Phonetics - Anthropology

Phonetics - Anthropology Phonetics - Anthropology
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Class website:ReminderAnthropology 027• 6, PhoneticsIMPORTANT NOTE This lecture uses Unicode IPA fonts whichshould be available on any computer runningWindows XP or Mac OS X, but if not: Unicode IPA fonts are at:••• For hints on entering phonetic chars:• so you don’t feel bad If you were studying biochemistry: fructose 6-phosphate + adenosinetriphosphate is catalyzed byphosphofructokinase to produce fructose1,6 bisphosphate + adenosine diphosphate+ a hydrogen atom this is just 1 step of 10 in glycosis which isthe initial part of breaking down sugar toenergyPhonetics, Ch. 5 Introduction• Sound segments• Spelling and speech• IPA [aj pi ej] Articulatory phonetics Acoustic phoneticsIntroduction Sound segments Spelling and speech• psycho [s ʌ j k o] (nb: 5 not 4 segments)• ghoti [fɪʃ]−‘gh’ of tough−‘o’ of women−‘ti’ of nation1

Class website:Reminder<strong>Anthropology</strong> 027• 6, <strong>Phonetics</strong>IMPORTANT NOTE This lecture uses Unicode IPA fonts whichshould be available on any computer runningWindows XP or Mac OS X, but if not: Unicode IPA fonts are at:••• For hints on entering phonetic chars:• so you don’t feel bad If you were studying biochemistry: fructose 6-phosphate + adenosinetriphosphate is catalyzed byphosphofructokinase to produce fructose1,6 bisphosphate + adenosine diphosphate+ a hydrogen atom this is just 1 step of 10 in glycosis which isthe initial part of breaking down sugar toenergy<strong>Phonetics</strong>, Ch. 5 Introduction• Sound segments• Spelling and speech• IPA [aj pi ej] Articulatory phonetics Acoustic phoneticsIntroduction Sound segments Spelling and speech• psycho [s ʌ j k o] (nb: 5 not 4 segments)• ghoti [fɪʃ]−‘gh’ of tough−‘o’ of women−‘ti’ of nation1

The IPA Founded in 1888 (Paul Passy, Henry Sweet,Karl Meinhof, Otto Jespersen)• 4 vowel heights < French• [j] rather than [y] < German, Dutch,Scandinavian, Slavic, Baltic lgs Daniel Jones: founded Dept of <strong>Phonetics</strong> &Lx at UCL Last minor revisions in 1989Articulatory <strong>Phonetics</strong> Airstream mechanisms Consonants (C’s) Places of Articulation (PofA) Manners of Articulation (MofA)• Voicing• Nasal vs oral• Fricatives• AffricatesArticulatory <strong>Phonetics</strong> cont’d Manners of Articulation cont’d• Approximants−liquids (r’s and l’s)−glides (semivowels [j] & [w], [h]) Vowels Major classes Syllables Suprasegmental (Prosodic) featuresAirstream mechanisms pulmonic• egressive glottalic• egressive (ejectives)• ingressive (implosives) velaric• ingressive (clicks)Consonants Cs: produced with some restriction orclosure in vocal tract Places of Articulation (PofA)• bilabial [p, b, m]• labiodental [f, v]• interdental [θ, ð]• dental/alveolar [t, d, n, s, z, l, r]C’s, cont’d P of A, cont’d• palatoalveolar [ʃ, ʒ, tʃ, dʒ; or š, ž, č, ɟ̌]• velar [k, g, ŋ]• uvular [ʁ, q]• glottal [ʔ, h]2

Manner of Articulation:overview Voiced / Voiceless Aspirated / Non-aspirated Nasal / oral Stops Fricatives (a.k.a spirants) Affricates Approximants: Liquids & GlidesVoiced & Voiceless Sounds Initial position• fine / vine• thigh / thy• seal / zeal• choke / joke Final position• wreath / wreathe• bus / buzzVl / Vd -- Harder Examples Initial• pat / bat• touch / Dutch• coal / goal Final [note long vowel in vd. members]• tap / tab• set / said• pick / pig Aspirated• pot [p h ɑt]• tar [t h ar]• cool [k h ul] Non-aspirated• spot [spɑt]• star [star]• school [skul]AspirationOral vs Nasal soft palate (= velum) lowered fornasals• Sim [sɪm]• sin [sɪn]• sing [sɪŋ] velum is raised for oral sounds Nasal stopsStops• [ ɲ] as in Sp. niña [niɲa] ‘girl’ Oral stops (a.k.a. plosives)• [p, t, k, b, d, g]• [q] uvular stop (Inuktitut qimmiq ‘dog’,Quechua nuqa ‘I’)• [ʔ] glottal stop3

