University challenge - Prince Henrys Grammar School

University challenge - Prince Henrys Grammar School

University challenge - Prince Henrys Grammar School

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inTheviewVolume 20 Winter 2007news magazine of<strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong>Specialist Language College<strong>University</strong><strong>challenge</strong>Robotics Club enteran internationalcompetitionProud of the past, prepared for the future

<strong>School</strong> Council electionsStand up for peaceTHE Student Council’s electoral processhas changed this year. Form Reps weregiven the opportunity to put themselvesforward to represent their year group asleaders on the Student Council, which ischaired by Head Boy Tom Featherstone.Following their election, theleaders were invited to attend aone-day training session at OtleyCourthouse, which was attended byLeeds North West MP Greg Mulholland.One of the Student Council’sachievements has been pioneering therecycling of paper throughout school.Party conference: MP Greg Mulhollanddiscusses the issues with pupils.SIXTH Form studentsfrom our AmnestyInternational Groupattended a conferencein Newcastle on20 October, wherewe took part in ademonstration tolaunch the Unsubscribecampaign for humanrights. Joe Simpson,Lenja Rohlfing andteacher Julia Alltoftalso walked barefootfrom Broughton toMalham Cove, raisingmore than £500 forAmnesty International.Kitchen angels: New chef Andy Rice with teammembers Rosemary Thompson, Julie Bowman, JulieThistlethwaite, Lorraine Kerr and Leanne Sumner.Ready to recycle: Andrew Cookand Savanna Ayling, Year 9, withone of the new recycling bins.News in brief2New buildings,new courses –new food!PRINCE Henry’s is benefiting from majorchanges this year. Our 11 new state-of-theartScience laboratories are now nearlyfinished, housed in a fine Yorkshire stonebuilding along the school’s east wing. It ishoped that a member of the Royal Familywill officially open the building early nextyear. In addition, new chef Andy Rice’smenus are proving extremely popular,offering high-quality, healthy optionstogether with tremendous value for money.Examination results this year have beenexcellent, with many new courses assessedfor the first time. At A-level, 21 out of26 courses obtained 100 per cent passrates, as did 20 GCSE courses. Finally,BTEC courses in Art, Media Studies,Business, Animal Care, Public ServicesPreparation, Horticulture and Constructionare providing much wider opportunities forall our pupils.John Steel, Headteacher• A record 37 pupils gained the topKey Stage 3 grade of Level 8 in Maths.This figure is the best ever achieved at<strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s – and could even be thebest result in Leeds this year!• Education Leeds has enabled <strong>Prince</strong>Henry’s to investigate offering theInternational Baccalaureate to SixthForm students from September 2009.• Jacob Pratt, Year 9, marked theanniversary of the Battle of theSomme by visiting Ypres in Belgium,where he gave a speech to a 5,000-strong crowd including the Queen andother members of the Royal Family.‘Look North’ makes anniversary visitAS part of events to mark <strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s 400thanniversary, we contacted BBC Look Northto ask if the school could be included in theirfeature on Yorkshire towns with somethingto celebrate. During the visit, Look Northpresenters Harry Gration and Christa Ackroydtalked to pupils about why the school is sosuccessful, saw an exhibition of Year 12 and 13A-level design and textile work and watchedthe school’s netball team practice.Happy birthday: Look North news anchors Christa Ackroydand Harry Gration with Year 10 pupils Adam Kerridge,Alex Thomas, Caroline Walton, Lauren Wilson, KathrynBennett, Laurie Haines and Lewis Pollard.Musicianslearn aboutperformanceOn 21 September, the UNInternational Day of Peace,four pupils attendedRespect for all Faiths atLeeds Civic Hall. TerryWaite OBE was thekeynote speaker andthe Mayor presentedVaishnavi Khular,Year 9, witha badge forspeaking atthe event.OPERA North treated Music pupilsto a workshop on Verdi’s operaFalstaff in October. The professionalstaught pupils all about the plot,characters and music, before thegroup saw the production at Leeds’Grand Theatre. Thom Wilkinson,Year 13, said: “I really enjoyed theworkshop, and the opera was muchmore relevant afterwards.”Year 9 pupils have been workingwith music practitioners on extendedservices project “Inside Out”, runby Education Leeds Artforms. Thegroup, which meets after school onMondays, works on performing songsand learning new musical skills.In November, school musicians alsoperformed at the Otley Beer Festival,and at the switching-on of Otley’sChristmas lights.Peace walk: Joe Simpson, Year 9,and Lenja Rohlfing, Year 10.Voyage of literary discoveryABORIGINAL novelistBoori Prior and WilliamNicholson, the British writerof the screenplay for hit filmGladiator, addressed pupilsattending the Ilkley LiteratureFestival. In addition, newEnglish teacher Paul Giddingsorganised a workshop withlinguist Sarah Adams,exploring Australian slang.A-level English Literatureand Drama groups are visitingShakespeare’s Globe Theatreand the National Theatreto see the critically acclaimedplay Women of Troy. Year12 are also enjoying cinemavisits to see films includingAtonement and Elizabeth:The Golden Age.Closer to home, DanielLeitch, Year 9, won theprestigious Words&PicturesEnglish Award, celebratingoutstanding achievementin writing.Light a candle: Teacher Julia Alltoftwith Alisdair Tebbutt, Rebecca Krengel,Jack Collins and Vicky Wilson, Year 12.Year 12 Religious Studies students went to a PeaceJamambassadors event in November, as preparation for aweekend of workshops with Guatemalan Nobel PeacePrize winner Rigoberta Menchu Tum in March. Thestudents have also been invited to the global conferencein Costa Rica, which will be attended by ten Nobel PeacePrize winners including Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama.Writer of the future:Daniel Leitch, Year 9,with his Words&PicturesEnglish award.3

