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MISS COW FALLS A VICTIM TO MR. RABBIT. 45in debin jam in de tree so tight dat twuz way 'fo daymornin' 'fo' she loose it.Anyhow hit wuz endurin' erde night, en atter she git loose she sorter graze 'roun',she did, fer ter jestify'er stummuck. She 'low'd, oleMiss Cow did, dat Brer Kabbit be hoppin' 'long datway fer ter see how she gittin' on, en she tuck'n lay ertrap fer 'im en des 'bout sunrise wat'd ole Miss Cow;do but march up ter de 'simmon tree en stick er hornback in de hole ?But, bless yo' soul, honey, w'ile shewuz croppin' de grass, she tuck one moufull toomenny, kaze w'en she hitch on ter de 'simmon treeagin, Brer Rabbit wuz settin' in de fence cornder awatchin' un 'er. Den Brer Rabbit he say ter hisse'f :" 'Heyo,' sezee, ' w'at dis yer gwine on now? Holeyo' hosses, Sis Cow, twel you hear me comin',' sezee." En den he crope off down de fence, Brer Rabbitdid, en bimeby here he comelippity-clippity,clippitylippity" 'des a sailin' down de big road.Mornin', Sis Cow,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, ' howyou come on dis mornin' ? 'sezee." 'Po'ly, Brer Rabbit, po'ly,' sez Miss Cow, sez she.*'I ain't had no res' all night,' sez she. I can't pullloose,' sez she, ' but ef you'll come en ketch holt er my'tail, Brer Rabbit,' sez she, I reckin may be I kin fetchmy horn out,' sez she. Den Brer Rabbit, he come uplittle closer, but he ain't gittin' too close.sez Brer Rabbit," 'I speck I'm nigh nuff, Sis Cow,'sezee.*I'm a mighty puny man, en I might git

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