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THE AWFUL FATE OF MR. WOLF. 63old man was compelled to assume a threatening attitude;but peace reigned again, and the littleboyperched himself on a chair, watching Uncle Kemusdriving in pegs." Folks w'at's allers pesterin' people, en bodderin''longer dat w'at ain't dern,don't never come ter nogood eend. Dar wuz Brer Wolf ;stidder mindin' unhis own bizness, he hatter take en go in pardnershipswid Brer Fox, en dey want skacely a minnit in de daydat he want atter Brer Rabbit, en he kep' on en kep'on twel fus' news you knowed he got kotch up widen he got kotch up wid monstus bad."" Goodness, Uncle Eemus I !thought the Wolf letthe Rabbit alone, after he tried to fool him about theFox being dead."" Better lemme tell dish yer my way. Bimebyhit'll be yo' bed time, en Miss Sally'll be a hollerin'atter you, en you'll be a whimplin' rouri', en den MarsJohn'll fetch up de re'r wid dat ar strop w'at I madefer 'im."The child laughed, and playfully shook his fist inthe simple, serious face of the venerable old darkey,but said no more. Uncle Remus waited awhile to besure there was to be no other demonstration, and thenproceeded :"Brer Rabbit ain't see no peace w'atsumever.He can't leave home 'cep' Brer Wolf 'ud make a raiden tote off some er de fambly. Brer Rabbit b'ilt 'im a

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