Design ondisplayTHE Design andTechnology department’sannual Product Designexhibition this yearincluded some outstandingwork produced by Year12 and 13 students fortheir individual projects,including Product Design3D items and ProductDesign textiles. Theexhibition is always agreat opportunity forstudents to share theirsuccess with parents,teachers, friendsand visitors fromother schools.Haute couture at<strong>Prince</strong> Henry’sA-LEVEL textiles students will be visiting theClothes Show Live at the NEC in Birminghamthis term. We hope the visit will prove amajor benefit to students when producinginnovative products for their coursework.A local fashion designer will also be visiting<strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s to teach students aboutconstructing and decorating original garments.Congratulations to Ruth Taylor, SamanthaCockshott and Nicola Verity, Year 13, whowon the “Rags to Riches” competition inOtley on 25 October. The girls designed andmade three original outfits, based on a piratetheme, by recycling clothes from charityshops. The trio were overjoyed to have won,and received £200 prize money for theirhard work.Oo-arrr me hearties! Ruth Taylor, Amy Coates and SamanthaCockshott, Year 13, model the prize-winning outfits.Sustainable souvenirs: Simon Williams, Philip Britteon, Rosie Richardsonand Olivia Thompson, Year 10, with some of their creations.Triumphsin technologyOur pupils’ skills incookery, clothingand product designcome to the forePupil winsbattle ofthe beefDAISY Cox, Year 11, won Leeds’ QualityStandard Beef Mince Young ChefChallenge, an initiative launchedby the English Beef and LambExecutive (EBLEX). to findtalented chefs of the future.The finalists battled it outin cook-offs, in which theycooked their own originalrecipes featuring QualityStandard beef mincethat were then judged bycelebrity chef James Martin.Daisy wowed the judgeswith her Beef Enchiladas withChocolate, winning professional chefwhites and a signed certificate, as well as£200 worth of vouchers towards cookeryequipment for the school.James Martin said: “Hugecongratulations to Daisy! Her recipescored top marks for producing anoriginal, nutritious dish that was verynicely presented.”What’s cooking?OUR Food Technology Cookery Club has beenbusy this term deciding on, testing and, ofcourse, tasting various traditional British recipes,as part of a collaboration with our partnerschools in Italy and Poland to create a cookbookfeaturing native food. The finished recipe bookwill be available for sale in the near future.Congratulations also to the Year 10 FoodTechnology group, who successfully raised£35.14 for Macmillan Cancer Research by givingup their own time to bake and sell cookiesoutside the school.Souvenirsto rememberAS part of their GCSE ProductDesign coursework, Year 10 pupilsvisited Harewood House in October,to design and make souvenirs topromote the attraction and perhapsbe sold in its shops. The groupcreated sustainable souvenirs,some even used materialsforaged from Harewood’s grounds!Jennifer Auty, Education Officer atHarewood, visited pupils in Novemberto judge their finished products. Wehope this successful trip will be thestart of many, as we begin to builda partnership link between <strong>Prince</strong>Henry’s and Harewood.Tasty triumph: Daisy Cox, Year 11, iscongratulated by chef James Martin4 and EBLEX mascot Beefy.5

