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A NOVEL THAT IS ALL TRUE.Bethany :A Story of the Old South.By THOMAS E. WATSON, author of "The Lifeand Times of Thomas Jefferson," etc. Illustrated.I2mo. Ornamental Cloth, $1.50." Few writers of the present day have reached the deserved literary eminenceand prominence that has been achieved by Thomas E. Watson, Presidentialcandidate of the People's Party, author of The ' Life and Times ofThomas Jefferson' and other important historical works. Mr. Watson is astudent, historian, and biographer, as well as a finished orator. It comes inthe nature of a pleasant surprise, therefore, to find that this brilliant authorhas turned his attention to fiction. Probably no writer of the present daybrings just such broad knowledge, scholarly attainments, and intimate styleinto the composition of his books as does Mr. Watson. He is particularlyrified to bring to a successful termination any literary work he may attempt.Bethany ' he tells in his brilliant style of the old South as he knew it inhis boyhood. This work is only in part fiction. Mr. Watson has succeededadmirably in picturing the life of the people of Georgia during the antislaverycontroversy and the war itself. In doing this he has written a bookthat throbs with human emotions on every page and pulsates with strong,virile life in every sentence. Mr. Watson has written ' Bethany ' from the heartas well as from the head. With broad comprehension and unfailing accuracyhe has drawn characters and depicted incidents which deserve to be consideredas models of the people.""The Hon. Thomas E. Watson of Georgia is a man of many parts.Above all he is still able to learn, as those who will compare the second partof his ' Story of France ' with the first may easily see. In ' Bethany A : Storyof the Old South,' he plunges into romance, it seems to us with complete success.The story is told directly, clearly, in excellent English, and is as vivid aDicture of a Southern family during the war as anyone could wish for."New York Sun."As a 'true picture of the times and the people,' as of war and its horrors,the book will be welcomed by both North and South. Clear, simple, occasionallyabrupt, the story is always subordinated to the historical facts that lieback of it. Yet it cannot be gainsaid that each illumines the other, nor that4Bethany 'possesses distinct value as a just and genuine contribution to the'literature of the present Southern"revival.' Chicago Record-Herald."The love-story of the young soldier and his faithful sweetheart is a perfectidyll of old plantation life, and its sad ending fits properly into the tragedyof that fearful war." St. Louis Globe-Democrat.D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, NEW YORK.

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