Fricatives formerly called ‘spirants’ [f, v, s, z, θ, ð, ʃ, ʒ] [θ] as in ‘thigh’ [θaj] [ð] as in ‘thy’ [ðaj] [ʃ] as in ‘assure’ [əˈʃur] [ʒ] as in ‘azure’ [ˈæʒur]A Few More Fricatives [x] vl. velar, e.g. Sp. jota [xota] ‘j’ [ɣ] vd. velar, e.g. Sp. haga [aɣa] [ʁ] vl. uvular, e.g. Fr. rouge [ʁuʒ] [ɬ] vl. alveolar lateral, e.g. Welsh ‘ll’Affricates stop + fricative combination [tʃ] as in ‘cheque’ [tʃɛk] [dʒ] as in ‘judge’ [dʒʌdʒ]Approximants liquids: lateral and r-like approximants glides: other approximants laterals• alveolar [l]• palatal [ʎ], as in Andean Sp. calle [kaʎe] ‘street’Approximants cont’d The family of ‘r’• [r] trill, as in Sp. carro [karo] ‘cart’• [ɾ] tap, as in Sp. caro [kaɾo] ‘expensive’,or as in NA English ‘ladder’ (sometimesmistakenly called a flap)The family of ‘r’ cont’d [ ɻ ] retroflex approximant (our ‘r’) [ɹ ] alveolar approximant (someEnglish speakers) [ ʁ] uvular fricative (French) [ ʀ] uvular trill (German, French?) [ ɽ ] flap (Norw. blad ‘newspaper, leaf’)4

Glides [ j ] ‘yod’ palatal• as in ‘yes’ [jes], sigh [saj] [w] ‘waw’ labiovelar• as in ‘witch, which’ [h] glottal [ʍ] vl. labiovelar, Amer. ‘which’Vowels Tongue height• High (close): seat [i], sit [ɪ], suit [sut]• Mid: bait [e], bet [bɛt], boat [bot]• Low: (open) cat [kæt], cot [kɑt] Tongue position• Front: [i, ɪ, e, ɛ, æ]• Central: butt [bʌt], sofa [sofə]• Back: [u, ʊ, o, ɒ]V’s cont’d Rounded• boot [but]• book [bʊk]• boat [bot]• tall [tɒl] Unrounded• all other English vowelsNames for Vowels close i [i] ‘he’close u [u] ‘who’ open i [ɪ] ‘hid’open u [ʊ] ‘hood’ close e [e] ‘hay’ close o [o] ‘hoe’ open e [ɛ] ‘head’ open o [ɔ] ‘haw’ nb: open o in Can. Eng. only in [ɔj] ash, digraph [æ] ‘had’ schwa [ə] ‘sofa’ wedge [ʌ] ‘duck’Diphthongs two vowel sounds in one syllable [aj] ‘eyes’ [ajz] [ʌj] ‘ice’ [ʌjs] [aw] ‘cloud’ [klawd] [ʌw] ‘clout’ [klʌwt] [ɔj] ‘boy’ [bɔj]Diphthongs cont’d Tense vowels in English are diphthongs• [ej] as in ‘hay’ [hej]• [ow] as in ‘hoe’ [how]• [ij] as in ‘he’ [hij]• [uw] as in ‘who’ [huw]• nb: the latter two are not usually written5

Major classes obstruents: non-nasal stops,fricatives & affricates sonorants: everything else: nasalstops, approximants, vowels coronals: alveolars, palatoalveolars,palatals anteriors: labials, alveolarsSyllable structure [no]: onset = [n], rhyme = [o] [pro]: onset = [pr], rhyme = [o] [strɪŋ]: onset = [str], nucleus = [I],coda = [ŋ] (rhyme = nucleus + coda)Syllabic consonants listen [lɪsn̩] friar [frajr̩] rhythm [rɪðm̩] Rachel [retʃl̩] text follows common practice andwrites: [lɪsən, frajər, rɪðəm, retʃəl]Tone Cantonese• si ‘poem’: high level tone [˥ ]• si ‘to try’ : mid level tone [ ˧ ]• si ‘matter’: low level tone [ ˨ ]• si ‘time’: extra low tone [ ˩ ]• si ‘to cause’: mid->high rising tone [ ˧˥ ]• si ‘city’: low->mid rising tone [ ˨˧ ]6

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