Asphalt Overlay of CDC Roads - Clark Freeport Zone

Asphalt Overlay of CDC Roads - Clark Freeport Zone Asphalt Overlay of CDC Roads - Clark Freeport Zone


Section IX. Bidding FormsTABLE OF CONTENTSBid Form ......................................................................................... 93Form of Contract Agreement ............................................................ 95Omnibus Sworn Statement ............................................................... 9792

Bid FormDate: ___________________IAEB 2 N o : ________________To: Mr. Benigno N. RicafortPresident and CEOClark Development CorporationBldg. 2122 E. Quirino Avenue,CDC Corporate CenterClark Freeport Zone 2023We, the undersigned, declare that:(a) We have examined and have no reservation to the Bidding Documents, includingAddenda, for the Contract Asphalt Overlay of CDC Roads;(b) We offer to execute the Works for this Contract in accordance with the Bid andBid Data Sheet, General and Special Conditions of Contract accompanying thisBid;The total price of our Bid, excluding any discounts offered in item (d) below is:[insert information];The discounts offered and the methodology for their application are: [insertinformation];(c) Our Bid shall be valid for a period of 120 calendar days from the date fixed forthe Bid submission deadline in accordance with the Bidding Documents, and itshall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before theexpiration of that period;(d) If our Bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a Performance Security in theamount of [insert percentage amount] percent of the Contract Price for the dueperformance of the Contract;93

Section IX. Bidding FormsTABLE OF CONTENTSBid Form ......................................................................................... 93Form <strong>of</strong> Contract Agreement ............................................................ 95Omnibus Sworn Statement ............................................................... 9792

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