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24 LEGENDS OF THE OLD PLANTATION.VI.MR. RABBIT GROSSLY DECEIVES MR. FOX.ONE evening when the little boy, whose nights withUncle Remus were as entertaining as those Arabianones of blessed memory, had finished supper and hurriedout to sit with his venerable patron, he found theold man in great glee.Indeed, Uncle Remus was talkingand laughing to himself at such a rate that the littleboy was afraid he had company. The truth is,UncleRemus had heard the child coming, and, when the rosycheekedchap put his head in at the door, was engagedin a monologue, the burden of which seemed to be"Ole Molly Har',Wat you doin' dar,Settin' in de cornderSmokin' yo' seegyar?"As a matter of course this vague allusion remindedthe littleboy of the fact that the wicked Fox was stillin pursuit of the Rabbit, and he immediately put hiscuriosity in the shape of a question."Uncle Remus, did the Rabbit have to go cleanaway when he got loose from the Tar-Baby ? ""Bless gracious, honey, dat he didn't. Who?Him ? You dunno nuthin' 'tall 'bout Brer Rabbit efdat's de way you puttin' 'im down. Wat he gwine'way fer? He moughter stayed sorter close twel de

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