThe VBSSLContext that is to be used for any SSL session establishment.ReturnsVBSSLContext& getSSLContext()Get the VBSSLContext that is set using the setSSLContext() or return a defaultVBSSLContext object.The VBSSLContext that will be used for any SSLSession establishment.class vbsec::PrincipalPrincipal represents the identity of a user. This is a virtual class.Include fileThe vbsec.h file should be included when you use this class.ReturnsReturnsMethodsstd::string getName() constThe name of the Principal.std::string toString() constGet the string representation of the Principal.The string representation of the Principal.class vbsec::CredentialCredential represents the information used to authenticate an identity, such as username and password. This is a virtual class.Include FileThe vbsec.h file should be included when you use this class.Chapter 11: VisiSecure for C++ APIs 99

General APILog the user out from a given realm.ParameterrealmDescriptionThe realm to logout from.void setCallbackHandler (vbsec::CallbackHandler* handler)Set the default callback handler programmatically. This is similar to using the CallbackHandler to be set.void generateVault( std::ostream& stream, const CSI::UTF8String& password)Generates a vault. The vault is written out to the stream that is passed in and encryptedusing the password provided (also used to decrypt the vault). The password may benull. The vault contains all of the system's identities.ParameterstreampasswordDescriptionThe stream that the vault information will be written into, in binary format.The password used to encrypt the vault information.vbsec::Subject* authenticateUser (const vbsec::Wallet& wallet)Authenticate the given wallet credential. The login will be performed using the walletbut the authenticated subject will not be used as one of the system identities.ParameterwalletDescriptionThe wallet to be used for authenticationvbsec::Subject* importIdentity (const vbsec::Wallet& wallet)Import a subject using the given wallet credential. No login is required with this method.The subject will not be used as one of the system identities.ParameterwalletDescriptionThe wallet corresponding to the identity to be imported.void setPRNGSeed (const CORBA::OctetSequence& seed)Sets a seed for the pseudo-random generator used by the SSL layer.ParameterseedDescriptionThe seed for the PRNG.Returnsssl::CipherSuiteInfoList* listAvailableCipherSuites()Get the list of cipher suites that are available for use with the SSL layer. Note that thisis different from the getEnabledCipherSuites call in that not all the available ciphersuites may be currently enabled.List of cipher suits that are available but may not be enabled for use with the SSL layer.void enableCipherSuites (const ssl::CipherSuiteInfoList& suites)98 VisiBroker Security Guide

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