All-roundachieverCHRIS Bevan, Year 12, lives at InglewoodChildren’s Home in Otley. Since he arrivedat <strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s, he has been involvedwith extra-curricular activities, takinglead roles in our musical productionsLittle Shop of Horrors, Les Misérables andGrease, and representing the school onthe South African exchange in Durban.Despite his outside commitments, Chrisalso attained fantastic GCSE results, andhis achievements have been recognised bythe Fischer Family Trust as the best valueadded performance in our school.Teacher Pat Stokey said: “Chris is the firststudent from Inglewood Children’s Hometo stay on in the Sixth Form. All the staffare immensely proud of his achievementsand his engagement with the opportunitiesoffered to him. We look forward to sharingChris’s future successes.”Star of stage and school: Chris Bevan, Year 12.Award for sporting inspirationRYANN Lambert-Tuthill, Year 11, has been awarded theMargaret Crossfield Trophy for perseverance in sport. Ryann hadbone cancer as a child, which meant his left thigh bone had tobe replaced with a titanium prosthesis. Despite this, Ryannhas proved to be a committed, enthusiastic and successfulsportsman and competes in PE with all of the other pupils.He plays cricket for Otley Cricket Club, and has been selectedto join the Yorkshire Disabled Cricket Squad.Biologists on the beachBIOLOGY students in Year 13 went on a two-day residentialfield trip to Robin Hood’s Bay, North Yorkshire in October. Thegroup learned a varietyof ecological studytechniques as partof their A-level work.Appalling weatherconditions made it verydifficult to examine rockpools on the beach, butmorale wasn’t affected– and fish and chips onthe second day revivedeverybody’s spirits forthe journey home.Sea, sand and rain: Sixth Formbiologists get stuck into studying onthe beach at Robin Hood’s Bay.Bienvenue à Otley: French exchange pupils from Montereau on their visit to the school, withOtley Town Mayor Councillor, Neville Birch and Otley Bellman Paddy Steval.French visitors enjoy OtleyPRINCE Henry’s recentlywelcomed staff and pupilsfrom Collège Paul Eluard, inOtley’s French twin town ofMontereau. During their weeklongvisit, the guests met theMayor of Otley, CouncillorNeville Birch, at a specialreception at Otley Civic Centre.Other highlights includedlessons in school, where theFrench group learnt how tomake flapjack, and visits toHaworth, Saltaire, theThackray Medical Museumand the National MediaMuseum in Bradford. Year 9pupils will be paying areturn visit to Montereau inFebruary 2008.Elsewhere, the North EastLeeds City Learning Centreinvited pupils from Leeds highschools to an “international”talent show held to celebrateEuropean Day of Languages.Lucy Watmough, Year 11,scooped top honours aftershe sang The Sound of Musicin Mandarin Chinese.Art teacher’sAmerican exchangeHEAD of Art Shane Green has justreturned from Pennsylvania, USA, wherehe taught metal, ceramic, plaster andmixed media sculpture at ManheimCentral High <strong>School</strong>. His pupils wenton to win awards at the NationalScholarship Competition.He now hopes to set up a similarexperience forGCSE, AS andA-level studentsat <strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s.He has putthe Americanstudents’ workonline - anyonewho would liketo view it shouldcontact ShaneGreen direct.<strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s goes globalAS part of our ComeniusProject with Italy and Poland,eight students from Years 12and 13 took part in a five-dayvisit to our partner school LiceoStatale Scientifico Federico IIin Altamura, Italy. The threeyearproject examines differentaspects of folklore and culture,such as food, religion, musicand medicine and will culminatein a joint English-Italian-Polishrecipe book, produced byVisitorfrom NepalPRATIKSHA Pageni joined<strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s Sixth Form inSeptember, after arriving fromour link school in Nepal onlythe day before. She is livingwith a family on the edge ofOtley while studying Maths,Business, Food Technologyand Travel & Tourism at ourschool. Coming to the UKhas been somethingof a culture shock forPratiksha, but shecontinues to enjoyexperiencing newthings, and islooking forwardto her first typicalBritish Christmas.students, in the spring.In addition, Year 10 pupilshad an early taste of China’sOlympic Games when theyjoined their counterparts onSports Day at Xuejun High<strong>School</strong>, our Chinese partnerschool in Hangzhou. Otherhighlights of the nine-day tripincluded visits to Wuzhengwater town, Lingyin Templeand the city’s most famousattraction, the West Lake.EVERY Year 7 pupil received a free book as part of the Booked Upscheme this year. Pupils were first given a Booked Up magazine,containing a brief review of each title and peers’ recommendations.Shannon English, Year 7, said: “I think giving away free books is areally good idea because it encourages children to read.”Meanwhile, members of our new after-school Robotics Clubare taking part in an international First Lego League competitionin December at the <strong>University</strong> of Leeds. The team’s task is to solvea “Power Puzzle” which this year involves renewable energy. TheClub meets every Thursday in the library – new members arealways welcome.6 7Cultural exchange:Pratiksha Pageni.Reading and roboticsProblem solvers: Robotics Clubmembers Sam Wellington, HenryLaverty, Leo Hannan and MarcusBenn-Landale, Year 7.

