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32 LEGENDS OP THE OLD PLANTATION.ef he wuz de king er de patter-rollers,* en den hemount Brer Fox en ride off." Brer Fox ain't sayin' nuthin' 'tall. He des rackoff, he did, en keep his inouf shet, en Brer Rabbitknow'd der wuz bizness cookin' up fer him, en hefeel monstus skittish. Brer Fox amble on twel he gitin de long lane, outer sight er Miss Meadows's house,en den he tu'n loose, he did. He rip en he r'ar, en hecuss, en he swar he snort en he cavort.";" What was he doing that for, Uncle Remus " ? thelittleboy inquired." He wuz tryin' fer ter fling Brer Rabbit off'n hisback, bless yo' soul ! But he des mightez well errastle wid his own shadder. Every time he humphisse'f Brer Rabbit slap de spurrers in 'im, en dardey had it, up en down. Brer Fox fa'rly to' up degroun' he did, en he jump so high en he jump sosnatch his own tail off.quick dat he mighty nighDey kep' on gwine on dis way twel bimeby Brer Foxlay down en roll over, he did, en dis sorter onsettleBrer Rabbit, but by de time Brer Fox got back on hisfootses agin, Brer Rabbit wuz gwine thoo de underbreshmo' samer dan a race-hoss. Brer Fox he lit out* Patrols. In the country districts, order was kept on the plantationsat night by the knowledge that they were liable to be visitedat any moment by the patrols. Hence a song current among thenegroes, the chorus of which was :" Run, nigger, run ; patter-roller ketch youRun, nigger, run ;hit's almos' day."

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