Physical Activity QEP - Southern Adventist University

Physical Activity QEP - Southern Adventist University

Physical Activity QEP - Southern Adventist University


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SOUTHERN ADVENTIST UNIVERSITYProceduresThe Rockport One-Mile Walking Test data will be collected during all activity coursesusing an heart rate monitor on a level quarter mile track. The IPAQ data will be collectedfrom a computer generated questionnaire as an assignment when enrolled in an activitycourse. Descriptive data (Rockport One-Mile Walking Test level and IPAQ level) andRockport One-Mile Walking Test raw VO 2 max scores will be collected for each cohortand at mid-semester for all other activity courses.Design and AnalysisDescriptive statistics will be used to report results for each cohort group by year forcategorical data. Repeated measures ANOVA will be used to report raw VO 2 max scoresRockport One-Mile Walking Test and three levels of the IPAQ will be reported usingdescriptive statistics.The results from the Rockport One-Mile Walking Test for each cohort group will beanalyzed two ways. First, the percentage of students who increase their raw VO 2 maxscore over time will be reported. Second, the percentage of students who achieve thelevel-3 (see Appendix A) or higher category will be reported each year for the cohortgroup.Categorical scoring will be used for the IPAQ analysis for the three levels (seeAppendix B). The percentage of students in each category will be reported by year forthe cohort group.ResultsThe degree to which the <strong>QEP</strong> is successful will be measured by the following threestudent-learning targets:1. 50% of the cohort completing the Rockport One-Mile Walking Test will achieve2007-2011)2. 50% of the cohort completing the International <strong>Physical</strong> <strong>Activity</strong> Questionnairewill achieve the American College of Sports Medicine recommendations forcardiorespiratory activity annually. (Baseline 16% in 2007-2011)3. Of the cohort completing the Rockport One-Mile Walking Test annually, 30%will increase their VO 2 max score from year one to year two, 20% will increasetheir VO 2 max score from year two to year three, and 10% will increase theirVO 2 max score from year three to year four.32

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