WE ARE A LEEDS INCLUSIVEUnrivalled in netballOF the three netball tournamentsplayed so far in Leeds, all threehave been won by <strong>Prince</strong>Henry’s <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong>.Our teams triumphed in theU14 and U13 Leeds <strong>School</strong>sInvitation Tournament, as wellas the U15 Leeds <strong>School</strong>sTournament, in which<strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s beatthe West Yorkshirechampions, Leeds GirlsHigh <strong>School</strong>.In addition, the U14team were finalists andthe U15 team semifinalistsin the WestYorkshire InvitationTournament, whichconsisted of teams fromthe two top schools inKirklees, Calderdale,Bradford and Leeds.Finally, the new“Academy” set upto improve our bestplayers’ skills hasproved a big hit.On court to win: Ellie Barker, Year 8, Casey Brownbill and Vicki Wood, Year10, Ella Rembacken, Year 9, Olivia Coyle, Year 8, and Hollie Phimister, Year 9.Sports in briefl Fundraising is in full swing for our two netball and tworugby teams’ trip to Dubai next Easter. Many thanks toDean Hyam for organising the event.l Good luck to the first team and apprentice boys as theycompete for the first time in the renowned U18 Super16 Rugby Tournament.l Fingers crossed for the U14 and U19 netball squads,who are to take part in the county round of theNational <strong>School</strong>s Netball Tournament.Local and national sports starsTHE following <strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s pupils have achieved fabulousindividual accolades:Run– it’sfun!Hit the trail: RunningClub membersLaura Chaplin,Year 10, andJack Hooton andAndrew Pullan,Year 9.IT is fantastic to see the increasing number ofrunners at <strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s. More than 50 pupilstrain regularly and all six teams came either firstor second in last year’s Leeds <strong>School</strong>s League.All four age group squads also made it throughto the second round of the English <strong>School</strong>s Cup– the only school fromLeeds or Bradford toachieve this feat.The club is opento all for racing orrecreation, so comeand join in.Netballl West Yorkshire CountyAcademy – Jade Firth, HolliWilson, Zoe Coates, CaseyBrownbill and Abbi Hewitt.l City U13 – Holly Cooper, OliviaCoyle, Ellie Barker, Beth Firthand Kate Marshall.l City U15 – Sam Care,Hollie Phimister, JessQuinn, Charlotte Ford,Jess Hargreaves, EllaRembacken, Kate Preston,Hannah Whitworth and EmilyIsherwood.Rugbyl Scotland U18 – Alex Blackl Yorkshire U18 – Alex Black,Stephen Costello, JoelGill, Gareth Denman, DaveSimmons and Jack Mackie.l Central Yorkshire U15 – JackLester, Barnaby Gill, MatthewBower, Josh Bennett, JoshDyson, Josh Pinder, NathanRogers and Richard Goakes.l Central Yokshire U14 – EwanBrannan, Will Prest, Will Riggand Louis Hooper.SCHOOL<strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong>SPECIALIST LANGUAGE COLLEGEFarnley Lane,Otley,West YorkshireLS21 2BB.Tel: (01943) 463524Fax: (01943) 850978Website: www.princehenrys.co.ukINVIEWEditorial Co-ordinator: Alison Hinchcliffe.inview is producedby Words&Pictures.Tel: 01943 854800.

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