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264 HIS SAYINGS.Tempy, w'ich I ain't seed 'er befo' now gwine on sevenyear, an' watchin' de folks trompin' by, w'en one er dezeyer slick-lookin' niggers, wid a bee-gum hat an' a brasswatch ez big ez dehead uv a beer-bar'l,coine 'long an'mebresh up aginso. Dere wuztwo "undeyum, an'went 'longgigglin'an' laffin'like a nes'ful eijailer - hammers.Bimeby dey come'long agin an' desmart Ellick brushup by me once mo'. Den I sayto myse'f, ' I lay I fetch you ef yougimme anudder invite.' An', sho' 'nuff, yer he comeagin, an' dis time he rub a piece er watermillion rimeunder my lef year.""What did you do?""Me ? I'm a mighty long-sufferin' nigger, but hehadn't no mo'n totch me 'fo' I flung dese yer bones inhis face." Here Uncle Remus held up his damagedhand triumphantly." I sorter sprained my han', boss,but dog my cats if I don't b'leeve I spattered de nigger'seyeballs on de groun', and w'en he riz his count'-

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