Garden Whistle Mar 2012 -

Garden Whistle Mar 2012 - Garden Whistle Mar 2012 -
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The Garden Whistle - March 2012The LBSC Live Steam - DieselText and Photos by David Bousfield(Auckland)Here is my tribute to LBSC, the famous andprolific miniature steam loco designer. Twoand a half years in the making. I bought a bundleof old magazines from the 1930's and a constructionarticle caught my eye. The articlestarts with:“The success of the Diesel locomotive on intermittentshunting work and short branch-lineoperation has inspired many small locomotivebuilders to attempt a small edition; but owing tothe fact that nature cannot be "scaled", it is impossibleto make a little Diesel which will operatelike a big one with crude oil as fuel. Youcould not get the compression, even if the fuelwere injected correctly. However, there is noneed to let that fact deter you, as we can build alocomotive which looks like a Diesel, and operateit by steam; so here is a short description ofsuch a locomotive, suitable for gauge 0, onwhich it will do all that "Sister Diesel" does on 4ft. 8 ½ gauge".I thought the loco would be a quick build, butwas wrong. I scaled the plans up from O gaugeto Gauge 1 then added a little bit here and thereto make it look better with my LGB stock.This loco was built as a tribute to LBSC, butthe cylinder is pure K.N Harris (LBSC's nemesis):-) It has a built-up cylinder block with allthe porting and dimensions to K.N Harris' book.The exhaust sounds nice and snappy. As thisneeded to be a fairly high speed motor (by mystandards), I opted for a reduced piston strokebut an increased bore, and it is over-square. Iraised the cylinder as high as could be to reduceangularity and do away with a crosshead. I fittedscrew-down drain cocks to the cylinder asper K.N Harris' recommendations.Page 10

The Garden Whistle - March 2012The loco was built using 6 mm bore x 13 mmOD ball races, I have a plentiful supply of them,so 6 mm silver steel was used for all the shafting.Besides the crankshaft, the big-end is alsoball raced. The loco is worm driven, I made myown, it was a real mission, but still enjoyable. Ithought the motor would guzzle steam at a greatrate with the gearing (nearly twice the volumeof steam as a RH loco with wheels the same diameter)so I made the boiler as big as possible.As the motor exhaust doesn't go up the funnel asmoke box wasn't needed. The boiler is a twinburner gas fired affair with a central internal uptakeflue with water all around it.The bodywork is all 0.6 mm steel, and as it'salmost a one-piece lift off structure now, is quiterigid. It's all soft soldered together, I am a fanof soft soldering now that I have a 80 W ironand the right flux.The bodywork lifts off to reveal the works.Initially I couldn't bring myself to paint it, andhad been contemplating naming the loco "SilverLady". But now the loco is resplendent in NZRblack.As the loco has a short-stroke single cylinder,and the flywheel is now rather inaccessible, anelectric starter was made for it. The loco runsnicely at a slow crawl, and the exhaust note isfantastic.This video shows various clips: video shows the starter being used: 11

The <strong>Garden</strong> <strong>Whistle</strong> - <strong>Mar</strong>ch <strong>2012</strong>The LBSC Live Steam - DieselText and Photos by David Bousfield(Auckland)Here is my tribute to LBSC, the famous andprolific miniature steam loco designer. Twoand a half years in the making. I bought a bundleof old magazines from the 1930's and a constructionarticle caught my eye. The articlestarts with:“The success of the Diesel locomotive on intermittentshunting work and short branch-lineoperation has inspired many small locomotivebuilders to attempt a small edition; but owing tothe fact that nature cannot be "scaled", it is impossibleto make a little Diesel which will operatelike a big one with crude oil as fuel. Youcould not get the compression, even if the fuelwere injected correctly. However, there is noneed to let that fact deter you, as we can build alocomotive which looks like a Diesel, and operateit by steam; so here is a short description ofsuch a locomotive, suitable for gauge 0, onwhich it will do all that "Sister Diesel" does on 4ft. 8 ½ gauge".I thought the loco would be a quick build, butwas wrong. I scaled the plans up from O gaugeto Gauge 1 then added a little bit here and thereto make it look better with my LGB stock.This loco was built as a tribute to LBSC, butthe cylinder is pure K.N Harris (LBSC's nemesis):-) It has a built-up cylinder block with allthe porting and dimensions to K.N Harris' book.The exhaust sounds nice and snappy. As thisneeded to be a fairly high speed motor (by mystandards), I opted for a reduced piston strokebut an increased bore, and it is over-square. Iraised the cylinder as high as could be to reduceangularity and do away with a crosshead. I fittedscrew-down drain cocks to the cylinder asper K.N Harris' recommendations.Page 10

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