Garden Whistle Mar 2012 -

Garden Whistle Mar 2012 - Garden Whistle Mar 2012 -
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The Garden Whistle - November 2011The Garden Whistle - March 2012What others thought...I had a great time at the weekend it all seemedto go smoothly from where I was. Good varietyof layouts, nice crowd to chat to. What morecan I say? Kabita Whale. (Christchurch).Watching trains at Ashburton. Photo by Raynor.The great thing about Garden Railway Conventionsis that everybody seems to get somethingdifferent out of them. Here is some feedbackfrom some of the participants:I thoroughly enjoyed the concept used at theConvention this year. Having the clinics at thevarious railways was a welcome change fromwhat we have become used to over the years, inall scales. Ian Galbraith. (Masterton).Well done great layouts, variety with keenowners. Plenty of ideas all rounded off with spoton organisation. Thanks from me.Raynor Johnston. (Hamilton).I must say I did enjoy the layout focus. It wasdefinitely a highlight being able to see so manydifferent layouts and has re-invigorated meperhapseven to actually getting somethingstarted at last. The other components of clinicsand of course meeting 'new' fellow enthusiasts(and putting faces to names) were able to be accomplishedjust as well in this format, though Iappreciate the mobile catering kept you on themove. I did also much appreciate the prototypevisit, which has been on my 'to do' list for quitesometime, and was probably the registrationclincher for me. Philip Smith. (Wellington).I enjoyed catching up with people I had metbefore, almost like a family reunion. The mostsatisfying part was when two people gave mepositive feedback about the clinic I did last year.I also enjoyed seeing all the railways in operationand the various methods of construction,and the beautiful gardens.Jenny also enjoyed meeting new people and Iam sure has found some new friends.Hugh and Jenny Keal. (Auckland).Page 4

The Garden Whistle - March 2012This is another one of those great G scale conventionswhich I can add to the list that I haveattended. It was good to catch up with oldfriends and meet new ones.We saw a varied range of great layouts of theChristchurch garden railway group along withsome exceptional scratch building that has beenfeatured in the Garden Whistle, but by attendingyou sure get the bigger picture.Michael Hilliar. (Auckland).It was a great weekend so good to catch upwith people who are so enthusiastic about theirhobby and meet up with people and put a nameto a face who in the past was just a name in amagazine or newsletter and chat away on a commonsubject. Thanks Glen and Brenda an eventwell done and I really did enjoy myself.John (two lunch) Lammiman. (Christchurch).Thanks for a great weekend. Meeting othermembers of the Christchurch group, who forme, had until now, only been names on themembership list, visiting their layouts & finallyputting faces to the names of our out of townvisitors made for a thoroughly enjoyable weekend.A nice touch to finish at the tavern, pitythey hadn't tidied up the buildings & run a propertrain. Well done.John Bethune. (Dunedin).Christchurch presented us with a differentstyle of Convention, not excluding the welcomingearthquake on Friday evening. There is nodoubt there is a different feel in Christchurchnow, a mix of apprehension, determination, perhapsa element of fearbut resolve too. Butyou can take the inherentbeauty out of Canterburyand Christchurchin particular.And the 9 railwayson show all spoke highlyof what the regionhas on offer. Each railwaywas different, butall well presented andcertainly different toour Wellington regionrailways. A nice gardeningclimate might"Post Convention Offer" Train Signs.I am happy to provide a .dxf file to take to asign maker to have them cut out.Also instructions on what to do.They can be 200, 300 or 400mm square.Anyone interested can email me and motivation from a strong club. A realpoint of difference was the amount and skill ofthe scratch building, and a couple of the railwayswith some generous sweeping curves.Saturday progressively warmed, and the Vulcanrailcar ride on the Plains Railway remindedme of hot summer holidays journeys, ah thememories. Sunday being somewhat overcastmeant less seeking shade but still comfortablefor railway viewing. Food was good, companywas good, railways were great. Roll on the nextvisit. John Robinson (Wellington)Vulcan railcar RM50 at the viewing platform on the Plains RailwayPage 5

The <strong>Garden</strong> <strong>Whistle</strong> - November 2011The <strong>Garden</strong> <strong>Whistle</strong> - <strong>Mar</strong>ch <strong>2012</strong>What others thought...I had a great time at the weekend it all seemedto go smoothly from where I was. Good varietyof layouts, nice crowd to chat to. What morecan I say? Kabita Whale. (Christchurch).Watching trains at Ashburton. Photo by Raynor.The great thing about <strong>Garden</strong> Railway Conventionsis that everybody seems to get somethingdifferent out of them. Here is some feedbackfrom some of the participants:I thoroughly enjoyed the concept used at theConvention this year. Having the clinics at thevarious railways was a welcome change fromwhat we have become used to over the years, inall scales. Ian Galbraith. (Masterton).Well done great layouts, variety with keenowners. Plenty of ideas all rounded off with spoton <strong>org</strong>anisation. Thanks from me.Raynor Johnston. (Hamilton).I must say I did enjoy the layout focus. It wasdefinitely a highlight being able to see so manydifferent layouts and has re-invigorated meperhapseven to actually getting somethingstarted at last. The other components of clinicsand of course meeting 'new' fellow enthusiasts(and putting faces to names) were able to be accomplishedjust as well in this format, though Iappreciate the mobile catering kept you on themove. I did also much appreciate the prototypevisit, which has been on my 'to do' list for quitesometime, and was probably the registrationclincher for me. Philip Smith. (Wellington).I enjoyed catching up with people I had metbefore, almost like a family reunion. The mostsatisfying part was when two people gave mepositive feedback about the clinic I did last year.I also enjoyed seeing all the railways in operationand the various methods of construction,and the beautiful gardens.Jenny also enjoyed meeting new people and Iam sure has found some new friends.Hugh and Jenny Keal. (Auckland).Page 4

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