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34 LEGENDS OF THE OLD PLANTATION.ter git 'im dis time ef it take twel Chris'mus,'" Den, atter some mo' palaver, Brer Fox make abargain dat Mr. Buzzard wuz ter watch de hole, enkeep Brer Rabbit dar wiles Brer Fox went atter hisaxe. Den Brer Fox, he lope off,he did, en Mr. Buzzard,he tuck up his stan' at de hole. Bimeby, w'enall git still,Brer Rabbit sorter scramble down close terde hole, he did, en holler out :" 'Brer Fox ! Oh Brer Fox !!" Brer Fox done gone, en nobody say nuthin'.'Den Brer Rabbit squall out like he wuz mad ;sezee :" 'You needn't talk lessyou wanter,' sezee ;knows youer dar, en I ain't keerin',' sezee. 'I deswanter tellyou dat I wish mighty bad Brer TukkeyBuzzard wuz here,' sezee." Den Mr. Buzzard try ter talk like Brer Fox :" 'Wat you want wid Mr. Buzzard ? ' sezee."'Oh, nuthin' in 'tickler, 'cep''Idere's de fattes'gray squir'l in yer dat ever I see,' sezee, ' en ef BrerTukkey Buzzard wuz 'roun' he'd be mighty glad feiter git 'im,' sezee."'How Mr. Buzzard gwine ter git 'im?' sez deBuzzard, sezee." 'Well, dar's a little hole roun' on de udder side erde tree,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'en ef Brer TukkeyBuzzard wuz here so he could take up his stan' dar,'sezee, *I'd drive dat squir'l out,' sezee.

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