IGCSE Computer Studies-Syllabus 09.pdf - Ourpgs.com

IGCSE Computer Studies-Syllabus 09.pdf - Ourpgs.com

IGCSE Computer Studies-Syllabus 09.pdf - Ourpgs.com

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COMPUTER STUDIES 0420 <strong>IGCSE</strong> 2009DESIGN 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks7. Action plan In<strong>com</strong>plete orunclear actionplan.8. Description ofthe method ofsolution. Thiscould be in theform of topdowndesign,structurediagrams,flowcharts orpseudocode.Unclear orconfused methodof solution.9. Hardware An in<strong>com</strong>plete listof hardware.10. Software List of softwareused.Detailed actionplan, includingtime schedule,possibly a Ganttchart/diagram.Clear method ofsolution but someaspects of themethod of solutionare missing.A <strong>com</strong>plete list ofhardware.Description of thesoftware used.Detailed actionplan, includingtime scheduleclearly linked tothe objectives insection 2.Clear and detaileddescription of themethod of solution,including databasetables, anyrelationships.(Must includeannotation orexplanation of atleast one moduleof any softwaregeneratedcoding/queries.)A <strong>com</strong>plete list ofhardware togetherwith at least tworeasons why suchhardware isneeded in thecontext of theproposedsolutionJustification as towhy this softwareis being used orwritten, e.g. whytwo facilities areneeded from thesoftware.IMPLEMENTATION 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks11. Method of solution relatedto the problem by suitablemeans, including the useof annotated listings orpseudocode, spreadsheetformulas, database tables,site plans of website.Description of themethod of solutiondescribed in genericterms.Description of themethod of solutiondescribed in specificdetails relevant to theproblem.12. Accurate method ofsolution.Partly successful, someof the <strong>com</strong>puter-relatedobjectives achieved aslisted previously.Mostly successful, mostof the <strong>com</strong>puter-relatedobjectives achieved aslisted previously.Completelysuccessful, all of the<strong>com</strong>puter-relatedobjectives achievedas listed previously23www.ourpgs.<strong>com</strong>

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