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58 LEGENDS OF THE OLD PLANTATION." Brer Fox he stay still. Den Brer Rabbit he talklittle louder :" 'Mighty funny. Brer Fox look like he dead, yithe don't do like he dead. Dead fokes hists der behimeleg en hollers wahoo! w'en a man come ter see um,'sez Brer Rabbit, sezee." Sho' nuff, Brer Fox lif up his foot en hollerwahoo ! en Brer Rabbit he tear out de house like dedogs wuz atter 'im. Brer Wolf mighty smart, butnex' time you hear fum 'im, honey, he'llYou des hole yo' breff'n wait."be in trouble.xn.MR. FOX TACKLES OLD MAN TARRYPIN." ONE day," said Uncle Remus, sharpening his knifeon the palm of his hand" one day Brer Fox strike upwid Brer Tarrypin right inde middle er de big road.Brer Tarrypin done heerd 'im comin', en he 'low terhissef dat he'd sorter keep one eye open but Brer Fox;wuz monstus perlite, en he open up de confab, he did,like he ain't see Brer Tarrypin sence de las' freshit." 'Heyo, Brer Tarrypin, whar you bin dis longcome-short?' sez Brer Fox, sezee." *Lounjun 'roun', Brer Fox, lounjun 'roun',' sezBrer Tarrypin.

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